Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Cast My Ballot

Yesterday, as it was the first day of early voting in Texas, I cast my ballot. Significant? Perhaps not to many. To me? You bet your sweet ass. In the claimed home state of George W. Bush, I cast my ballot for the next President of the United States, Mr. Obama. A Democrat. That is delicious to me.

After suffering through the worst Presidency in the history of the nation, I, among many others, have begun the process of dragging this country back from the abyss. It will be a long and arduous road we take. It will require that we include those who earlier had cast us aside as traitors and unAmerican. It will require that we sacrifice and compromise. Most of all, it will take time.

There is much to be done here. We must end the occupation of the sovereign nation of Iraq. We must begin to rebuild our economy. And, follow by rebuilding our wealth. We must return our Constitution to it's place as the guiding document for the nation. And, most of all rebuilding our faith in our nation and it's leaders.

Under those headings there are a host of items to be dealt with. Torture, spying on our own citizens, reduction of the Patriot Act to something reasonable, perhaps the demolition of the Homeland Security Agency. These are just a few, of course. But, it gives us an idea of what we have to deal with over the next many years.

So, yesterday, I cast my ballot for the next President of the United States. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. Please get yourself and all of those around you to the polls. This election matters. Cast your ballot.

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