Saturday, September 20, 2008

$700 Billion

It is thus decided. Secretary Paulson can spend up to $700 billion of the taxpayers money. And, no one can review, or make changes to the final decision. In addition, there is nothing to be done about the action after the fact.

Capitalist Socialism. That is where we stand. We the taxpayers are not only on the hook for a trillion dollars worth of unnecessary war, we now we are going to be handed the bill to bailout those who gambled and lost. The war is brought to us by Halliburton, KBR and an assortment of others who have profited handsomely. We have paid Dick Cheney and his ilk with our blood and treasure. Now, for the elite, and this would of course be Mr. McCain and company, we get to give them a lot of money for being the very worst of businessmen and women.

It is going to be very interesting to hear politicians of every stripe step up and proclaim that this was in the best interest of the country. Tomorrow should offer us the finest in spinning from left, right and everywhere in between. They will come before us and claim with straight faces that this was the best course available and it took great courage to make this momentous decision. They may in fact be right. I sure as hell don't know. But, what I see is $700 billion of taxpayer money being given to those who caused the problem in the first place. We are going to reward crooks for malfeasance and ineptitude. And, there isn't one damned thing we can do about it. Right or wrong.

$700 Billion.

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