After reporting yesterday (04/04/06) that he would not continue his pursuit of the House seat he has held for 22 years, Tom started laying blame for his problems. It's those damned liberals. They're focusing on him and not on the issues.
From Bill Press: "It wasn't pressure from liberals that forced Delay to hang it up. It was his own greed, arrogance, hypocrisy - and criminality - that finally caught up with him."
One of Tom's best lines was one overheard in a DC restaurant, cigar clamped between teeth, "I am the Federal Government." Yes, he of the Abramoff scandal, the religious right-wing pandering, rule breaking, and ethics committee sanctioning, he was the Federal Government. And, lest any should think otherwise, just because he is gone, does not mean that the culture of corruption suddenly collapses and the Republican Party becomes as pure as the driven snow. No, there is still all that Tom created waiting for the next several shoes to drop.
Hard to tell what comes next for Tom, although he is leaving his home in Texas for his home in DC, so we know that consulting in some form is on the way. But, that may just be trying to make money to keep his lawyers on board for his continueing legal troubles both in Texas and DC.
Bye, Tom.
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