Saturday, December 31, 2005


I just read a note entitled "Bravery" written, supposedly by a young Marine. Just thought I'd put some old guy into the thing. First, I am one of those that stepped into the breach so that the young man could make such statements, if he did. Second, the reason for stepping into the breach is so that all can speak their minds. That means those that disagree. Third, a young man is more apt than others to be decieved by those who would send him to his death for no good reason. Fourth, one should be wary of those who wrap themselves in the flag. Hitler carried a nation to hell wrapped in a flag.

The war being perpetrated upon the Iraqi, and US, people is a crime. It was brought about by a group that did not have the best interest of the country or world in mind. There is no connection between 9/11 and Iraq. There is NO reason for us to be there. The reason we went to war was to get Bin Laden. He is still alive and well. Al Queda was not in Iraq when we got there. They now drive the politics and agenda in Iraq. Why in the fuck is that young man in Iraq? Who would put him in a position to write such a thing?

Just my guess, but the message was not written by a young Marine, but a political hack trying to score political points. Very sad that such a thing could, or would, be done in the name of a war that we should not be part of. And, in the name of those who stand in the breach for their brethren.

If my supposition is incorrect, I refer to my original statement. Like the writer (maybe) I stood in the breach and earned my right to make up my own mind about whatever subject...and make myself known. Much as the young man is doing now.

Just a thought from Mark Twain: "Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it."

Friday, December 30, 2005

Spontaneous Feeling

In her book, entitled "Bait and Switch," Barbara Ehrenreich wrote, "Picking up after a firing and regrouping in a mode of passionate engagement, and doing so time after time-this is a job for a professional actor or for a person who has lost the capacity for spontaneous feeling." Italics are mine.

So, I was just wondering, is that the issue with so many in the corporate world? Lay, Skilling, Scrushy, and Frist come to mind. These people seem devoid of real emotion of any kind. Their loyalty is to the dollar and nothing more. They seem to believe that they are entitled to do as they wish, as long as it makes money...for themselves. As Mr. Lay sat before the House Committee looking into the Enron scandal, his face was devoid of any emotion. Rather like the oil exec's who sat before another House Committee stone faced and pronounced that they had not been involved with VP Cheney in writing the Energy Bill.

It will be interesting to see how these folks react during their upcoming trials. Those who are most accomplished will of course have a religious experience and move from prison to talk radio. But the others, I wonder if they will somewhere down the road have an epiphany, and actually change their thinking. Or, continue down the path they know and re-create the chaos and mayhem they foisted on so many.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas, The Aftermath

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We surely did. We spent the holiday with our dear friends the Wyma's in Palos Park, ILL (Chicago). The day went just perfectly...if you're looking for a holiday to remember. We had imbibed a little the eve of and when we got up the first and most important issue was coffee and a Bloody Mary. With the first cup of coffee, the dishwasher was turned on. As we all stood in the kitchen contemplating all things perfect, we noticed water running onto the floor from the front of the dishwasher. All sprang to life and the appliance in question was turned off and towels were spread to catch the flow. After a little discussion, the P-traps were loosed and found to be free of debris. That of course meant that places downstream had to opened and sure enough a block was found, and removed. Condensing the operation, down to one line, we were then set for a dinner to rival all others. And, sure enough, David put together a dinner to remember. Filet Mignon, double baked potatoes and bundled esparagus. The butcher had done us a real favor, and the steaks were of the "melt in your mouth" variety. The bundled esparagus was a real treat, though I must admit that the tieing, after cocktails, didn't impress any Boy Scout. However, in the end, they were a hit with all.

For another version of a "Wyma Week-end" we thank you sincerely.

Now we have a couple of weeks to restore our livers and get ready for the next excursion, Washington DC in Jan/Feb.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Presents

We've had two Christmas presents this year. Ted Stevens and his never ending "drill ANWR" seems to have been done in, at least for this year, by Democrats who have suddenly begun to find their balls. And the Patriot Act has been extended as is for 6 months, so that the two sides can continue to negotiate what is to be done with it.

Next year perhaps we can find an impeachment in our stockings. And, DeLay and Frist in jail. Does one good to dream.

S & K Technologies

Since the arrest of Robert J. Klein Jr last month, I have tried to find out more about him and the company that originally took him to Iraq.

S & K Technologies is a contracting company owned by the Salish & Kootenai tribes located in St. Ignatius, MT. This very small town on the Flathead Indian Reservation, some 40 miles north of Missoula, is not a household name in the world at large. But is quite well known to the Department of Defense.

As a Tribal-Owned corporation with the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) as the sole shareholder in the company the two tribes, as sole owners qualifies for the Small Business Administration 8 (a) Program. This program gives the company the ability to offer such things as: a sizeable (unable to quantify) line of credit to fund large contracts; SBA 8 (A) qualified, so that they are not subject to the $3 million limitation on services contracts or the $5 million limitation on supply (manufacturing contracts); the ability to establish more than one 8 (a) firm, if Tribally-Owned; the ability to joint venture with other firms, while size standards for sole-source contracts don't applysince they are Tribally-Owned; participation on the Board of Directors is not restricted.

The second program that is avaiable to the firm is the SBA Hubzone Program. This program provides federal contracting opportunities to firms located in "historically under utilized business (HUB) zones." HUBZONE contracts can be awarded on a sole source or competitive basis.

Pause. The 8 (a) program is divided into two pahses over nine years. A four-year development stage and a five-year transition stage. So my first question is, how does the firm qualify for 8 (a) assistance in 2003? You see, there were government contracts awarded under 8 (a) for Iraq to S & K Technologies in 2003. If my math is correct, 2003 would be 18 years from the time of incorporation, or 9 years past the time when the program would be applicable.

In 2003 Robert J. Stein Jr. was sent as an Administrative Support employee of S & K Technologies to Iraq as a contractor. He was "outprocessed" in October of 2004. He was then hired by the American Occupation Authorities as a comptroller and financial officer. He was then subsequently arrested in the fall of 2005 for bribery and kickback schemes. On the S & K Technologies website, they claim the following: We've earned an outstanding reputation by maintaining the highest ethical standards and professional integrity. Mr. Stein was a felon at the time of his hiring by the firm. It may be that Mr. Stein was squeaky clean during his time with S & K, and only returned to his felon ways when he went to work for the government. However, that claim would be dubious.

Back to S & K Technologies in Montana. They have the HQ in St. Ignatius, MT, an IT group in Bremerton, WA, and Aerospace in Webster, TX, Warner Robbins, GA and Dayton, OH. And of course, an office in Washington D.C. Remember that they can form more than one firm or form joint ventures without penalty under the 8 (a) program. Of the contracts mentioned that were let in 2003, one is worth just less than $5 million, while another is worth $27 million. And what kind of operations are we talking about? Some are communications. However, one involves the EC-130H Compass Call Aircraft. This is a modified Lockheed C-130 Hercules aircraft configured to perform tactical command, control and communication countermeasures or C3CM, used for jamming enemy communications.

So, our little firm on the Flathead Reservation now has arms across the nation and is doing maitainance on Air Force aircraft. And they can be given no-bid contracts due to the 8 (a) status. Where else then do we find this outfit working? On their client list we find the USAF, the Saudi Royal AF, NASA, Dept. of AG, the Coast Guard, GSA, EPA, and FAA. Not a bad client list.

My second question. If no one knows about this firm, and they stay out of the limelight, can it be that they are exploiting the system? And, is the government exploiting the fact that they are covered by 8 (a), to let no-bid contracts?

Right now we don't know the answers. But, Mr Stein will come to court during the next year and it will be of considerable interest to see what part S & K Technologies has played in the Iraq saga.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

11 Million Illiterates

How in the hell do eleven (11) Million people in the US attain adulthood with the inability to read? I've heard lots of discussion about the failure of schools and teachers and parents and...who or what the hell ever, but that statistic actually surprises me. That number means that all of those 11 million people were allowed to move through however many grades and not one teacher noticed, or gave a fat rats ass whether they learned to read or no. The school or schools that they attended took tax money and absolutely, positively and catastrophically failed them. The rest of us, the tax payers, allowed that to happen. We obviously do not demand that schools actually educate their charges. We don't demand that our money be spent wisely and judiciosly.

What do we do about that problem? How do we go about making sure that we get our money's worth from the system? Who is it that must be held accountable for such things as sending finished product into the world with an obvious defect?

It occurs to me that a taxpayers union might be one idea. Have people actually watching schools and holding them accountable to obvious, basic metrics. Such as, the ability to read, write a sentence, and how to do basic math. Seems simple enough on it's face, but obviously it is much more difficult. Because 11 million adults can't accomplish those tasks.

Perhaps if we spent more time working on that issue, rather than whether someone is saying Merry Christmas we might get a better outcome. Or, maybe if we took the money that is being poked down the warhole that is Iraq and put it to use paying teachers what the job is worth. Perhaps hire enough of them to accomplish the task and provide the materials necessary. We might come up with a system that can teach everyone who enters their doors to read. Seems like a worthwhile project to me.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Heavy Heart

Tonight I have a heavy heart. It's not about family. All of them are safe at home with their loved ones. All to old or to young to be a part of Bush's war in Iraq. It's not about friends. All of them are safe and sound also. It's Christmas time, my favorite holiday season of the year. Terri and I are going to spend Christmas in Chicago with our long time friends the Wyma's.

So, what you might wonder would cause me to have a heavy heart? My answer is actually quite simple. It is the last night in the life of Stanley Williams. Williams is to murdered by the state of California at 0001 hours, 12/13/05. Since everyone knows the story, I will spare us all the details. But, tonight I have a heavy heart.

Merry Christmas to all of the Christians in the world. Thou Shalt not kill...indeed.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Now hear this!! All of you fucking idiots screaming about how the lack of the word Christmas is somehow taking the meaning out of the season. Since you're obviously illiterate, let's do a quick fix of your knowledge base. The "Season" is based on an event going back a very long time. Like since the time the earth was able to sustain seasons. It's called Solstice. It was co-opted by the Christians as a significant time for a festival.

If you take the time to speak to a scholar, (a scholar will be someone who can actually read and understand the book you claim to know all about) he/she will tell you that the guy you're claiming as a Savior was probably more likely born in the March/April time frame. There goes your Jesus Birthday bullshit scheme right at it's core.

Since most of this crying and wailing is done by people trying to sell something, (religion) or Christiban, let me just clue you into something. There are a lot of us who don't give a rat's ass about your fucking illiterate claims or your whining. Since we know that you will spend more than we will for presents for this occaison, and will drag out the same old tired shit next year. After comes around every year. Check your calendar for Winter Solstice.

Now SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 08, 2005


I've watched this for a couple of days wondering what the hell was going to happen. Condi Rice went to Europe to try and make nice concerning the flights of terrorists in and out of EU airspace and the possible CIA prisons in a couple (or more) of the EU nations. Suddenly, last night, we see that EU officials say Condi Rice cleared concerns over US policy. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall during that enlightening process.

At the same time, the Law Lords (think Supreme Court US) in England made it known that information gathered using torture would not be allowed. And, that it had been established in England for many hundreds of years. That makes one wonder how the US SCOTUS will handle the question when it comes up. We can sure as hell hope it comes up. In light of the CIA questions being asked, it's hard to imagine that it won't.

My question is:what the hell did that woman say to those EU officials that they would suddenly take her word for anything? She is a known prevaricator inside a regime that has no use for the truth or for facts. Hopefully, a reliable source will spill the proceedings to someone in the press...the Europeans press, since the US press hasn't the guts for that sort of thing. And, certainly doesn't have the will to actually ask questions.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Poorest Populations in the U.S.

According to the newest data from the Census Bureau, roughly 12.5% of the U.S. population is living in poverty. This in the richest nation in the world.

Lest you should think otherwise, children under 18 represent 17.6%.

This data is from 2003, the latest year for which Census data is available. A toltal of between 35.2 and 36.5 million people fell under the poverty threshold. Poverty threshold for a single person was $9,393 or less. For a family of four, that amounts to $18,660. This isn't a lack of HDTV. This is grinding povery.

So what states house the highest percentages of poor residents relative to the state's total population you ask? Mississippi (18.3), Louisiana (18.1%), New Mexico (17.7%), West Virginia (16.3%), and Texas (16.2%).

So, let's see what we have going here. The upper 1% of earner's in the U.S. need a tax break. We pay Wal-Mart (incentives they're called) to build their gulags throughout the country. And, of course we have the Bushco debacle (2 Billion per month) in Iraq.

With 12.5% of the U.S. population living in poverty, that seems more like a crime wave than good governance. The religious crap they peddle is terrific for the ignorant. But as anyone who has ever participated in that business can attest, one of the tenets of christianity is to take care of the least among us. Kinda sounds like Bushit to me.

Noise Pollution

Taken from a post at

A study done by Charite University Medical Centre in Berlin studdied 2,000 heart attack victims. What it revealed is that excessive environmental noise (think airplanes, jack hammers, Bushco) increases heart attacks by 50% in men and 300% in women. Studies have previously linked excessive noise to high blood pressure, heart disease, and cognitive/learning difficulties. Noise kills.

In 1969, Dr. William Stewart, former U.S. Surgeon General, state, "Calling noise a nuisance is like calling smog an inconvenience." And, the EU has established noise as a public-health menace equal to or greater than the problem of cigarette smoke.

If we know then that noise should be curbed for the sake of people's health, the only thing that can be lacking is political will. That should be enough to put it on hold for another 50 years or so. So, we can expect to put up with deafening car stereos roaring enghines and outdoor speakers into the forseeable future.

If that is true, then it occurs to me that quiet is an immensely valuable resource. If that is true, and since I live on 5 acres in a remote location, I wonder if there is an approaching market for quiet. Hmmmm