Friday, November 18, 2005

Rep. John Murtha (D-PA)

Those of us who were against the disaster in Iraq from the beginning are starting to see larger and larger gains in the number of people coming over to our side. Today, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) called for the immediate removal of our troops from Iraq. The Republicans who still back the operation immediately began to pump the same tired shit down the same line. "Surrendering to terrorists" and "not supporting our troops." So, for those who may be interested, this is how John answered Cheney's (one of the prime architect's of this war) complaint. "I like guy's who've never been there that criticize us who've been there. I like that. I like guy's who got five deferements and never been there and send people to war, and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done." That slapping sound you hear is John putting one upside Dick's head.

We are beginning now to see the press come back to life, our Federal Representatives reappear, and the people of the country taking stock of what has happened in their name while they weren't paying attention. We are seeing the subject beinning to roll over and the awful truth that the thing is covered with maggots, eating at the decaying flesh of our society and destroying our world. It is now that people must take hold of this mess and clean it up. Fumigate the premesis and put things aright in our nation. The Theocracy must be put back in it's place on the fringe of politics. Those who would take a few millions in a year from the poor and needy, while pumping billions per month into the black hole that is Iraq must be sent back to their low places. And, business must be put in it's place. If they cannot operate in this world without doing damage to the environment, and that means the people who populate the environment, then they need to fold and let someone else take their places.

So, I welcome those for whom the light is beginning to dawn, back to the world of reason. Hopefully, we can now begin to rebuild our nation. Where Human Rights and Civil Rights aren't just something we pay lip service to, but something we as a nation have as a priority. Rather than dismantling our world in the name profits for the few, a world where we become, in the truest sense of the word, our brothers keeper.

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