Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Listened to Negroponte say that the risk to the US was "low," as regards the Dubai government owned firm that is to take over the 6 major and 18 minor ports in the US. This does not make me feel any better about the whole situation.

The Administration claims that it's all just fine, and of course it is, their buddies, the royal family of Dubai, and they themselves, will make a lot of money on this deal.

It is interesting that Bush was ready to veto anything that would mess the deal up. His first veto in five years. And after the fact it was discovered that he had only in the past few days heard of the deal. In fact, no one in his Administration knew anything about it until just a couple of days before it hit the wires. So why would he be so set to veto anything that would scuttle the contract?

Could it have anything to do with oil and money? Well, let's see here. The royal family of Dubai protected Bin Laden from getting whacked by the US. The royals were involved in a hunting trip with him and of course you can't go around whacking Royalty. They were involved in moving money for Bin Laden post 9/11. And hasn't Mr. Bush made a rather large issue of all things 9/11? Hmmm!! And, of course there is the little matter of shipping nuclear equipment to North Korea. But, hey, says Bushco, their really good hearted types, so we should do the deal. Even if there was no real investigation into the matter and it was done at a pretty low level.

Personally, I'd love to see Congress buck up and make him veto the whole thing. Really light up his bigtime 34% Approval rating.

Finer Day

If 10/05/05 was a fine day in the neighborhood, then 02/28/06 is a finer day in the neighborhood. On 10/05/05, a CBS Poll had Bush's Approved rate at 37%. Today they announced that after a rise to 41% last month, it has dropped now to 34%. Fun with numbers we call that.

Lying us into a war for oil didn't do him in. Neither did looting the Treasury. And even giving his buddies in the oil industry lots of tax breaks while cutting Food Stamps wasn't enough. An attempt to gut Social Security? Nope. Drowning citizens in one of the nation's poorest areas? Kinda. Now we have the Dubai Port storm. Not enough on it's own. But, aggregating all of these items we get a push for the bottom. Now 34% isn't as low as it could go. And I would certainly love to see it drop to zero, but it is going to be interesting to see just how low it can go over the next three years. THREE YEARS? These damn people can still do a lot of damage in three years. Let's hope that the Democrats can wrest control of the Congress from these ass-hats in '06 and begin to turn this ship in the correct direction.

Friday, February 24, 2006

What is it

with Texas governors that they have such a penchant for invading other people's privacy?

Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas, is asking the Texas Legislature for the ok to expand the wiretapping authority for Texas lawmen.

They already have that authority for murder and drug trafficking, but He'd like to expand that.

Now, I'm not all that excited about people involved in kidnapping being given an advantage. But, this starts out as being a good idea for one thing, so how about this or this or...maybe this? Pretty soon, all of our phones are being tapped for whatever political reason at any time. Think not? Remember Richard Nixon? He had the FBI tapping the phones of Peace Activist's. And now we know that Bush is doing the very same thing. There was the report of the folks (Quaker's) being infiltrated, and everyone knows what a militant group they are. And now there is a report that several groups in the Seattle area are being wiretapped. The story is in the Seattle P-I. One of those groups is called the "Raging Grannies." WTF? These mature women dress up in outlandish dress and sing funny protest songs. Can anyone give me any reason in the world why these women would be the target of the FBI? Or, any other spy outfit? Your McCarthyism is showing George.

So, maybe there is something in the Governor water down there in Texas that has this effect. And after a certain amount of it, you start to get paranoid and begin wiretapping all of the phones of everyone you can get to. That still leaves Nixon doesn't it. Shit, it migrated from California to Texas. Someone needs to start monitoring Arnold. Or, maybe it's just Republicans.

Dear Wingnuts;
Jesus was a liberal.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Well Well

What have we got here in the Guardian (UK) newspaper? A headline that say's "Blogger bares Rumsfeld's post 9/11 orders." That blogger would be Thad Anderson, and he has posted the notes at outragedmoderates.org.

So, within hours of the 9/11 attack Rumsfeld was issuing orders to look for evidence of Iraqi involvement. "...things related and not."

A Pentagon report on the subject says that "the secretary said his instinct was to hit Saddam Hussein at the same time, not only Bin Laden." Mr. Rumsfeld later explained that he had been considering each, or perhaps someone else as the responsible person.

The actual notes suggest something else. "Best info fast. Judge whether good enough [to] hit SH at same time - not only UBL. "Tasks Jim Haynes [Pentagon lawyer] to talk with PW [presumably Paul Wolfowitz] for additional support...connection with UBL."

Wolfowitz, as you will remember, had advocated taking down Saddam pre-2001. But that plan was put behind the immediate task of toppling the Taliban.

However, from the notes, it is obvious that Iraq was targeted from the instant the hijackers attacked.

There is no need to belabor the point that Iraq was doomed to fall come what may. But, it is of great interest to see the excuse to make it happen jump immediately [9/11] to the front of the pack and be given equal weight to getting UBL.

Rumsfeld and Cheney are a murderous pair. And, handed a sock puppet to give them a national face, and a Congress to march lock step at their command, they have wrought a horrible time on this country. We can only hope that the time will come, and soon, that those two are dealt with in as harsh a manner as they have perpetrated on the rest of mankind.

Bush: the Lyin King

Saturday, February 18, 2006

A Few Odds

Drug addled Limbaugh still can't get this figured out, so for his benefit, the following: Without Abramoff (1991-9/2000) Legal Tribal Money (R) $786,560 (D) $868,890 With Abramoff (9/2000-2003) Legal Tribal Money (R) $1,845,975 (+135%) (D) $794,483 (-9%) The mony given to Democrats by the Tribes Abramoff represented declined after he was hired, and money to Republicans increased. But, that's all beside the point. All of the contribution mony is completely legal and irrelevant, because the crimes are the bribery and money laundering that Abramoff did exclusively for Republicans. Got that, gas bag?

Bush says the US shouldn't be discouraged at how the war on terror is going, even with continued insurgency. Of course not, we've got plenty of fresh young GI's and lots of money...now that we've gotten those damned poor people off the dole. Bush has assked Congress (us) for $72.4 Billion for the war on Terra. That would take us to .4 Trillion, and counting.

Bushco, Supporting Our Troops, with the smallest pay raise since 1994. Good Job Bushie!!

This was good news for those of us on the left. Russ Feingold has NOT given up his fight over FISA, as was announced by AP.

"The time is always right to do what is right." MLK Except if you happen to be a Republican.

One of my favorite anniversarys just passed. 02/17/33 the Senate signed the Blaine Act, effectively ending Prohibition.

Note to Fundies: the Bill of Rights, not the 10 Commandments, is what should be on the front of our federal buildings.

And finally,
If you can't be a good example;
Then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

More Cheney

Vice-President Cheney went on Faux News today and claimed sole responsibility for the shooting of Harry Whittington on a quail hunt down in Texas this past week-end. No Shit, Dick.

That he did it on Faux News wasn't much of a surprise. Those people eat whatever shit dribbles from the Administration's lips and asks for more. Not surprising then, that there were no questions about the delay in reporting. In fact, Cheney said that there was no issue and he handled the situation just right. No follow-ups here.

No one seemed to be able to connect the delay with the fact that an 18-24 hour delay would make any blood test for a blood alcohol level useless. That the behavior exhibited by Cheney, delay, denial, then remorse is typical of people who are in fact hiding their criminal behavior. No problem, I told you it was so and thats the end of that. May be a little late in the game for that Mr. Cheney. Some in the press are beginning to look at the curtain and question the goings-on behind it.

One esteemed member of the afore mentioned network actually decried the fact that people were so busy feeling sorry for Mr. Whittington and not paying enough attention to poor Mr. Cheney. Pull your head out of your ass buddy. Poor Mr. Cheney should right now be in lock-up for not reporting a crime. Towit SHOOTING another human being.

Have avoided the behavior of Scottie boy and his daily bullshit throw. That boy needs to be slapped to sleep...if the little punk is awake. Not only did he try to avoid the whole subject, until he was cornered by the White House press corps, but he then neglected to tell those in the room that Mr. Whittington had just had a heart attack due to the migration of one of the pellets. You are slimey little worm Scott McClellan. You fit in nicely with those running this Administration.

If Con is the opposite of Pro,
Is Congress the opposite of Progress?
As long as it's held by the Conservatives.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Ok. So everybody understands that Cheney is a lowlife. That this Administration is his baby. That the war in Iraq is his. That trying to balance the budget on the back of the poorest among us is his idea. But what in the hell is this? You shoot somebody. You don't bother to tell anyone for 18 hours. Then you say, well, we were waiting for the land owner to decide how she wanted to present it.

Am I the only one who believes that if we were standing in a garden, there would be enough fertilizer here to keep things growing for maybe a millenium? Mr. Cheney is a liar, and a sociopath. But now he has shot a man, and didn't even bother to call the police. This is a man who is a heartbeat away from the most powerful position on the planet, except for the one he already has. And the right is whining about people calling him out on it. He SHOT someone. And, he didn't immediately call the police and tell them. Do I see a problem here? YES!!

Today, the medical types came out and said because of migration of one the pellets, the man had a "heart attack" whatever the hell that means, and he was moved back into the Intensive Care Unit. And Cheney can't be found. His spokesman said he had called the man and passed on his best wishes. Well how very Christian of him.

If this man dies, and at 78, and with a shotgun pellet lodged in his heart, he may, Cheney is going to have to come up with a whole lot more than, we were waiting for the land owner to decide how she wanted to handle it. It may come to pass that this will act will overtake him and he will be brought to earth before the Abramoff scandal gets him. But compiled with all the rest that we know of this guy, he is a sorry excuse for a human being. No matter what else happens.

There have been a couple of reports that there may have been alcohol involved in all of this. Nothing substaniated. However, all reports are based upon what was said the {day after} the incident. The report of alcohol, by the way, is attributed to the land owner. There was a line about it on msnbc, but it has since been scrubbed. Since the police did not interview Mr. Cheney and they were not there the night of the mishap, they must have trusted Mr. Cheney. I do not.

20,000 BC

There is a picture of early man as a short, stumbling affair stabbing at a Wooley Mammoth with his pointed stick, that I am sure is very widespread. And, I must admit that it is generally the one that pops into my head when I think of them.

However, there are some other pictures that we should allow to be a part of the general scene. One is of a guy 6 feet tall, running at 12.5 mph. Seems quite a bit different than your average, run of the mill cave type.

But, footprints found in Australia, show that there was a very robust community living there. The footprints found in 2003 in Mungo National Park in western NSW, are between 19,000 and 23,000 years old, and show a community that lived near a body of water that provided fish and mussels. What else to do during the time of the last ice age. In all, 457 footprints, made by adults and children were found.
Just another damned trivial point for the Fundies to square with their 6,000 year old earth. Some days are just tougher than others.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Tell The Truth

We have become accustomed over the past several years to an annoying problem with our political leaders. They just cannot seem to tell the truth. You may remember back when it was decided that the public should not be privy to who was to write the energy policy for this country, that Vice-President Cheney decided it should be done secretly. He told us that it wasn't really the big oil guys who would be involved in it and that it was none of our business anyway. Turns out, he just couldn't tell the truth.

Then there was the little matter of the "Yellow Cake." You remember, Niger, Joe Wilson, his wife Valerie Plame? Just a fabrication by a two bit guy in Italy. And, they were told by the Italian and German government's that it had been invented. They just couldn't help themselves. They couldn't tell the truth.

After that, of course there was the Weapons of Mass Destruction. Hans Blix (top UN Weapons Inspector, prior to invasion of Iraq) told them that there was no WMD. That all they had to do was keep the inspections moving, which Hussein had agreed to, and things would cool down. No the Bush team said, there are WMD there and we can prove it. So they brought out a paper written by a college student, and some pictures of trucks. That, they said, was proof positive that we were about to eat nuclear dust. Again, they just couldn't tell the truth.

Now we have the NSA issue. We're just listening in on those bad guys calling "into" the country. We're not listening to outgoing calls. Well, we're listening to outgoing calls, but we're just listening to calls made to Al-Qaeda. And, of course we know which ones those are. So, nothing to see here, move on.

President George W. Bush, 04/20/04
"Now, by the way, any time you hear about the US Government talking about wiretap, it requires...a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constituional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution."

We now know that no court orders were obtained. Even when, under FISA, they had 72 hours AFTER they began the surveillance, to obtain one. Now they say, it would hold things up, slow us down and get in the way of our getting the bad guys. So what exactly hasn't changed? What about the Constitution? Once again, they couldn't tell the truth.

So, during the next two election cycles we'll probably hear alot of stuff about the boogey man coming to get us. And we'd better back the cheerleader with the cowboy hat, if we want to be safe. But, for me, I just don't believe anything they say. They just can't tell the truth.


Soon we will be having an election in this country to determine our direction. We do this regularly and the rules are pretty straightforward. The guy with the most votes wins. Uh...except when one guy gets the most votes and the Supreme Court picks another guy. And, uh...when someone rigs the votes in one state so that their guy will win. Except for stuff like that, the guy with the most votes wins.

So, how do we determine who to vote for? Good question. We look at the direction we've been going, determine if that seems, to us, to be the reasonable direction, and vote for the guy headed that direction, or the guy that says maybe we should go another direction.

My feeling on the matter pretty closely parallels bhfrik over on dkos, so I'll just quote him. ahem "This disaster of an administration unwittingly helps terrorist, weakens our military, drains the treasury, and then tries to convince us that they are the folks to trust with our security. Riiight..." That, in a short and sweet manner, is how I feel about that. The Republicans have been in control of the Supreme Court for a very long time, the Congress since 1994 and all three branches of government since 2000. Please, someone tell me how we are better off since they have taken over the controls of the federal government? How in the hell am I safer since 2001 by the use of torture, spying on our own citizens without a warrant, starting a war in a place that has bred more terrorists than any other single event and gutting the policys necessary to protect those in danger?

So, have I decided whom I will vote for in the next elections (2006)? You can bet your ass it won't be for anyone in a party whose name begins with Republican. It will take years to repair the damage done by these people. And, likely more than that to put back in place what was so painfully gained over so many years.

Just a question for those who may have heard those on the right complain about those activist judges. How many Supreme Court Judges have been appointed by a Democratic President over the last thirty-five (35) years?


Thursday, February 09, 2006

S & K Technologies Update I

In a post dated 12/15/05, I discussed a former employee of S & K Technologies, a Robert Stein, and his arrest. Mr. Stein has now pled guilty to conspiring to steal more than $2 million and rigging bids on $8.6 million in reconstruction contracts. What I find interesting is that Mr. Stein has now agreed to cooperate with federal authorities who are investing others. Of particular interest is who may be involved in this scam and if it somehow leads us back to S & K Technologies.

In my original post, we found Mr. Stein being "out processed" by S & K in "04, and then being immediately hired by the Defense Department as a contract official for the Coalition Provisional Authority.

Facing up to 21 years in prison on bribery and money-laundering charges, plus up to 11 years for firearms violations, it seems quite conceivable to me, that Robert may well have a great deal to pass on to the Prosecutor.