With all of the hyperventilating about the Social Security Trust (SST) being a welfare program and how it needs to be "reformed" due to the deficit, the following: BULLSHIT.
The SST has a surplus. It has not contributed one cent to the deficit. The need for change is simply to make sure it works further down the line.
We are in an economic in the US right now. It would be worse if not for the government borrowing from the SST. So part of the problem with the deficit we have is that we have borrowed from our future to pay for the present. Is it a problem? Of course. Can it be repaid, changes made and the problem resolved? Of course.
Just a couple of observations about that SST hyperventilating. Those who would most like to see it "reformed", people such as Alan Simpson (Cat Food Commission), have been working for years to eliminate the Trust. So much for bipartisan interest in resolving the issue.
The talking heads we see reporting on the issue are paid by large corporations who have no interest in having a SST. These same people are generally not of an age when the import of SST has become clear.
We cannot depend upon the old line media for our truth. We must seek it out on our own, relying upon the sources that we have. Want to know about SST? All of the information is available. Take a couple of hours of your time and find out for yourself. Become your own source. The information you garner will help insulate you from the truckloads of manure brought to you each day on television.
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