Sunday, December 19, 2010


It has been a very long trek, filled with all of the acrimony that fills any human rights battle. But, at long last, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" has been put behind us. The program that forced so many to lie just to serve their country is now a thing of the past. Or, will be once signed by President Obama.

Gay people have always served. And, although I can't prove it, it is my guess that it has always been so. Certainly it has been so for a long time in many of the armed forces of our friends and allies.

So, why would it be the case that in the " of the free..." that it has taken so long for this odious kind of hate to be irradicated? Again, I don't know the answer. But, what I do know is that there has been a bad case of racism, bigotry, and the other kinds of hate running in this country since the beginning. Any doubts can be taken to any tribal council of any Native American tribe in the US.

What is more important here, for me, is the tribute to be payed to those who sacrificed so much for this cause. Specifically, and he will stand in for all, is Lt. Dan Choi. He became the face of the movement.

For the most part of a decade he has fought just to be able to serve his country in the job he had chosen. That job, serving in the US Army. Being unwilling to carry on the charade surrounding his sexual orientation, he was discharged under DADT.

Last week, after all the years of being the face of the movement, under stress that few can imagine, the young man fell ill. At the moment that all of his suffering would be wiped away, he was hospitalized.

When the POTUS signs the death warrant for DADT, I am hopeful that those who have a large audience in the press, will write about Dan Choi. As the young man who wanted to do nothing but serve his country certainly. But, also as the hero and champion he was during the last years of this fight. And, will remain to many of us who stood against DADT.


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