Monday, April 19, 2010

Killing For Coal

Let it be noted that the first of what will likely be many lawsuits have been filed against Massey Energy involving the deaths of those who were recently killed in the mines of West Virginia. Those families have every right, both legally and morally, to file suit against the criminals who did everything they could to make sure that the killings will continue.

But, just so that we pay attention to the realities of these legalized killings, lets just see how they have played out over time. This is not how I, or any other human being would desire it to be, but merely what has happened. After the initial blow back, lawsuits re filed. Time passes. In fact, years pass by. Mining companies are doing business as usual. Government regulators are still playing patty cake with the mining companies. The lawsuits are settled out of court. The mining companies pay some pathetically small fine and life goes on.

Case in point. In 2006, two men were killed in a fire in the Massey Energy owned Aracoma mine. The firm was found guilty. In 2009, they were fined 2.5 millions. Pretty impressive fine, if you're paying it out of your household checkbook. But, revenue for Massey Energy in 2009, was 2.69 billions. The income on that amount was 104.4 millions.

So, what changed? Not one damned thing. The company has been and continues to fight with all the money at its disposal, to keep from making any change that would help those miners in any significant way. Just part of doing business if you're involved in the business of destroying mountain tops, longwall mining or even using a jack hammer and shovel.

The reality for them is quite simple. People are expendable. Pay off the families with some paltry sum, and whine and cry about how much the government is killing you with fines. All the while continuing the practices that will result in the killing of more miners.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yada, Yada

"Miners should never have to sacrifice their lives for their livelihood." A government official

"New safety measures taken since a deadly 2006 West Virginia mine explosion did nothing to save at least 25 more men who died under similar circumstances this week." Top headline - MSNBC - 04/08/10

Several days ago I suggested that all of the yada, yada we were hearing and would likely hear were just window dressing. Note that firs quote from a government official. Sounds a little like something other high placed officials have pronounced.

Now lets add in that second bit. New safety measures were added after the killings in 2006. So, how has that worked out for those who lost their lives this time? Geez, I wonder if the owners of those mines have put those measures into place? Or, if the foxes guarding the hen houses in the state and federal agencies have been strictly enforcing those new safety measures?

Never mind. Those were rhetorical questions. We know damned good and well that if the criminals involved in the longwall mining business put those measures into place, it done only on paper, by their lawyers. As for the regulators, they are just a guilty as the CONSOLs and Masseys of the world. They know as well as the companies that it's all a charade to produce a cover for the likes of CEO Blankenship of Massey.

Blankenship is available on the net with his diatribe against the government regulators who would destroy the lives of every single miner. He doesn't bother to tell those miners that longwall mining, and for that matter any other form of mining will kill them outright. Neither does he say that a goodly portion of the money that those mining companies make is spent lobbying against any law that would provide any measure of safety for miners of all stripes.

Longwall mining is not needed. Neither is mountaintop removal (destruction). Most of that coal is delivered to India and China for coking. It does nothing for the US, and less for those miners who died trying to make a living for their families. Unprotected by the companies they worked for and the governmental bodies who were supposed to be looking out for their health and welfare.

We will likely hear more words. Maybe even get some bit of action from the government. But, until those inside the mining companies make meaningful changes in the ground. And, the regulators begin to strictly enforce the laws, we will see this very sad scenario again and again.

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Killing People For Profit

And so it has begun. The usual ritual by the usual people. The heartfelt statements by the government officials, from the White House to the local mayor's office. The demand to "get to the bottom" of the situation. All presented with stern faces and sometimes the thumping of the podium. Of course, the CEO of whatever company will show up in his Docker's and jacket. Telling those closely involved that the company will offer whatever assistance is needed. Oh yes, and the Blue Ribbon Panel.

People died. Just like they have died oh so many times before. And always those responsible appear with the same ridiculous stern faces and words, signifying absolutely nothing. Always the deaths. Always the meaningless words. Always the same old, same old. And then, within a month or two, its back to making sure the country has the needed coal to make the country run.

All bullshit. Every single syllable. Every single tear drop. They have all been trotted out so many times that most anyone who's been alive any length of time could likely write the whole play in an evening. The words are useless. The tears are fake. The fact is that the dead will not rise. They will not return. And, many, many more will follow as surely as the sun rises.

How can I be so sure? Because absolutely nothing will change. The coal companies will continue to do everything they can to keep from making the changes that have been needed for more than a century to prevent those deaths. The Inspectors will make reports. Their bosses will file them away. The folks in the concerned capitols, including Washington, DC will go back to cocktail parties and backyard bbq's. All will resume life as usual. Until the next disaster.

This, of course, will bring about once again the scenario we all know. The ones we have heard on the radio, seen on tv and the internet for oh so many years. When once again the government shills will appear with wringing hands and stern words. And, the obligatory company officials will appear before us.

How can anyone with an ounce of integrity believe for a minute the play that has been presented time after time, year after year, century after century? When even now we know that coal companies, especially those involved in longwall mining are doing everything possible in every venue possible to keep from making the changes needed to make workers safe. When even now they are fighting EPA on the matter of whether they should be allowed to continue to poison our water.

Much of the coal being mined with the longwall process today is not doing anything for this country in any way. In fact, it is going to China. Everyone knows it. The government officials. The water carrying press. And, us. We all know that these companies, Massey, Peabody, CONSOL an all the rest, are lying. They are killing people for profit. Not to protect the nation. Not to provide jobs. They are killing people for profit.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Business As Usual

It must be by now abundantly clear to any who care to look closely at the facts, that coal kills. We have just witnessed the murder of over two dozen of our fellow citizens. Harsh? Not at all. The company involved, Massey, has a long history of mine violations. Yes, at the site of the most recent disaster, but that mine is not the only one.

And, what exactly has been done about all of the violations? It has to have been obvious to the regulators a long time ago that this company, along with CONSOL and the rest, care nothing for the lives of the people involved in the day to day work. That they were never going to correct the many and continuing violations. Or, even make a half hearted attempt.

Now, once again, we are reading on the many web sites and viewing on television, the sorrow and mourning felt by so many, for so little. The wives and children weeping for the husband and father who will never return. The son or brother who will never again grace the door of the family home.

Again we wait to see what will be done to hold the criminal enterprise known as coal mining accountable. There are those among us who believe that this time it will be different. That this time those who would violate the laws of the land will be prosecuted. I, for one, cannot be counted among them. For it is my belief that the likes of Joe Pizarchik will be doing all they can to keep that from happening.

It could have been different. Those put in place of regulating mining could have been those who would indeed uphold the law. Make those who would put others lives in jeopardy for profit, pay for their disregard. But, that is not the case. Instead we are likely to hear that there will be a study of the matter. Then, perhaps a hearing. Followed by a hollow fine. All the while the enterprise will continue unabated. Perhaps not in that very site where death occurred this week. But, in all other places around the country.

Those whose duty it is to uphold the law of the land have failed those miners in every conceivable way. The President chose a mining shill to enforce the law. The inspectors wrote up violation after violation, with nothing of note being done to correct the violations. It became a useless enterprise, with the eventual end of deaths in the mine.

Now, of course, there will be the sternly worded letters. The, shame upon those who let this thing happen. But, in all likelihood, within a very short time, it will be back to business as usual. If they ever slow or stop at all.