Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Shell

We in the US have watched with great interest the goings on in the Middle East where people have gone through much to attain the freedoms they seek. Some have given all.

We in the US know, or at least some of us know, that the freedom we had, the freedom that those in the Middle East have so valiantly fought for, can only be won/kept with diligence and persistence.

We in the US seem to have lost sight of what freedom stands for. We look down on our own people. We have given corporations the status of human and given those corporations the rights of citizens.

Our nation is now, more and more, simply a government of and by the business community. Not beholden to the citizens, but to those who contribute the most to those who seek office.

It is sad indeed to watch as a dream slides slowly, but surely into the waste bin. But, the US seems now to be in a steady decline. And though there is a lot of sound and fury, little real action to recover the dream, once proud, now simply a shell.