So, who is receiving more of the money donated by the troops? Mr. McCain? Or, Mr. Obama? This of course is a trick question. During the debate last Friday night, we were treated to a story by Mr. McCain about how he was invited to a re-enlistment ceremony in Iraq. Now, for those of us who have been in the military, and specifically those of us who are veterans, that a large number re-up in the zone is not really a news item.
There are a couple of reasons that stand head and shoulders above all others for this action. The first is that you get a bonus for re-enlisting in the zone. Second, your bonus is tax free. Now right off the top, that is a big deal. If you are a lower grade enlisted man/woman you aren't being fairly compensated for your effort in the first place. So, that money becomes a very important item.
The answer to the question at the top is, if you've not been paying attention to such matters, is Mr. Obama. This may not portend a preponderance of military votes directed to Mr. Obama during this Presidential election cycle. However, it does indicate a higher number of those engaged in the political goings on within the military are his supporters.
So, nice try there Mr. McCain. As with most of what you say, it's just more bullshit, stacked on top of a very large manure pile.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Republican Party Platform
"We do not support government bailouts of private institutions."
Of course, very damned few ever really read the platform of any party. But, since Mr. Bush and his group have decided to pull a play from the old "Shock Doctrine" play book, it should be brought to the attention of others.
One of the bullshit lines of the Republican Party is how the Democrat's are Socialists in blue clothing. So, who exactly is the Socialist Party here? Secretary Paulson claims that we must with great haste, spend $700 billion of taxpayer money to bail out those who made very poor business...make that gambling decisions and lost their asses.
There should of course be none of that socialist shit about helping out the consumers. For people making millions by setting up and running ponzi schemes though, there should be every available used to mitigate any possible loss.
In addition, Mr. Paulson wants to assist those who haven't had any losses. And, wants to bring in foreign banks doing business in the United States. So, banks who did well would be able to step up to the public trough and eat to their hearts content.
There is, as of tonight, some who are calling for more time to consider our options and perhaps come up with some better ideas on how to handle the present situation. Of interest here is one Republican Senator of note. Senator Shelby is calling bullshit on the whole mess, the plan and the people trying to foist it upon the taxpayers. I may never again agree with Senator Shelby. But, this time, there is no doubt whatsoever that we are politically aligned by our revulsion of this whole fiasco.
With so many people losing their homes and our tax base dwindling. It seems to me that one of the things to be done is the opposite of what the Bush cabal is offering as our best option. How about we fund those who are about to lose their homes? Keep them in their homes and paying taxes. Albeit much less than was indicated by the original loan. The cost will be about the same.
And, this time, let those who profited so handsomely from selling bullshit loans, figure out how to save their own sorry asses.
Of course, very damned few ever really read the platform of any party. But, since Mr. Bush and his group have decided to pull a play from the old "Shock Doctrine" play book, it should be brought to the attention of others.
One of the bullshit lines of the Republican Party is how the Democrat's are Socialists in blue clothing. So, who exactly is the Socialist Party here? Secretary Paulson claims that we must with great haste, spend $700 billion of taxpayer money to bail out those who made very poor business...make that gambling decisions and lost their asses.
There should of course be none of that socialist shit about helping out the consumers. For people making millions by setting up and running ponzi schemes though, there should be every available used to mitigate any possible loss.
In addition, Mr. Paulson wants to assist those who haven't had any losses. And, wants to bring in foreign banks doing business in the United States. So, banks who did well would be able to step up to the public trough and eat to their hearts content.
There is, as of tonight, some who are calling for more time to consider our options and perhaps come up with some better ideas on how to handle the present situation. Of interest here is one Republican Senator of note. Senator Shelby is calling bullshit on the whole mess, the plan and the people trying to foist it upon the taxpayers. I may never again agree with Senator Shelby. But, this time, there is no doubt whatsoever that we are politically aligned by our revulsion of this whole fiasco.
With so many people losing their homes and our tax base dwindling. It seems to me that one of the things to be done is the opposite of what the Bush cabal is offering as our best option. How about we fund those who are about to lose their homes? Keep them in their homes and paying taxes. Albeit much less than was indicated by the original loan. The cost will be about the same.
And, this time, let those who profited so handsomely from selling bullshit loans, figure out how to save their own sorry asses.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
$700 Billion
It is thus decided. Secretary Paulson can spend up to $700 billion of the taxpayers money. And, no one can review, or make changes to the final decision. In addition, there is nothing to be done about the action after the fact.
Capitalist Socialism. That is where we stand. We the taxpayers are not only on the hook for a trillion dollars worth of unnecessary war, we now we are going to be handed the bill to bailout those who gambled and lost. The war is brought to us by Halliburton, KBR and an assortment of others who have profited handsomely. We have paid Dick Cheney and his ilk with our blood and treasure. Now, for the elite, and this would of course be Mr. McCain and company, we get to give them a lot of money for being the very worst of businessmen and women.
It is going to be very interesting to hear politicians of every stripe step up and proclaim that this was in the best interest of the country. Tomorrow should offer us the finest in spinning from left, right and everywhere in between. They will come before us and claim with straight faces that this was the best course available and it took great courage to make this momentous decision. They may in fact be right. I sure as hell don't know. But, what I see is $700 billion of taxpayer money being given to those who caused the problem in the first place. We are going to reward crooks for malfeasance and ineptitude. And, there isn't one damned thing we can do about it. Right or wrong.
$700 Billion.
Capitalist Socialism. That is where we stand. We the taxpayers are not only on the hook for a trillion dollars worth of unnecessary war, we now we are going to be handed the bill to bailout those who gambled and lost. The war is brought to us by Halliburton, KBR and an assortment of others who have profited handsomely. We have paid Dick Cheney and his ilk with our blood and treasure. Now, for the elite, and this would of course be Mr. McCain and company, we get to give them a lot of money for being the very worst of businessmen and women.
It is going to be very interesting to hear politicians of every stripe step up and proclaim that this was in the best interest of the country. Tomorrow should offer us the finest in spinning from left, right and everywhere in between. They will come before us and claim with straight faces that this was the best course available and it took great courage to make this momentous decision. They may in fact be right. I sure as hell don't know. But, what I see is $700 billion of taxpayer money being given to those who caused the problem in the first place. We are going to reward crooks for malfeasance and ineptitude. And, there isn't one damned thing we can do about it. Right or wrong.
$700 Billion.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Lehman, Merrill, et. al.
Some great fun on Wall Street this morning. Lehman has filed bankruptcy, Merrill would have except for a quick sale of itself to Bank of America. And, AIG is begging for cash and may in the end follow along after Lehman or Merrill.
So, I'm just wondering here, after decades of corporations before citizens politics. Particularly the last eight. After more give aways than can be counted to companies large and small, for any reason whatsoever. How is it that that we are watching a collapse in the financial markets? Certainly it couldn't be that it was all bullshit, sold as golden apples? Perhaps now would be a good time to ask Mr. McCain's financial guru? Or, better yet. Let's ask Mr. McCain, that giant among men who feels he is the best the country has to offer in good judgement. Hmmm...Graham, Palin...kind of a losing proposition looks like to me.
This is likely not the end of all the mess we are watching. It is entirely likely that what we are seeing is the beginning of the downsizing of Wall Street. And, by extension, the downsizing of the United States. Unless, and until, we get our fiscal house in order, this country is going to be the model for the rest of the world in what not to do to govern a country.
So, I'm just wondering here, after decades of corporations before citizens politics. Particularly the last eight. After more give aways than can be counted to companies large and small, for any reason whatsoever. How is it that that we are watching a collapse in the financial markets? Certainly it couldn't be that it was all bullshit, sold as golden apples? Perhaps now would be a good time to ask Mr. McCain's financial guru? Or, better yet. Let's ask Mr. McCain, that giant among men who feels he is the best the country has to offer in good judgement. Hmmm...Graham, Palin...kind of a losing proposition looks like to me.
This is likely not the end of all the mess we are watching. It is entirely likely that what we are seeing is the beginning of the downsizing of Wall Street. And, by extension, the downsizing of the United States. Unless, and until, we get our fiscal house in order, this country is going to be the model for the rest of the world in what not to do to govern a country.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
It absolutely confounds me how the Republican Party can continue to fool so many people. How can a party that has made one it's tenents, lying about anything and everything, hold onto such a huge number of voters?
There seems to be no subject that they will not lie about. Whether it is Mr. Obama's record, his background or his childhood. Whether its global warming, economics or support for the troops. It seems that the lie is preferred to any form of the truth.
It may just be that they have no truth to tell. No new ideas. Nothing positive to focu on. So, rather than admit that they are going to just follow along with whatever policy was put in place before them, they focus on the negative. And, lie.
That may be it. But, why in the world would people who have been so thoroughly duped over the last eight years be willing to extend their support for more of the same? We have lost our standing in the world as a perveyor of peace and goodwill. Our military has been used and abused until it is near the point of collapse. The economy is in shambles. So...?
There seems to be no subject that they will not lie about. Whether it is Mr. Obama's record, his background or his childhood. Whether its global warming, economics or support for the troops. It seems that the lie is preferred to any form of the truth.
It may just be that they have no truth to tell. No new ideas. Nothing positive to focu on. So, rather than admit that they are going to just follow along with whatever policy was put in place before them, they focus on the negative. And, lie.
That may be it. But, why in the world would people who have been so thoroughly duped over the last eight years be willing to extend their support for more of the same? We have lost our standing in the world as a perveyor of peace and goodwill. Our military has been used and abused until it is near the point of collapse. The economy is in shambles. So...?
Monday, September 08, 2008
Energy and Focus
It seems that over the last week or so, those in the trenches have lost some of their energy and focus. I don't mean that everyone has gone off to play video games and drink beer. What I mean is that too many have been paying too much attention to the Ms. Palin situation unfolding. It is important if you are a pundit and your livelihood depends on such crap. Or, if you happen to work for the Obama campaign and one of your issues is handling the circus that is Ms. Palin.
For the rest of us however, it seems to me that our energy and focus needs to be on making sure we get everyone who is available to vote, registered. That we are knocking on every door in the United States, to make sure that all who can, do. That if we can, we are putting our money into the campaign coffer.
Mr. Obama has a paid staff to take care of those things that we just really can't do a damned thing about. We need to make sure that we have our energy and focus where it is needed. We need to make sure that the day after the election, we have made The Change that we so desperately need and want.
For the rest of us however, it seems to me that our energy and focus needs to be on making sure we get everyone who is available to vote, registered. That we are knocking on every door in the United States, to make sure that all who can, do. That if we can, we are putting our money into the campaign coffer.
Mr. Obama has a paid staff to take care of those things that we just really can't do a damned thing about. We need to make sure that we have our energy and focus where it is needed. We need to make sure that the day after the election, we have made The Change that we so desperately need and want.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Conventions. Over. Finally.
So, the Democrats held their convention. And now the Republicans have had their convention. It's finally time to get down to the election. Since, as is generally the case, nothing of import happens until after the summer is over and people get back home and start paying attention. Too bad, of course. A lot of very cool things have happened over the summer that were worthy of attention. Mr. Obama took the Democratic nomination from Ms. Clinton. Mr. McCain, once written off, is now the nominee for the Republicans.
Mr. Obama chose as his running mate Mr. Biden, a Senator of several decades and a foreign policy expert. Mr. McCain has chosen as his running mate, uuhhh...Ms. Palin, the 20 month Governor of Alaska. Who, previously was a mayor of a town of less than 10,000.
Next there will be the debates. Two between the two at the top of the ticket, and one by the VP choices. This is going to provide a lot of fun for everyone. Mr. Obama is a writer and orator. Mr. McCain is a mumbling, fumbling old fool. By the time the VP debate takes place, the Democrat's should have long since taken the muzzle off of Mr. Biden and...I'm not sure I want to see that.
The election itself is, in my estimation, the anticlimax of the whole election cycle. I fully expect Mr. Obama to win in a landslide. But, win he will. And, the United States will begin crawling back to a place of prominence and leadership in the world.
Mr. Obama chose as his running mate Mr. Biden, a Senator of several decades and a foreign policy expert. Mr. McCain has chosen as his running mate, uuhhh...Ms. Palin, the 20 month Governor of Alaska. Who, previously was a mayor of a town of less than 10,000.
Next there will be the debates. Two between the two at the top of the ticket, and one by the VP choices. This is going to provide a lot of fun for everyone. Mr. Obama is a writer and orator. Mr. McCain is a mumbling, fumbling old fool. By the time the VP debate takes place, the Democrat's should have long since taken the muzzle off of Mr. Biden and...I'm not sure I want to see that.
The election itself is, in my estimation, the anticlimax of the whole election cycle. I fully expect Mr. Obama to win in a landslide. But, win he will. And, the United States will begin crawling back to a place of prominence and leadership in the world.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Mr. McCain's choices
Just back from a trip around the western states. Motorcycle performed flawlessly. Had the stuff good trips are made of. Heat, chill, dry, wet, windy and altogether wonderful trip.
Saw Mr. Obama's acceptance speech. The man can write his ass off. And, even better, he is an orator extrordinaire. That was really something to see and hear. When even Mr. Buchanan, the old racist, pays compliments, you have witnessed something that you will see and hear very few times in a lifetime.
So now there is this choice of Mr. McCain of Ms. Palin as his running mate. Uhh, right. Talk about your questionable choices. Mr. McCain has so far curtailed an interview that was to be done on CNN because they questioned his judgement on his selection. Last I checked that was the role of the press. Not that they have been very good at it the last eight years, but now is okay for me. Then we find out she was questioned by the vetting committee the day before the selection. Obviously a lot of information was gathered and a lot of vetting done. Let's put that CNN question back on the table.
The hot head that Mr. McCain is, he should be on fire by the time the debates are over and done with. Which means, as politely as I can put it, after he has been eviscerated by Mr. Obama in front of the entire world. He lacks every bit of judgement necessary to be a leader in the world we face. He selects a VP running mate because he he has t take a great risk if he has any chance of winning. After it becomes apparent that he has stepped in bigger shit than crashing five planes, he whines to his base that the media isn't being nice to him and his choice.
Not sure how Ms. Palin will play tonight in front of a national audience. But, it should prove to be interesting. In the end, however, I think it will be much ado about nothing. Which is what I think she offers the world at large.
Oh. And, this just in. An open mic puts Ms. Noonan on record as calling her selection a bullshit choice and signifying the end of the presidential race. Between the statements of Ms. Noonan and Mr. Murphy over an open mic when they thought they had gone to commercial, it's just one more view from inside the Republican Party. They see the choices of Mr. McCain and his, amd Mr. Bush's Party continuing what is going to be a long process of unwinding.
Welcome to the world of reality, Grand Old Party.
Saw Mr. Obama's acceptance speech. The man can write his ass off. And, even better, he is an orator extrordinaire. That was really something to see and hear. When even Mr. Buchanan, the old racist, pays compliments, you have witnessed something that you will see and hear very few times in a lifetime.
So now there is this choice of Mr. McCain of Ms. Palin as his running mate. Uhh, right. Talk about your questionable choices. Mr. McCain has so far curtailed an interview that was to be done on CNN because they questioned his judgement on his selection. Last I checked that was the role of the press. Not that they have been very good at it the last eight years, but now is okay for me. Then we find out she was questioned by the vetting committee the day before the selection. Obviously a lot of information was gathered and a lot of vetting done. Let's put that CNN question back on the table.
The hot head that Mr. McCain is, he should be on fire by the time the debates are over and done with. Which means, as politely as I can put it, after he has been eviscerated by Mr. Obama in front of the entire world. He lacks every bit of judgement necessary to be a leader in the world we face. He selects a VP running mate because he he has t take a great risk if he has any chance of winning. After it becomes apparent that he has stepped in bigger shit than crashing five planes, he whines to his base that the media isn't being nice to him and his choice.
Not sure how Ms. Palin will play tonight in front of a national audience. But, it should prove to be interesting. In the end, however, I think it will be much ado about nothing. Which is what I think she offers the world at large.
Oh. And, this just in. An open mic puts Ms. Noonan on record as calling her selection a bullshit choice and signifying the end of the presidential race. Between the statements of Ms. Noonan and Mr. Murphy over an open mic when they thought they had gone to commercial, it's just one more view from inside the Republican Party. They see the choices of Mr. McCain and his, amd Mr. Bush's Party continuing what is going to be a long process of unwinding.
Welcome to the world of reality, Grand Old Party.
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