Monday, November 08, 2010

Damaging. Denying. Dragging.

After posting last night, I thought that it would perhaps be a week or so before CONSOL went into quick spin mode. Wrong. Awoke this morning to see that CONSOL, the criminal enterprise that is called longwall mining, had already denied any culpability for the damage to the dam. Which as we all know, ended up turning Ryerson Lake into Ryerson weed field.

We knew they would deny. We know they will go to court. We know that they will drag this out as long as they possibly can. All that really remains is the time frame for the dragging portion. That is the portion that is most significant.

As long as CONSOL and their criminal activity of longwall mining continues, there will be further damage done to other structures. That further means that there will be further damage to people, animals and the environment at large. And, even though we all know that they are responsible, nothing will change. They will continue as in the past with all fecal material, mercury, lead, arsenic,, running downhill, as it surely will.

So long as these criminals are allowed to pursue profits, regardless of the damage they do to the people of southern PA, nothing will change. Until they are forced to pay, immediately and in full for all the damage done, they will, without doubt continue on their merry way. Damaging. Denying. Dragging. And, finally, whining as loudly as possible that they have been wronged.

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