Tuesday, January 03, 2006

'06 To Go

And, their off. We are expecting some news of interest concerning Jack Abramoff and all of his connections this week. While we know that their will be many familiar names involved, it will be interesting to see just how far his nasty little net was cast. It would be great to believe that once it all comes down and is settled, that all will have learned their lessons and we would'nt face this kind of thing again. Alas!! Such is not likely to be the case.

Scalito will, beginning next week, face those who would decide his fate...judicially speaking. One can but wonder how this little parade will fare. It could be that he will have more rain on his parade than the Rose Bowl Parade just passed. Lots of speculation from across the spectrum. However, what I have been able to glean finds him more in favor of corporate rights than human rights. We shall see.

Am just now seeing a "News Flash" stating that Jack Abramoff will plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors. Since we know that the wailing and gnashing of teeth has already begun, it will be of interest to see how many start to scurry now. Burns of Montana sent his money back to the organization last month. But, it may be way to late. The stench may already have tainted his sorry ass. Others too have returned contributions, but we may see a flurry in the next few weeks. Or, may not. They may be paralyzed by now. Knowing that their base may be watching much closer than they previously were.

And of course, we will be watching to see how Congress handles the FISA situation. We can certainly hope that they take this seriously and pull the reins in on the Busheviks. We have been drawn down a terrible path, and at this time, they (Congress) are the ones we must depend on. Certainly not the warmest feeling I've had in the last five years.

Let us all decide to make it a better year than last. And to so with a happy heart, and grand resolve.

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