Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Health Care Reform

We have waited since 1994 for a chance to change the way health care is delivered in this country. We are now tantalizingly close to seeing it happen. Up until this afternoon, the Blue Dogs had sided with the Republicans in trying to dismantle the program as envisioned by the President. How anyone who calls him/herself a Democrat could possibly stand against the wishes of their own leader, not to mention the nation as a whole, is mind boggling.

So why would they take such a stance? Money, baby. Lots and lots of money. Given to them by the insurance companies who stand to be the ultimate losers in the new scheme of things. Even now television ads are already being launched into homes of millions by all sorts of groups you never heard of, mainly funded by the insurance companies.

One specific silly assed ad calls upon viewers to ask their representatives when they arrive home on summer break if they have read the Reform Bill. The whole Reform Bill. Of course any jack ass knows that most bills are not read by the representatives, but rather the staff. Who then bring things of import or specific interest to the rep's attention.

A better question would be, have any of those calling for this action read the bill? The Whole Bill? Hell no they haven't. What they know is that if there is any meaningful reform, they will lose money. They don't want reform of any sort. What they want is things to continue as they have. With insurance companies deciding who will get what care and for how long.

We will have a public option. And what that really means, is that people will have the opportunity to have the same kind of health care that the representatives have. Health care is not a luxury. It is a necessity. Every industrialized country on the planet has it in one form or another. It is time we joined the rest of them and placed our people before bridges to nowhere.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Senator Snowe and the Public Option

Democratic split. It's in all the newspapers and on all of the television newscasts. Is it true? Of course its true. That's how the Democratic Party works. Kind of like how a real democracy works. Differing viewpoints. Different solutions.

On the other hand, nothing is read or heard about any split in the Republican Party. Would that be because there is none? Is it possible that independent thinking is frowned on within that party? Do they all march lockstep? The answer to those questions is...mostly. That would be why they are called conservatives. They don't want change. It is the antithesis of their very core belief system.

However, at this moment we are involved in a very important debate over whether or not this country will, at least in the health care world, move into the present century. And, it turns out, there is a very prominent Republican separating herself from her party. Senator Snowe (R-ME) has made it clear that she is in favor of what is called the public option. The public option would allow citizens to opt for a Medicare style choice of health care.

So why is this important? it is important because many, many people still get most of their news from the old outlets. Specifically, cnn, nbc, fox, wsj, nyt, etc. Since none of these outlets sees fit to publicize this type of thinking within the R Party, it is implied that there is no discussion about the public option. In fact, Senator Snowe gave a speech this past weekend telling her constituents that she is more than just thinking about it, she is in fact demanding that it be included in the upcoming Health Care Reform Bill.

It must be made clear to all, which would include those in the steno pool (fox, nyt, that there is debate amongst R's as well as D's. That debate is a good thing. And, that most importantly, 54% of the citizens in this country are in favor of including the public option in the upcoming bill.

So, simply put, I would like to see in the old line media, the inclusion of the fact that there is indeed some discussion among R's, specifically moderates of whom there are very few, about the inclusion of the public option as part of the health care reform in this country.

Come on old line media, make yourselves at least somewhat relevant. Let us hear something of Senator Snowe and the Public Option