Saturday, January 02, 2010

Climate Criminals

Persons involved in crime are called criminals. Since, in this country, corporations can be considered persons, they can also be considered criminals.

In many states in this country, corporations are destroying the planet and all things living upon it. Yet, they are allowed to continue their course unchallenged. In fact, they are aided and abetted by our own governments. They could not continue to tear the top of mountains and drop most of it into streams and headwaters thus destroying them without the ok from government at several levels. They could not continue longwall mining operations, knowing that they are destroying farms, homes, and the drinking water of people who live in those places without a nod from the government.They unlock already sequestered carbon into the air. They loose mercury and arsenic, among other poisons, into the surrounding environment where it is taken up by all living creatures. That would of course mean humans and their children. They destroy homes. They put out of business, local farmers.

If these people are killing the planet and those things which live there and have the permission to do so from the very government elected to protect and serve, then what are they, collectively to be called. I submit that they should be called Climate Criminals. It is without doubt that the corporations themselves, Consol Energy, Massy, and their ilk, are Climate Criminals. But, it is my belief that those who would assist them to destroy the very place we live, planet Earth, are just as criminal. And, should be held just as responsible.

There is always lots of talk among these criminals of jobs. Yet they destroy the livelihoods of people surrounding their operations. People in Montana will lose their water just as those in Pennsylvania did. And, just as surely, will lose their ranches and farms and their way of life. Is that not destroying jobs?

Secretary Salazar and his known criminal henchman Joe Pizarchik are allowing all of these things to happen. In our names. That may suit some. Likely those who would see the planet destroyed in the name of profit. But, I for one do not wish to have my name put on the list of those who support those who are committing this form of genocide.

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