Thursday, November 09, 2006


A change has come to our shores. A change in control of the Congress of the US. Not just A change, but a big, big change. Both Houses of Congress are now controlled by the Democratic Party. That would be the Party of Liberals, Progressives, and all manner of people and thinkers on the left end of the dial.

Although most of them appear pretty far to the right in my world, they beat the shit out of the cabal that has been in place for the last six years. Admittedly, I am a Socialist. That sets my agenda for change. I think such minimal things as a living wage, universal health care, functional and uncorrupt unions, reproductive rights, gay marriage, and habeus corpus, just to name a few, should be at the top of all Progressives list for change. However, I understand that this change agenda will take some time. Hopefully, as little as a decade, according to Kos.

We have watched as this treacherous regime has made every effort to gut our Constitution and change this from a Republic to a Fascist style state. Fortunately, we the people, have caught them in time to begin the rollback of the crazy assed changes they were trying to implement in order to fulfill their plan. Now we must make every endeavor to make sure they can never succeed at such an attempt again.

Change is good. If, and only if, the change is for the good of the people. It cannot be to ensure that those in power, whoever they are, remain in power regardless of the will of those they are elected to represent.

To the Republicans. We just made a change because of arrogance and your fucking tin ear. To the Democrats. We will hold you just as accountable as we did the Republicans. To any who shall be involved in governing of the masses. We will be watching. And, if we see you becoming less than we demand, we will make a change.

Minimum number of different US Government Agencies that mine the personal data of citizens: 42.

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