Sunday, November 07, 2010

CONSOL's Long Whine

Well, okay. DEP in Pennsylvania has decided to take some action against CONSOL. DEP has told CONSOL that they believe they are responsible for the damage done to a dam. That dam was damaged beyond repair due to CONSOL's longwall mining operation that ended with Ryerson Lake being emptied. The DEP decision is good news. As far as it goes.

However, we all know what comes next. CONSOL will now go to court. Where, if the past is any guide, the decision will remain for a goodly long time. During that time, CONSOL will buy up as many supporters (in and out of government) as possible. In the end, there will be a ruling so watered down and pasty that it will resemble more a ghost than a well reasoned court decision.

You think maybe I'm just a little too cynical? Let us just use two examples. Both where the destruction was so obvious and widespread that anyone with access to radio, newspaper, tv or internet could see or hear all of the damage for themselves. First, EXXON and the destruction in Alaska. Second, the BP catastrophe in the Gulf. Both of these continue. However, EXXON walked away with no more than a slap on the wrist. BP is dragging its heals and turning down assistance as quickly as possible. Assistance which of course they told us all about with millions spent on oh so heartfelt television adds.

Now back to CONSOL. Yes, they have destroyed the homes of thousands. Dewatered ponds and wells for countless farmers. Damaged some roads. And, oh yes. There is that little matter of Ryerson Lake. But, just how many people in this country actually, even now, know about the decision by DEP? Or, CONSOL and their longwall mining operations' culpability? How many will remember in five years?

Perhaps, because I am a little cynical, I will just call this forthcoming time as CONSOL's long whine.

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