Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Insanity:doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein (attributed)

Rocky Flats Plant was a nuclear weapons production facility located just to the north of Denver, Colorado. Radioactive waste was found leaking in an open field in 1959.

Love Canal, a little part of suburbia in Niagara Falls, NY. A chemical dump site that was found to be so toxic that the neighborhood was evacuated in 1978.

Dunkard Creek, in southwestern Pennsylvania. Poisonous waster is dumped routinely into the creek, setting up condition for a Golden Algae bloom. And, killing almost all living organisms in a 38 mile run.

After reading the three items above, one would think that any rational person would stop to think of the damage to be done by spilling, purposely or otherwise, poisonous waste onto the ground or into the water.

Ah, yes. Rational. CONSOL Energy is not a rational person. It is a planet killing longwall mining company. And, the people who run that company are not rational people. Not only do they want to continue, after killing all of the fish in Dunkard Creek, pumping their waste water loaded with poison into that same creek. They want to pump that same poison down into abandoned mines for safe keeping.

That doesn't sound like the ideas espoused by a rational person. That sounds more like the ranting of a complete lunatic. Someone that is completely insane. Or, someone who is so addicted to greed, that no thing or person matters as much as the profit to be gained by those exercises.

We already know what can and will happen if you pump that mess into a creek. We also know that if you pump it into an abandoned mine, it will begin immediately to leach. And, we also know that it will find it's way into the ground water, creeks, lakes and wells of those living in the area.

If one intentionally poisons the drinking water of another, that person will be charged with attempted murder. Yet these longwall mining operations are doing it legally all over the country every day. And, are lauded as job creators. Business success stories.

I agree that they are successful. But, it is my belief that they have been most successful at getting off scot free of attempted murder of the planet, and all that lives upon it.

Poisonous Waste Water

CONSOL Energy, the criminal longwall mining company, dumped poisonous waste water from it's Blacksville #2 mine into Dunkard Creek, in West Virginia. There was a Golden Algae bloom, killing almost all of the living things in that creek. The criminals, CONSOL Energy refused to take responsibility. Of course, that is what we have come to expect from any such enterprise. They are cowards who hide behind their bought and paid for representatives in the state house, and continue on their way.

Now it appears as if as though the bought and paid for representatives are about to do what is required of people on the payroll. They are within striking distance of allowing CONSOL Energy to once again begin dumping poisonous waste water into the creek.

This dumping of poisonous waste water needs to be done while its cold so as to keep the algae from blooming. That of course makes such criminal behavior quite alright. The fact that the stuff being dumped into the creek is poisonous to the planet and every living thing on it matters not. But, not to worry, people like WVDEP are watching our backs.

Of course the rest of the world is shocked that such a thing would even be entertained, let alone allowed. But, as I said, when you're bought and paid for, you follow the instruction of the pay master. And just like their brethren in Pennsylvania, the WVDEP will in short order allow the dumping of poisonous waste water to begin again.

Friday, December 11, 2009


Upward of a billion dollars is going to be spent on carbon capture and sequestration. Why is that? The carbon is in the first place sequestered. That is what coal is. Sequestered carbon. Isn't that a bit like trying to put the genie back inside the bottle?

Why does CONSOL Energy buy ads and name ballparks, rather than restore all of the damage they have caused with their longwall mining projects? Trick question. It's cheaper, of course. And, besides, their name on a ballpark looks infinitely better than beside a picture of a destroyed house. Or, a farm that has lost it's water due to their mining operations. Or, creeks and lakes that have gone missing after you've been nearby.

If we know that burning coal accounts for half of the poison mercury released into the atmosphere by human activity. And, we know that infant humans are at the top of the food chain, and will be getting that mercury in their food. Then why would we continue the practice? Why would we not call that murder?

Why would anyone pump poisonous waste water into abandoned mines for storage knowing that that poison can, and will leach into nearby streams, lakes and reservoirs? Why would those people not be imprisoned for destruction of public water? There has been discussion, especially since 09/11, of the concern for public water and it's safety. Yet mining companies are allowed to poison it with impunity.

Fresh water is a finite commodity on the planet. Yet, the mining operation of mountain top destruction is allowed to dump the tops of whole mountains into creeks. Thus rendering them polluted and useless. And, destroying the fresh water of the people and animals that depend upon them. Why, exactly, would anyone even consider such a thing?

These are of course rhetorical questions. We all know the answers. These things are done in the name of profit. They place no value on the lives of the humans who suffer from their actions. The jobs they claim are so important, would all cease immediately if there was no profit in the project. They care not a whit for those who do those jobs. And the children ? The most important and vulnerable among us? Surely, you jest?