Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mr. Foley

I have followed this story from it's inception. Not because of the obvious wrong done by Mr. Foley, but because of the too obvious attempt to cover the whole thing by Republican leadership. These folks believed that power was so important, that they not only covered the crime, but put pressure on Mr. Foley to remain in his seat so as to help them maintain control of the House.

Power is intoxicating all agree. But, to put children in harm's way to maintain it is a sick proposition. Everyone knows that the leadership of the Republican Party is bankrupt...except for the 30% who wouldn't care if they beheaded people on tv. But, to allow such a crime to take place and cover for it, while at the same time screaming about the sin's of the Democrat's is pathetic in the extreme.

When the story first burst on the scene, Mr. Foley, within a day of finding out that ABC News would report the story, resigned. At that time, it was assumed that no one inside the beltway had knowledge of the incidents that were reported. However, within a few hours of his resignation, there were conflicting stories coming from the leadership of the Republican Party. Not only were folks trying to minimize the thing, but several players, Hastert, Reynolds, Shimkus and Alexander were starting to point fingers.

By Saturday it had become obvious to any who cared to read what was being written that the stories weren't lining up. And, by Sunday the cover-up was plain to see. With a little effort, I have followed the story and created a timeline to watch it all. By now, the story has stretched back to 2000/2001. And, there is the possibility that it could reach back as far as 1995.

In the meantime, another story has emerged. This one concerning Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-AZ. It seems that he may have taken a camping trip with a couple of pages. This prior to him confronting Foley in 2000 about sending e-mails to a page that had made him uncomfortable. Now if this mess was known about in 2000 why didn't it become widely known? Easy to speculate, but the truth seems to be coming out fast enough that it's wasted. After all, it was during the initial flurry that Kolbe made it known that he had spoken with Foley in 2000. Then within a couple of days, he is being investigated for the camping story.

With three Republicans already gone (DeLay, Ney and Foley), two under the lights (Kolbe and Wheldon) and at least three waiting in the que, there could be a lot of excitement still to come...before the elections ever arrive.

There is no excuse for voting Republican, unless you own a coal mine or an oil well.

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