Thursday, May 25, 2006

Today is one of those days when those who have been done unto get to take some solace in watching those who lorded it over them come crashing back to earth. Today, Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling of Enron, were found guilty on all charges brought against them in the collapse of that company.

The collapse of the company was a calamity. What it did to the people working under the umbrella of Enron was much more. It was criminal.

Those who had worked hard for years to make a good life for themselves in retirement found out in a matter of days that they had absolutely nothing. And, while they were being encouraged to dump all the money they had into the company, Ken and Jeff were busy selling huge lots of stock.

So, this afternoon, when I heard Ken going on about how Godly he was, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of a God this man hangs with. A perverted son-of-a-bitch there can be no doubt. And, of course for those of us who are athiest to start with, the bastard was just mouthing bullshit in the same way he did while he was running Enron into the ground.

Ken and Jeff will no doubt do their time in a cushy prison somewhere in the hills of New York. But, we can all take comfort in knowing that they'll likely die on the concrete floor of a prison cell, surrounded by their cell mates.

My only fear is that their buddy George will pardon them and they'll ride off into the sunset with whatever of their fortunes remains intact. And, I certainly would not put it past him, since they are of the same ilk.

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