Thursday, June 15, 2006


Today it was announced that 2500 young people have been killed in Iraq. What a fucking milestone that is. The new shill for Bushco, Tony Snow, claimed it was "just a number." I wonder if he knows any of the parents or other loved ones of any of those numbers.

What wasn't announced along side the number killed, was mention of those who have been maimed and wounded. It's over 18,000.

Between the two numbers, which Bushites claim are low compared to other conflicts, there are a helluva lot of family members and friends whose lives have been altered in very significant ways forever.

Comparing numbers in this manner is a sad and gruesome way of expressing importance. It isn't a contest mother fucker's. It's a goddam occupation of another country, perpetrated on those young people, and the 10's of thousands of Iraqi's killed and maimed so far, by liars.

Maxine to Bush
Wipe your mouth, there's still some bullshit around your lips.


For those who may not be able to tell the differences between the parties.

Do you really think humans have nothing to do with global warming?
Do you really think that science shouldn't be taught properly in school?
Do you think that women shouldn't be able to control their own destinies?
Do you really want some Republican telling you who you can and can't have sex with?
Do you really think that immigrants have been wrong for this country since 1607?
Do you really think that people should be listening in on your phone calls?
Do you really think that the President can/should ignore whatever laws he want to?
Do you really think that parmacists should decide which perscriptions should/should not be filled for you because they don't like them?

"...Democrats are looking out for the interests of working class families and the integrity of tax supported science agencies, whereas Republicans deem corporate profits, tax cuts for billionaires, and the campaign contributions that flow from industry lobbyists more important than the health and safety of We the People." Darksyde