Bush has offered Democrats conciliatory words. Actually saw that phrase in a article about the Democratic retreat being held this week-end. That is without a doubt fits the definition of the word BUSHIT. Noone in the world that I inhabit believes for an instant that the asshole can/bould be conciliatroy to Democrats about anything.
His plan is to delay and obfuscate. He will do anything to keep the Senate from stopping his war. So any possibility that he is telling the truth, to any degree whatsoever, meets the definition of the word BUSHIT.
We know the man to be a liar in every respect. He cares not at all what the Senate thinks, what the House thinks, or for that matter what the citizens of this country think. He is committed to continueing his war, dismantling Social Security and anything else that calls for government spending. Except of course the military, credits to his rich buddies and large corporate entities. Guess those last two are redundancies. Anything to the contrary is BUSHIT.
"With Saddam Hussein's execution, the only person who didn't lie about WMD was hanging from the end of a rope." John R. Cobarruvias, Houston, TX