President Bush says he is sleeping better than people might think. Actually, no one is surprised at all. Everyone knows the man has no conscience, otherwise he would have resigned in disgrace several years ago.
But just to recap: Katrina, Abu Graihb, Guantanamo, habeus corpus, rendition, and lest we should forget, Iraq and the cut-and-run policy in Afganistan.
Yes indeed the man must be sleeping like a baby. Or, perhaps like a complete inhuman ass-hole. Hard to say which...not really. His lack of humanity, stuck in the frat boy stage, run up the Jesus flag, to cover up his complete lack of understanding of anything approaching adult thinking just seems so...uh...right wing.
This fool and his cabal are thrilled to point out that the trade deficit fell to 58.9 BILLION dollars in October. Could someone please explain to me how in the fuck you can be happy by falling in the hole by only 58.9 BILLION dollars?
Friday, December 15, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
ISG Report
Sure glad all of those well known folks who were for the war to start with did a study and found that the whole thing is an abject failure. However, there was no bottom line as far as I am concerned. Pick up your rifles and go home. How in the hell could they spend six months looking at this thing and come to any other conclusion?
Now, to be sure, they all have credentials that carry a whole lot more weight than mine. But at the end of the day, they have 79 suggestions. Some good, before the war started. All of them now, in my estimation, are no more than just a way for the entrenched power types to set up there next power move. So much bullshit. It was if those dying had no real meaning at all. And, for them, that may be true. Since none of them have loved ones in harm's way.
So what does it all get us? Bush say's he's going to take the suggestions seriously. Seriously? The guy hasn't got a fuckin' clue what seriously is all about. He absolutely believes that his policy decisions will be vindicated. He, even at this late date, has no idea that he is the worst President this country has ever had, and that he has made in every case, the worst possible choices for this country. So, seriously? No way on this warming planet.
As for his pronouncement on this study? He's waiting on several more studies now underway to see what they have to offer. And his chief advisor, Andrew Card? Bush know's more about this subject than anyone on the panel selected. Now they can just go home and shut the fuck up. Of course that is what we would expect from these arrogant, thieving, lying, stealing, bloviating assholes.
So. What have we here? A study by ultimate insider's with relevance near the nil line, to be ignored by the Idiot-in-Chief. Even those few things which might make any real difference, like talking with Syria and Iran, are out of the question. Boy, I'm sure glad we took the time, effort, and money to do that.
Now, to be sure, they all have credentials that carry a whole lot more weight than mine. But at the end of the day, they have 79 suggestions. Some good, before the war started. All of them now, in my estimation, are no more than just a way for the entrenched power types to set up there next power move. So much bullshit. It was if those dying had no real meaning at all. And, for them, that may be true. Since none of them have loved ones in harm's way.
So what does it all get us? Bush say's he's going to take the suggestions seriously. Seriously? The guy hasn't got a fuckin' clue what seriously is all about. He absolutely believes that his policy decisions will be vindicated. He, even at this late date, has no idea that he is the worst President this country has ever had, and that he has made in every case, the worst possible choices for this country. So, seriously? No way on this warming planet.
As for his pronouncement on this study? He's waiting on several more studies now underway to see what they have to offer. And his chief advisor, Andrew Card? Bush know's more about this subject than anyone on the panel selected. Now they can just go home and shut the fuck up. Of course that is what we would expect from these arrogant, thieving, lying, stealing, bloviating assholes.
So. What have we here? A study by ultimate insider's with relevance near the nil line, to be ignored by the Idiot-in-Chief. Even those few things which might make any real difference, like talking with Syria and Iran, are out of the question. Boy, I'm sure glad we took the time, effort, and money to do that.
Another Talking Point
For several years now there has been this Republican talking point which concerns medical-malpractice lawsuits. The crux of the complaint has been that with all of the frivolous lawsuits filed against innocent medical types, has driven up there cost of doing business (read insurance) as well as killing their profits. Sending them either to practice their craft in some far flung place, or given it up all together.
So, I was quite surprised to find that an article in the New England Journal of Medicine said that although doctors do indeed pay high malpractice-insurance premiums and that it was true that litigation is expensive for all parties, those who win such lawsuits are exceedingly rare. And, are far outnumbered by those cases in which a patient is injured by medical error and goes uncompensated.
Insurance money went to those who had been injured rather than those who had made baseless claims. This, they said, suggested that "moves to combat frivolous litigations will have a limited effect on total costs."
Plaintiffs, said the study, lost four-fifths of the lawsuits that actually went to trial. About 85% of all cases were settled out of court.
Perhaps looking at the Scandanavian model would be of more use than blaming the victim. In that model, special courts abitrate medical disputes.
Yet another Republican talking point takes a shit. Wonder why the MSM didn't spread the word on that one?
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to relegion. - Aristotle
So, I was quite surprised to find that an article in the New England Journal of Medicine said that although doctors do indeed pay high malpractice-insurance premiums and that it was true that litigation is expensive for all parties, those who win such lawsuits are exceedingly rare. And, are far outnumbered by those cases in which a patient is injured by medical error and goes uncompensated.
Insurance money went to those who had been injured rather than those who had made baseless claims. This, they said, suggested that "moves to combat frivolous litigations will have a limited effect on total costs."
Plaintiffs, said the study, lost four-fifths of the lawsuits that actually went to trial. About 85% of all cases were settled out of court.
Perhaps looking at the Scandanavian model would be of more use than blaming the victim. In that model, special courts abitrate medical disputes.
Yet another Republican talking point takes a shit. Wonder why the MSM didn't spread the word on that one?
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to relegion. - Aristotle
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Republican Questions
So there are rumblings from the Bush minions (Republican Party) about what the Democratic Party plan for Iraq will be. Just a thought. Kiss my ass. You all have had 5 years to get this straight and you are still clueless. So, while we are busy making ready to take over BOTH Houses of Congress, feel free to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
None of you had balls enough to tell Bush he had the country bogged down in Viet Iraq, and now you've got all kinds of motor mouthing going on. How about while the Democrat's are readying things, you go about trying to figure out who is going to jail next, or who is going to lose their seat in the next election? Maybe delouse the offices before you go? Get rid of the telephone numbers for the Pages? Replace the hard drive's in your computer's? I'm sure you have many things to do before moving day.
And, since you couldn't figure out how to govern in the last ten years, how about you take a good long vacation somewhere? Maybe Iraq? You know, to show your support for the troops? Since you didn't bother to fully fund the VA, maybe a band-aid or, jeez, body armor, or something?
Oh, yes. One more thing. Before you wretch the next mouthful of bile on the American public in the form of some other stupid question (yes there is such a thing as a stupid question)? Please feel free to reread the last few words of the 1st paragraph.
And, have a nice day. heh.
None of you had balls enough to tell Bush he had the country bogged down in Viet Iraq, and now you've got all kinds of motor mouthing going on. How about while the Democrat's are readying things, you go about trying to figure out who is going to jail next, or who is going to lose their seat in the next election? Maybe delouse the offices before you go? Get rid of the telephone numbers for the Pages? Replace the hard drive's in your computer's? I'm sure you have many things to do before moving day.
And, since you couldn't figure out how to govern in the last ten years, how about you take a good long vacation somewhere? Maybe Iraq? You know, to show your support for the troops? Since you didn't bother to fully fund the VA, maybe a band-aid or, jeez, body armor, or something?
Oh, yes. One more thing. Before you wretch the next mouthful of bile on the American public in the form of some other stupid question (yes there is such a thing as a stupid question)? Please feel free to reread the last few words of the 1st paragraph.
And, have a nice day. heh.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
President Bush has promised a new era of bipartisanship. And, we can all agree that this would be the most sensible approach to governing for the next two years.
The same day the pronouncement of bipartisanship was issued however, two other items hit the wires. First, Bush submitted for nomination, the name of John Bolton to be US Ambassador to the UN. Rather odd, since the first attempt to get the UN hater's name through the process failed. And, now there is a Democratic majority. And, Lincoln Chaffee (R) R.I., has made it clear he will not support the nomination. Second, Bush made it plain that he was going to move forward on legislation to authorize a domestic surveillance program. That would be the one wherein the government is ok'd to spy on it's citizens.
Although I am not always on-board with Joe Biden, this statment worked for me: Bush is only going to learn by getting "HARSH DOSES OF REALITY, REPEATEDLY ADMINISTERED." Or, as Frank Cesca believes, a big 'ol cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
I've got your bipartisanship danglin' dude. You don't set the agenda anymore. You are now as irrelevant as you should have been from the very beginning. Now everyone will get the opportunity to watch as you and your band of thugs slither back under your collective rocks.
The same day the pronouncement of bipartisanship was issued however, two other items hit the wires. First, Bush submitted for nomination, the name of John Bolton to be US Ambassador to the UN. Rather odd, since the first attempt to get the UN hater's name through the process failed. And, now there is a Democratic majority. And, Lincoln Chaffee (R) R.I., has made it clear he will not support the nomination. Second, Bush made it plain that he was going to move forward on legislation to authorize a domestic surveillance program. That would be the one wherein the government is ok'd to spy on it's citizens.
Although I am not always on-board with Joe Biden, this statment worked for me: Bush is only going to learn by getting "HARSH DOSES OF REALITY, REPEATEDLY ADMINISTERED." Or, as Frank Cesca believes, a big 'ol cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
I've got your bipartisanship danglin' dude. You don't set the agenda anymore. You are now as irrelevant as you should have been from the very beginning. Now everyone will get the opportunity to watch as you and your band of thugs slither back under your collective rocks.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
A change has come to our shores. A change in control of the Congress of the US. Not just A change, but a big, big change. Both Houses of Congress are now controlled by the Democratic Party. That would be the Party of Liberals, Progressives, and all manner of people and thinkers on the left end of the dial.
Although most of them appear pretty far to the right in my world, they beat the shit out of the cabal that has been in place for the last six years. Admittedly, I am a Socialist. That sets my agenda for change. I think such minimal things as a living wage, universal health care, functional and uncorrupt unions, reproductive rights, gay marriage, and habeus corpus, just to name a few, should be at the top of all Progressives list for change. However, I understand that this change agenda will take some time. Hopefully, as little as a decade, according to Kos.
We have watched as this treacherous regime has made every effort to gut our Constitution and change this from a Republic to a Fascist style state. Fortunately, we the people, have caught them in time to begin the rollback of the crazy assed changes they were trying to implement in order to fulfill their plan. Now we must make every endeavor to make sure they can never succeed at such an attempt again.
Change is good. If, and only if, the change is for the good of the people. It cannot be to ensure that those in power, whoever they are, remain in power regardless of the will of those they are elected to represent.
To the Republicans. We just made a change because of arrogance and your fucking tin ear. To the Democrats. We will hold you just as accountable as we did the Republicans. To any who shall be involved in governing of the masses. We will be watching. And, if we see you becoming less than we demand, we will make a change.
Minimum number of different US Government Agencies that mine the personal data of citizens: 42.
Although most of them appear pretty far to the right in my world, they beat the shit out of the cabal that has been in place for the last six years. Admittedly, I am a Socialist. That sets my agenda for change. I think such minimal things as a living wage, universal health care, functional and uncorrupt unions, reproductive rights, gay marriage, and habeus corpus, just to name a few, should be at the top of all Progressives list for change. However, I understand that this change agenda will take some time. Hopefully, as little as a decade, according to Kos.
We have watched as this treacherous regime has made every effort to gut our Constitution and change this from a Republic to a Fascist style state. Fortunately, we the people, have caught them in time to begin the rollback of the crazy assed changes they were trying to implement in order to fulfill their plan. Now we must make every endeavor to make sure they can never succeed at such an attempt again.
Change is good. If, and only if, the change is for the good of the people. It cannot be to ensure that those in power, whoever they are, remain in power regardless of the will of those they are elected to represent.
To the Republicans. We just made a change because of arrogance and your fucking tin ear. To the Democrats. We will hold you just as accountable as we did the Republicans. To any who shall be involved in governing of the masses. We will be watching. And, if we see you becoming less than we demand, we will make a change.
Minimum number of different US Government Agencies that mine the personal data of citizens: 42.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
So Bush says there is no "Stay the Course" anywhere to be seen. That he's never been for "Stay the Course" and it's not all about that.
So then he does the lame Rose Garden act where he says: "...objective remains the same..." and "Our goals are unchanging."
All but the 28-30% who have absolutely drowned themselves in the Kool-Aid know that he has not just said it, but has said it over and over and over again. Not just him, his puppet minder, Cheney has said it over and over again as well.
Can't hide the truth guy's. You're on tape, on every channel on the planet saying "Stay the Course," over and over and over again. And, now you say it never happened, we never said that, and if we did, we didn't really mean it.
OK so let's take you at your word. Not really. But, just for a minute. So, you're not for "Stay the Course" and so you're for what? What is the plan? What is it you have finally decided to do? Because clearly whatever you have done up to now has been a dismal failure. October was the deadliest month in the last two years, so there is no quibbling about whether your previous idea (not "Stay the Course") was working or not. What is it?
Latest idea? We may need to send more troops. This one is not only presented by Bush, but by John McCain. OK. So where in the fuck are you going to get the troops, boys? We are now down to scrounging around for troops at every level. How do we know? They have lowered the standards for cannon fodder because they weren't getting enough of them so sign the paper. Take them out of Korea? Maybe not. There are some up in Germany? And, let's see...uhhhh...ummm...shit. Nope, no extra troops around anywhere as far as the eye can see.
You can change the wording, but you can't change the plan. Because you don't have one. You never had one going in and you don't have one now. Rearranging chairs on the deck of the Titanic won't help anymore. No one believes you. Except for the 28-30% we mentioned previously. And, they can't help you.
Since I have already voted, let me tell you something. The end times have arrived. You are going to be relegated to the dust bin of history where you belong. You are the worst President this country has ever had and hopefully, will ever have. And, it is now time for you to slink back under the rock your daddy probably provided for you.
So then he does the lame Rose Garden act where he says: "...objective remains the same..." and "Our goals are unchanging."
All but the 28-30% who have absolutely drowned themselves in the Kool-Aid know that he has not just said it, but has said it over and over and over again. Not just him, his puppet minder, Cheney has said it over and over again as well.
Can't hide the truth guy's. You're on tape, on every channel on the planet saying "Stay the Course," over and over and over again. And, now you say it never happened, we never said that, and if we did, we didn't really mean it.
OK so let's take you at your word. Not really. But, just for a minute. So, you're not for "Stay the Course" and so you're for what? What is the plan? What is it you have finally decided to do? Because clearly whatever you have done up to now has been a dismal failure. October was the deadliest month in the last two years, so there is no quibbling about whether your previous idea (not "Stay the Course") was working or not. What is it?
Latest idea? We may need to send more troops. This one is not only presented by Bush, but by John McCain. OK. So where in the fuck are you going to get the troops, boys? We are now down to scrounging around for troops at every level. How do we know? They have lowered the standards for cannon fodder because they weren't getting enough of them so sign the paper. Take them out of Korea? Maybe not. There are some up in Germany? And, let's see...uhhhh...ummm...shit. Nope, no extra troops around anywhere as far as the eye can see.
You can change the wording, but you can't change the plan. Because you don't have one. You never had one going in and you don't have one now. Rearranging chairs on the deck of the Titanic won't help anymore. No one believes you. Except for the 28-30% we mentioned previously. And, they can't help you.
Since I have already voted, let me tell you something. The end times have arrived. You are going to be relegated to the dust bin of history where you belong. You are the worst President this country has ever had and hopefully, will ever have. And, it is now time for you to slink back under the rock your daddy probably provided for you.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Just read an article by maggiemae over at Dailykos. The article was based on a story run in the San Diego Union on Oct,13,2006, written by Rick Rogers, Staff Writer. The title of the article he wrote was "Helping the hungry on base."
The story related how 100's of young enlisted men's wives are going to the Military Outreach Ministry folks at Camp Pendleton and Miramar Marine Corps Air Station and getting food from their food stores.
The people he's talking about are the 18-25 year old women with 1-3 kids, who's husband's are in Iraq doing the bidding of the Bush Administration for the 3rd, 4th, or 5th time. They are the wives of the E1-5's who do the grunt work (cannon fodder) in any war.
These would be the guy's who are the subject of the Yellow Ribbon, and dress red on Friday campaigns. The Yellow Ribbon generally has "Support the Troops" printed on it and is slapped on the back of a vehicle to make sure that the neighbors all understand how the owner feels. Except that they don't mean a fucking thing. They don't help the troops in any meaningful way at all. Thus the women at the food band sort of places trying to keep their families fed while their husbands/wives are being slaughtered for not a single good reason.
So, for all of those who seem to feel that they are supporting the troops, how about trying to support them in some meaningful way? How about paying them enough to feed their families? How about doing something to assist the wives/husbands/children left behind while they are off being maimed in Afganistan or Iraq? When they do come home how about making sure they get the health care and financial support they need to rehabilitate themselves, if they can?
Haven't researched this story any further, but it seems to me that if this is happening in San Diego, it is probably happening in other parts of the country.
Ways to help.
Military Outreach Ministry at Camp Pendleton - (760)908-7043
Military Outreach Ministries at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station - (619)843-8964
Check locally if you're near a military base.
The story related how 100's of young enlisted men's wives are going to the Military Outreach Ministry folks at Camp Pendleton and Miramar Marine Corps Air Station and getting food from their food stores.
The people he's talking about are the 18-25 year old women with 1-3 kids, who's husband's are in Iraq doing the bidding of the Bush Administration for the 3rd, 4th, or 5th time. They are the wives of the E1-5's who do the grunt work (cannon fodder) in any war.
These would be the guy's who are the subject of the Yellow Ribbon, and dress red on Friday campaigns. The Yellow Ribbon generally has "Support the Troops" printed on it and is slapped on the back of a vehicle to make sure that the neighbors all understand how the owner feels. Except that they don't mean a fucking thing. They don't help the troops in any meaningful way at all. Thus the women at the food band sort of places trying to keep their families fed while their husbands/wives are being slaughtered for not a single good reason.
So, for all of those who seem to feel that they are supporting the troops, how about trying to support them in some meaningful way? How about paying them enough to feed their families? How about doing something to assist the wives/husbands/children left behind while they are off being maimed in Afganistan or Iraq? When they do come home how about making sure they get the health care and financial support they need to rehabilitate themselves, if they can?
Haven't researched this story any further, but it seems to me that if this is happening in San Diego, it is probably happening in other parts of the country.
Ways to help.
Military Outreach Ministry at Camp Pendleton - (760)908-7043
Military Outreach Ministries at Miramar Marine Corps Air Station - (619)843-8964
Check locally if you're near a military base.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Lieberman has stated that nothing will change unless "Democrats" change their ways and make nice with the Republicans.
What a fuckin' wanker. What he really means is that they should all capitulate to he did. I'm glad the asshole left the party to run as an Independent. It just takes him further down the road to his real roots. He's a Republican.
And, no we won't miss the son-of-bitch.
What we need to do now is pour money into Connecticut and Ned Lamont's campaign.
What a fuckin' wanker. What he really means is that they should all capitulate to he did. I'm glad the asshole left the party to run as an Independent. It just takes him further down the road to his real roots. He's a Republican.
And, no we won't miss the son-of-bitch.
What we need to do now is pour money into Connecticut and Ned Lamont's campaign.

There will be a return engagement for this trip, and I hope that it will not be long in the making. There are still several building I didn't even get to visit, due to remodeling. And, several buildings off the mall that I would still like to see.
North Korea
It seems quite interesting, this slow dance that North Korea is involved in with the rest of the world, but specifically the US. It is now confirmed that they did in fact test a nuclear device. After which they again reiterated their desire to talk with the US one-on-one. The US said that they would not participate in that kind of negotiation, but only in the previous six nation configuration.
The US then pressed ahead, with Japan and several other nations, to agree to sanctions against North Korea. North Korea had previously said that they would consider any such actions an act of war.
Sanctions now in place, North Korea has said that it considers the sanctions an act of war and that they will conduct another nuclear device test. It seems likely that they do indeed have enough material to conduct at least one more test, and perhaps many.
The sanctions themselves may or may not be what the US really wants, since China has agreed that they will stop and search North Korean ships, but will not confiscate any materials, legal or otherwise found aboard those vessels. Other nations have not stated whether or not they will actually make any confiscations. But it certainly seems that this could force an escalation of the situation in a rather short time.
We already know that due to the Bush Administration's approach, this matter has been exacerbated. What we don't know is how far they are willing to push this issue of not negotiating one-on-one. Based upon past performance, one can only hope that wiser folks will soon be on the scene to force a rather more rational approach.
It is my opinion that North Korea is in a very sad state. There is no doubt that they cannot feed their own populace, which is why they had been receiving large amounts of outside food aid. Sanctions rarely, if ever, work. See Cuba for an example of how irrational they are. And, if North Korea sees itself as being forced into a corner, I have no doubt that they will make strike out. This is not in anyone's best interest. At some point, the populace, which has been starved and beaten into submission for 50+ years, will themselves take action and end the regime. This action which is now being taken, cannot in my opinion serve the better good.
If the Republican Pary cannot protect the Page's who are in their midst, how in the hell can you expect them to protect the nation?
The US then pressed ahead, with Japan and several other nations, to agree to sanctions against North Korea. North Korea had previously said that they would consider any such actions an act of war.
Sanctions now in place, North Korea has said that it considers the sanctions an act of war and that they will conduct another nuclear device test. It seems likely that they do indeed have enough material to conduct at least one more test, and perhaps many.
The sanctions themselves may or may not be what the US really wants, since China has agreed that they will stop and search North Korean ships, but will not confiscate any materials, legal or otherwise found aboard those vessels. Other nations have not stated whether or not they will actually make any confiscations. But it certainly seems that this could force an escalation of the situation in a rather short time.
We already know that due to the Bush Administration's approach, this matter has been exacerbated. What we don't know is how far they are willing to push this issue of not negotiating one-on-one. Based upon past performance, one can only hope that wiser folks will soon be on the scene to force a rather more rational approach.
It is my opinion that North Korea is in a very sad state. There is no doubt that they cannot feed their own populace, which is why they had been receiving large amounts of outside food aid. Sanctions rarely, if ever, work. See Cuba for an example of how irrational they are. And, if North Korea sees itself as being forced into a corner, I have no doubt that they will make strike out. This is not in anyone's best interest. At some point, the populace, which has been starved and beaten into submission for 50+ years, will themselves take action and end the regime. This action which is now being taken, cannot in my opinion serve the better good.
If the Republican Pary cannot protect the Page's who are in their midst, how in the hell can you expect them to protect the nation?
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Mr. Foley
I have followed this story from it's inception. Not because of the obvious wrong done by Mr. Foley, but because of the too obvious attempt to cover the whole thing by Republican leadership. These folks believed that power was so important, that they not only covered the crime, but put pressure on Mr. Foley to remain in his seat so as to help them maintain control of the House.
Power is intoxicating all agree. But, to put children in harm's way to maintain it is a sick proposition. Everyone knows that the leadership of the Republican Party is bankrupt...except for the 30% who wouldn't care if they beheaded people on tv. But, to allow such a crime to take place and cover for it, while at the same time screaming about the sin's of the Democrat's is pathetic in the extreme.
When the story first burst on the scene, Mr. Foley, within a day of finding out that ABC News would report the story, resigned. At that time, it was assumed that no one inside the beltway had knowledge of the incidents that were reported. However, within a few hours of his resignation, there were conflicting stories coming from the leadership of the Republican Party. Not only were folks trying to minimize the thing, but several players, Hastert, Reynolds, Shimkus and Alexander were starting to point fingers.
By Saturday it had become obvious to any who cared to read what was being written that the stories weren't lining up. And, by Sunday the cover-up was plain to see. With a little effort, I have followed the story and created a timeline to watch it all. By now, the story has stretched back to 2000/2001. And, there is the possibility that it could reach back as far as 1995.
In the meantime, another story has emerged. This one concerning Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-AZ. It seems that he may have taken a camping trip with a couple of pages. This prior to him confronting Foley in 2000 about sending e-mails to a page that had made him uncomfortable. Now if this mess was known about in 2000 why didn't it become widely known? Easy to speculate, but the truth seems to be coming out fast enough that it's wasted. After all, it was during the initial flurry that Kolbe made it known that he had spoken with Foley in 2000. Then within a couple of days, he is being investigated for the camping story.
With three Republicans already gone (DeLay, Ney and Foley), two under the lights (Kolbe and Wheldon) and at least three waiting in the que, there could be a lot of excitement still to come...before the elections ever arrive.
There is no excuse for voting Republican, unless you own a coal mine or an oil well.
Power is intoxicating all agree. But, to put children in harm's way to maintain it is a sick proposition. Everyone knows that the leadership of the Republican Party is bankrupt...except for the 30% who wouldn't care if they beheaded people on tv. But, to allow such a crime to take place and cover for it, while at the same time screaming about the sin's of the Democrat's is pathetic in the extreme.
When the story first burst on the scene, Mr. Foley, within a day of finding out that ABC News would report the story, resigned. At that time, it was assumed that no one inside the beltway had knowledge of the incidents that were reported. However, within a few hours of his resignation, there were conflicting stories coming from the leadership of the Republican Party. Not only were folks trying to minimize the thing, but several players, Hastert, Reynolds, Shimkus and Alexander were starting to point fingers.
By Saturday it had become obvious to any who cared to read what was being written that the stories weren't lining up. And, by Sunday the cover-up was plain to see. With a little effort, I have followed the story and created a timeline to watch it all. By now, the story has stretched back to 2000/2001. And, there is the possibility that it could reach back as far as 1995.
In the meantime, another story has emerged. This one concerning Rep. Jim Kolbe, R-AZ. It seems that he may have taken a camping trip with a couple of pages. This prior to him confronting Foley in 2000 about sending e-mails to a page that had made him uncomfortable. Now if this mess was known about in 2000 why didn't it become widely known? Easy to speculate, but the truth seems to be coming out fast enough that it's wasted. After all, it was during the initial flurry that Kolbe made it known that he had spoken with Foley in 2000. Then within a couple of days, he is being investigated for the camping story.
With three Republicans already gone (DeLay, Ney and Foley), two under the lights (Kolbe and Wheldon) and at least three waiting in the que, there could be a lot of excitement still to come...before the elections ever arrive.
There is no excuse for voting Republican, unless you own a coal mine or an oil well.
Friday, September 29, 2006
How Far?
It sickens me to have to consider How Far we have gone down the path leading to being the Evil Empire. It doesn't take a genius to see the markers along the path. Stolen elections, secret prisons, torture and removal of haebus corpus are not only obvious, they are lauded by the regime in power. They point at these things and tell the population that they need to be in great fear because the bad guys are very different from days of old. That these tactics are needed because they are the only way to deal with these horrible creatures.
The most troubling issue for me, is that people actually believe such nonsense. There have always been bad guys in the world. And, they have perpetrated horrible actions upon the populace both near and far. Ghengis Khan, Hitler, Idi Amin, and Pol Pot certainly have to rank high on any list of evil doers. But How Far do we go in diminishing ourselves to deal with these people?
It looks to me as though we, collectively, have decided that the old Constitution just isn't worth the effort any longer. That the high ideals that brought that document and this nation into being and sustained us for 200+ years is no longer relevant in our world. That the lowest common denominator should be our calling. And, that torture and suspending our rights is ok in the name of protecting ourselves from whatever evils.
Paraphrasing Ben Franklin, those would give up their freedom for security, deserve neither. I hope for our sake we have not gone That Far.
The most troubling issue for me, is that people actually believe such nonsense. There have always been bad guys in the world. And, they have perpetrated horrible actions upon the populace both near and far. Ghengis Khan, Hitler, Idi Amin, and Pol Pot certainly have to rank high on any list of evil doers. But How Far do we go in diminishing ourselves to deal with these people?
It looks to me as though we, collectively, have decided that the old Constitution just isn't worth the effort any longer. That the high ideals that brought that document and this nation into being and sustained us for 200+ years is no longer relevant in our world. That the lowest common denominator should be our calling. And, that torture and suspending our rights is ok in the name of protecting ourselves from whatever evils.
Paraphrasing Ben Franklin, those would give up their freedom for security, deserve neither. I hope for our sake we have not gone That Far.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Today it was announced that 2500 young people have been killed in Iraq. What a fucking milestone that is. The new shill for Bushco, Tony Snow, claimed it was "just a number." I wonder if he knows any of the parents or other loved ones of any of those numbers.
What wasn't announced along side the number killed, was mention of those who have been maimed and wounded. It's over 18,000.
Between the two numbers, which Bushites claim are low compared to other conflicts, there are a helluva lot of family members and friends whose lives have been altered in very significant ways forever.
Comparing numbers in this manner is a sad and gruesome way of expressing importance. It isn't a contest mother fucker's. It's a goddam occupation of another country, perpetrated on those young people, and the 10's of thousands of Iraqi's killed and maimed so far, by liars.
Maxine to Bush
Wipe your mouth, there's still some bullshit around your lips.
What wasn't announced along side the number killed, was mention of those who have been maimed and wounded. It's over 18,000.
Between the two numbers, which Bushites claim are low compared to other conflicts, there are a helluva lot of family members and friends whose lives have been altered in very significant ways forever.
Comparing numbers in this manner is a sad and gruesome way of expressing importance. It isn't a contest mother fucker's. It's a goddam occupation of another country, perpetrated on those young people, and the 10's of thousands of Iraqi's killed and maimed so far, by liars.
Maxine to Bush
Wipe your mouth, there's still some bullshit around your lips.
For those who may not be able to tell the differences between the parties.
Do you really think humans have nothing to do with global warming?
Do you really think that science shouldn't be taught properly in school?
Do you think that women shouldn't be able to control their own destinies?
Do you really want some Republican telling you who you can and can't have sex with?
Do you really think that immigrants have been wrong for this country since 1607?
Do you really think that people should be listening in on your phone calls?
Do you really think that the President can/should ignore whatever laws he want to?
Do you really think that parmacists should decide which perscriptions should/should not be filled for you because they don't like them?
"...Democrats are looking out for the interests of working class families and the integrity of tax supported science agencies, whereas Republicans deem corporate profits, tax cuts for billionaires, and the campaign contributions that flow from industry lobbyists more important than the health and safety of We the People." Darksyde
Do you really think humans have nothing to do with global warming?
Do you really think that science shouldn't be taught properly in school?
Do you think that women shouldn't be able to control their own destinies?
Do you really want some Republican telling you who you can and can't have sex with?
Do you really think that immigrants have been wrong for this country since 1607?
Do you really think that people should be listening in on your phone calls?
Do you really think that the President can/should ignore whatever laws he want to?
Do you really think that parmacists should decide which perscriptions should/should not be filled for you because they don't like them?
"...Democrats are looking out for the interests of working class families and the integrity of tax supported science agencies, whereas Republicans deem corporate profits, tax cuts for billionaires, and the campaign contributions that flow from industry lobbyists more important than the health and safety of We the People." Darksyde
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Today is one of those days when those who have been done unto get to take some solace in watching those who lorded it over them come crashing back to earth. Today, Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling of Enron, were found guilty on all charges brought against them in the collapse of that company.
The collapse of the company was a calamity. What it did to the people working under the umbrella of Enron was much more. It was criminal.
Those who had worked hard for years to make a good life for themselves in retirement found out in a matter of days that they had absolutely nothing. And, while they were being encouraged to dump all the money they had into the company, Ken and Jeff were busy selling huge lots of stock.
So, this afternoon, when I heard Ken going on about how Godly he was, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of a God this man hangs with. A perverted son-of-a-bitch there can be no doubt. And, of course for those of us who are athiest to start with, the bastard was just mouthing bullshit in the same way he did while he was running Enron into the ground.
Ken and Jeff will no doubt do their time in a cushy prison somewhere in the hills of New York. But, we can all take comfort in knowing that they'll likely die on the concrete floor of a prison cell, surrounded by their cell mates.
My only fear is that their buddy George will pardon them and they'll ride off into the sunset with whatever of their fortunes remains intact. And, I certainly would not put it past him, since they are of the same ilk.
The collapse of the company was a calamity. What it did to the people working under the umbrella of Enron was much more. It was criminal.
Those who had worked hard for years to make a good life for themselves in retirement found out in a matter of days that they had absolutely nothing. And, while they were being encouraged to dump all the money they had into the company, Ken and Jeff were busy selling huge lots of stock.
So, this afternoon, when I heard Ken going on about how Godly he was, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of a God this man hangs with. A perverted son-of-a-bitch there can be no doubt. And, of course for those of us who are athiest to start with, the bastard was just mouthing bullshit in the same way he did while he was running Enron into the ground.
Ken and Jeff will no doubt do their time in a cushy prison somewhere in the hills of New York. But, we can all take comfort in knowing that they'll likely die on the concrete floor of a prison cell, surrounded by their cell mates.
My only fear is that their buddy George will pardon them and they'll ride off into the sunset with whatever of their fortunes remains intact. And, I certainly would not put it past him, since they are of the same ilk.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
It is truely a mess. There are people who are impoverished trying desperately to get into this country to try and build a better life for themselves and their progeny. There are lots of people pointing fingers and laying blame. Most of which is not useful. So, shut the fuck up.
The fact of the matter is, the problem would not exist if the people streaming across the borders weren't hired to do the jobs that they do. Cleaning houses, picking produce, construction and meat and poultry processing. I hear lots of rhetoric about how they all by god should be rounded up and deported immediately. Businesses, those who support G.W. specifically, aren't about to let that happen anytime soon. They depend on cheap labor to keep profits up, all the while keeping labor costs as low as possible. If all of those who are doing those jobs were to be suddenly deported, those who would demand higher wages would take their place and the cost of doing business, not to mention the cost of those products, would rise sharply.
That of course would lead to whining and moaning about how much everything costs. Well wake the hell up people. We have had cheap food for a very long time. If we are willing to pay more for the food we eat, then by all means lets get started at the deporting game. However, if you like that cheap food, you'd better shut your goddam mouths and push Bushco to actually hire the Border Patrol Agents they promised to hire last December. To refresh your memories, Bush promised last December that we would be hiring 10,000 Agents over the next five years. Then of course came time to pay for them and he wasn't forthcoming with the cash. So instead, we will be hiring about 210. Anything pop out at you here?
Now he decides since the political winds are blowing up his ass and freezing him to death, that the National Guard is the way to go. Put them into desk jobs and let the Border Patrol do it's job. What are the Governor's of those border states saying? All oppose the idea. Error, Perry does what he is told. So he will go along. However, the others are waving a red flag. And, there is this little matter of hurricane season looming in the background promising to suck the National Gaurd another direction. And, lest we forget, there is the little Iraq thing that takes up a lot of their time and effort.
Got an idea George. Put up the money and hire the Border Patrol folks we need to stem the tide. Kick your buddies who are hiring all of the immigrants in the ass and hold them accountable for their actions. Fine them in amounts that will make it unwise to hire them. It's called leadership George. Even though you have never shown any inclination in that department, this might be a real good time.
The fact of the matter is, the problem would not exist if the people streaming across the borders weren't hired to do the jobs that they do. Cleaning houses, picking produce, construction and meat and poultry processing. I hear lots of rhetoric about how they all by god should be rounded up and deported immediately. Businesses, those who support G.W. specifically, aren't about to let that happen anytime soon. They depend on cheap labor to keep profits up, all the while keeping labor costs as low as possible. If all of those who are doing those jobs were to be suddenly deported, those who would demand higher wages would take their place and the cost of doing business, not to mention the cost of those products, would rise sharply.
That of course would lead to whining and moaning about how much everything costs. Well wake the hell up people. We have had cheap food for a very long time. If we are willing to pay more for the food we eat, then by all means lets get started at the deporting game. However, if you like that cheap food, you'd better shut your goddam mouths and push Bushco to actually hire the Border Patrol Agents they promised to hire last December. To refresh your memories, Bush promised last December that we would be hiring 10,000 Agents over the next five years. Then of course came time to pay for them and he wasn't forthcoming with the cash. So instead, we will be hiring about 210. Anything pop out at you here?
Now he decides since the political winds are blowing up his ass and freezing him to death, that the National Guard is the way to go. Put them into desk jobs and let the Border Patrol do it's job. What are the Governor's of those border states saying? All oppose the idea. Error, Perry does what he is told. So he will go along. However, the others are waving a red flag. And, there is this little matter of hurricane season looming in the background promising to suck the National Gaurd another direction. And, lest we forget, there is the little Iraq thing that takes up a lot of their time and effort.
Got an idea George. Put up the money and hire the Border Patrol folks we need to stem the tide. Kick your buddies who are hiring all of the immigrants in the ass and hold them accountable for their actions. Fine them in amounts that will make it unwise to hire them. It's called leadership George. Even though you have never shown any inclination in that department, this might be a real good time.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Bye, Tom
After reporting yesterday (04/04/06) that he would not continue his pursuit of the House seat he has held for 22 years, Tom started laying blame for his problems. It's those damned liberals. They're focusing on him and not on the issues.
From Bill Press: "It wasn't pressure from liberals that forced Delay to hang it up. It was his own greed, arrogance, hypocrisy - and criminality - that finally caught up with him."
One of Tom's best lines was one overheard in a DC restaurant, cigar clamped between teeth, "I am the Federal Government." Yes, he of the Abramoff scandal, the religious right-wing pandering, rule breaking, and ethics committee sanctioning, he was the Federal Government. And, lest any should think otherwise, just because he is gone, does not mean that the culture of corruption suddenly collapses and the Republican Party becomes as pure as the driven snow. No, there is still all that Tom created waiting for the next several shoes to drop.
Hard to tell what comes next for Tom, although he is leaving his home in Texas for his home in DC, so we know that consulting in some form is on the way. But, that may just be trying to make money to keep his lawyers on board for his continueing legal troubles both in Texas and DC.
Bye, Tom.
From Bill Press: "It wasn't pressure from liberals that forced Delay to hang it up. It was his own greed, arrogance, hypocrisy - and criminality - that finally caught up with him."
One of Tom's best lines was one overheard in a DC restaurant, cigar clamped between teeth, "I am the Federal Government." Yes, he of the Abramoff scandal, the religious right-wing pandering, rule breaking, and ethics committee sanctioning, he was the Federal Government. And, lest any should think otherwise, just because he is gone, does not mean that the culture of corruption suddenly collapses and the Republican Party becomes as pure as the driven snow. No, there is still all that Tom created waiting for the next several shoes to drop.
Hard to tell what comes next for Tom, although he is leaving his home in Texas for his home in DC, so we know that consulting in some form is on the way. But, that may just be trying to make money to keep his lawyers on board for his continueing legal troubles both in Texas and DC.
Bye, Tom.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Another Neocon Shell Game
The Bush administration wants military retirees to pay more for health care. This idea has been rejected before. So why bring it up again? It's part of the shell game that the neocon's play.
The idea is to steer military retiree's away from TRICARE (military healthcare) and toward health plans their current employers sponser. That would take the burden off the Pentagon.
At the same time, state and local gornernments, as well as private employer's, are asking these same individuals to use TRICARE so as to avoid having to pay insurance premiums for them. Sound like a kind of shell game to you?
The Chairman of the House Armed Services military personnel subcommittee, questions the projections given by the Pentagon of a $14.8 billion savings over five years. He says their projections assume that all of those retiree's will move to the private employer's insurance during that five year plan. Of course, like all of the other projections made by this Administration, one needs to be highly skeptical at best.
Senator Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, that great humanitarian, has said that he'd be willing to pay a little more once he retires from the Air Force Reserves. Well just fuckin goody for you Senator. A retired officer's pension, plus a Senator's pension, you should just about be able to make it you goddamn idiot. It isn't about the officer corps asshat. It's about the enlisted members who do the real work in the military and suffer the greatest loss for the the least pay and are continually shit on by dick's like you.
For Graham to say to Rumsfeld that "You're having to choose beween health care premiums, guns, bullets, airplanes and ships" is absolutely ridiculous. Not that that would stop him from saying it. Maybe get the fuck out of Iraq? How about a few dollars savings there?
So what are we talking about in dollars? The current amount payed for health care for a family, under TRICARE is $460. Under the new plan, depending upon rank at the time of retirement, it would jump to between $650 and $1,400.
Again, it is not about the officer corps. It is about retired E-6's who are working as taxi driver's and just trying to make it from month to month. This is another example of Supporting the Troops folks.
It's 2006. Time for this country to correct it's downward spiral. And stop playing these shell games.
The idea is to steer military retiree's away from TRICARE (military healthcare) and toward health plans their current employers sponser. That would take the burden off the Pentagon.
At the same time, state and local gornernments, as well as private employer's, are asking these same individuals to use TRICARE so as to avoid having to pay insurance premiums for them. Sound like a kind of shell game to you?
The Chairman of the House Armed Services military personnel subcommittee, questions the projections given by the Pentagon of a $14.8 billion savings over five years. He says their projections assume that all of those retiree's will move to the private employer's insurance during that five year plan. Of course, like all of the other projections made by this Administration, one needs to be highly skeptical at best.
Senator Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, that great humanitarian, has said that he'd be willing to pay a little more once he retires from the Air Force Reserves. Well just fuckin goody for you Senator. A retired officer's pension, plus a Senator's pension, you should just about be able to make it you goddamn idiot. It isn't about the officer corps asshat. It's about the enlisted members who do the real work in the military and suffer the greatest loss for the the least pay and are continually shit on by dick's like you.
For Graham to say to Rumsfeld that "You're having to choose beween health care premiums, guns, bullets, airplanes and ships" is absolutely ridiculous. Not that that would stop him from saying it. Maybe get the fuck out of Iraq? How about a few dollars savings there?
So what are we talking about in dollars? The current amount payed for health care for a family, under TRICARE is $460. Under the new plan, depending upon rank at the time of retirement, it would jump to between $650 and $1,400.
Again, it is not about the officer corps. It is about retired E-6's who are working as taxi driver's and just trying to make it from month to month. This is another example of Supporting the Troops folks.
It's 2006. Time for this country to correct it's downward spiral. And stop playing these shell games.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Another Bush Legacy
President Bush left a helluva healthcare legacy for his adopted state of Texas. The ex-cheerleader from Yale made a real issue during his initial campaign about how much he had done for the poor children of the state. Well here is the bottom line on that. A full 21% of the children of the state of Texas lack health coverage.
Giving billions of the taxpayers money to overblown corporations like Halliburton and Exxon is great for him and his pals, but those who really need the help...fuck'um. It is possible we're gonna do the deal with the government of Dubai for the port handling, that should make a bunch of rich people very happy. But food stamps for the most vulnerable among us? Not on your life.
This guy really seems to believe he's going to have a great legacy as one of the US's great leaders. Let's see, the neocon's got him to start a war in Iraq, there's the little Katrina thing, and then there's the Abramoff deal. And, who can forget the outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame. Yup, this guy is gonna have one shiny legacy. Everything he touchs turns to shit. Problem is, his daddy and friends can usually bail him out. This time the whole world is at risk because of this idiot puppet of the neo-conservatives.
Giving billions of the taxpayers money to overblown corporations like Halliburton and Exxon is great for him and his pals, but those who really need the help...fuck'um. It is possible we're gonna do the deal with the government of Dubai for the port handling, that should make a bunch of rich people very happy. But food stamps for the most vulnerable among us? Not on your life.
This guy really seems to believe he's going to have a great legacy as one of the US's great leaders. Let's see, the neocon's got him to start a war in Iraq, there's the little Katrina thing, and then there's the Abramoff deal. And, who can forget the outing of CIA Agent Valerie Plame. Yup, this guy is gonna have one shiny legacy. Everything he touchs turns to shit. Problem is, his daddy and friends can usually bail him out. This time the whole world is at risk because of this idiot puppet of the neo-conservatives.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Bird Flu
Last week a case of Bird Flu (Avian H5N1) was detected in a cat in Germany. This the latest case of the flu passing from one species to another. Rather than run down the street screaming that the flu is coming, it seems to me that it should be an idicator to stay focused on this problem.
As we saw with the Katrina affair in New Orleans, the government is smugly telling us that everything is being done and to "trust them" that they will protect us. That, my friends, is Bushit. They have begun stockpiling Tamiflu in case there is a pandemic. Tamiflu has been shown not to have much affect on the H5N1 strain of Avian flu. There now. Don't you feel better?
In fact, we are not safe at all. In fact, we don't even know how it is being spread. Some believe it is the migratory birds, and there is certainly some evidence to indicate that it is. However, there is also the possibility that the danger is being spread by chickens in the free market. People who are taking their chickens to market in the next town, or further afield, and spreading the disease that way.
All of the people who have contracted the disease thus far have been farmers who handle chickens. That would mean that only those who come into contact, and it would at this moment seem constant contact, would be vulnerable. However, we also know that the virus, being opportunistic, will mutate and may at sometime in the near future become spreadable from human to human.
Something else about this virus, so far. The seemingly strong, mid teens to mid thirties, have been attacked at a much higher rate than would be expected. In fact, the very young (0-12) and the very old are usually the ones to be most affected by influenza. But that may simply mean that those so far taken by the virus are the ones closest to it and may not tell us anything about how it will work if and when it makes the jump.
Man, do I feel safe. And, with the good job they've done so far, how could I not feel safe?
As we saw with the Katrina affair in New Orleans, the government is smugly telling us that everything is being done and to "trust them" that they will protect us. That, my friends, is Bushit. They have begun stockpiling Tamiflu in case there is a pandemic. Tamiflu has been shown not to have much affect on the H5N1 strain of Avian flu. There now. Don't you feel better?
In fact, we are not safe at all. In fact, we don't even know how it is being spread. Some believe it is the migratory birds, and there is certainly some evidence to indicate that it is. However, there is also the possibility that the danger is being spread by chickens in the free market. People who are taking their chickens to market in the next town, or further afield, and spreading the disease that way.
All of the people who have contracted the disease thus far have been farmers who handle chickens. That would mean that only those who come into contact, and it would at this moment seem constant contact, would be vulnerable. However, we also know that the virus, being opportunistic, will mutate and may at sometime in the near future become spreadable from human to human.
Something else about this virus, so far. The seemingly strong, mid teens to mid thirties, have been attacked at a much higher rate than would be expected. In fact, the very young (0-12) and the very old are usually the ones to be most affected by influenza. But that may simply mean that those so far taken by the virus are the ones closest to it and may not tell us anything about how it will work if and when it makes the jump.
Man, do I feel safe. And, with the good job they've done so far, how could I not feel safe?
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Listened to Negroponte say that the risk to the US was "low," as regards the Dubai government owned firm that is to take over the 6 major and 18 minor ports in the US. This does not make me feel any better about the whole situation.
The Administration claims that it's all just fine, and of course it is, their buddies, the royal family of Dubai, and they themselves, will make a lot of money on this deal.
It is interesting that Bush was ready to veto anything that would mess the deal up. His first veto in five years. And after the fact it was discovered that he had only in the past few days heard of the deal. In fact, no one in his Administration knew anything about it until just a couple of days before it hit the wires. So why would he be so set to veto anything that would scuttle the contract?
Could it have anything to do with oil and money? Well, let's see here. The royal family of Dubai protected Bin Laden from getting whacked by the US. The royals were involved in a hunting trip with him and of course you can't go around whacking Royalty. They were involved in moving money for Bin Laden post 9/11. And hasn't Mr. Bush made a rather large issue of all things 9/11? Hmmm!! And, of course there is the little matter of shipping nuclear equipment to North Korea. But, hey, says Bushco, their really good hearted types, so we should do the deal. Even if there was no real investigation into the matter and it was done at a pretty low level.
Personally, I'd love to see Congress buck up and make him veto the whole thing. Really light up his bigtime 34% Approval rating.
The Administration claims that it's all just fine, and of course it is, their buddies, the royal family of Dubai, and they themselves, will make a lot of money on this deal.
It is interesting that Bush was ready to veto anything that would mess the deal up. His first veto in five years. And after the fact it was discovered that he had only in the past few days heard of the deal. In fact, no one in his Administration knew anything about it until just a couple of days before it hit the wires. So why would he be so set to veto anything that would scuttle the contract?
Could it have anything to do with oil and money? Well, let's see here. The royal family of Dubai protected Bin Laden from getting whacked by the US. The royals were involved in a hunting trip with him and of course you can't go around whacking Royalty. They were involved in moving money for Bin Laden post 9/11. And hasn't Mr. Bush made a rather large issue of all things 9/11? Hmmm!! And, of course there is the little matter of shipping nuclear equipment to North Korea. But, hey, says Bushco, their really good hearted types, so we should do the deal. Even if there was no real investigation into the matter and it was done at a pretty low level.
Personally, I'd love to see Congress buck up and make him veto the whole thing. Really light up his bigtime 34% Approval rating.
Finer Day
If 10/05/05 was a fine day in the neighborhood, then 02/28/06 is a finer day in the neighborhood. On 10/05/05, a CBS Poll had Bush's Approved rate at 37%. Today they announced that after a rise to 41% last month, it has dropped now to 34%. Fun with numbers we call that.
Lying us into a war for oil didn't do him in. Neither did looting the Treasury. And even giving his buddies in the oil industry lots of tax breaks while cutting Food Stamps wasn't enough. An attempt to gut Social Security? Nope. Drowning citizens in one of the nation's poorest areas? Kinda. Now we have the Dubai Port storm. Not enough on it's own. But, aggregating all of these items we get a push for the bottom. Now 34% isn't as low as it could go. And I would certainly love to see it drop to zero, but it is going to be interesting to see just how low it can go over the next three years. THREE YEARS? These damn people can still do a lot of damage in three years. Let's hope that the Democrats can wrest control of the Congress from these ass-hats in '06 and begin to turn this ship in the correct direction.
Lying us into a war for oil didn't do him in. Neither did looting the Treasury. And even giving his buddies in the oil industry lots of tax breaks while cutting Food Stamps wasn't enough. An attempt to gut Social Security? Nope. Drowning citizens in one of the nation's poorest areas? Kinda. Now we have the Dubai Port storm. Not enough on it's own. But, aggregating all of these items we get a push for the bottom. Now 34% isn't as low as it could go. And I would certainly love to see it drop to zero, but it is going to be interesting to see just how low it can go over the next three years. THREE YEARS? These damn people can still do a lot of damage in three years. Let's hope that the Democrats can wrest control of the Congress from these ass-hats in '06 and begin to turn this ship in the correct direction.
Friday, February 24, 2006
What is it
with Texas governors that they have such a penchant for invading other people's privacy?
Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas, is asking the Texas Legislature for the ok to expand the wiretapping authority for Texas lawmen.
They already have that authority for murder and drug trafficking, but He'd like to expand that.
Now, I'm not all that excited about people involved in kidnapping being given an advantage. But, this starts out as being a good idea for one thing, so how about this or this or...maybe this? Pretty soon, all of our phones are being tapped for whatever political reason at any time. Think not? Remember Richard Nixon? He had the FBI tapping the phones of Peace Activist's. And now we know that Bush is doing the very same thing. There was the report of the folks (Quaker's) being infiltrated, and everyone knows what a militant group they are. And now there is a report that several groups in the Seattle area are being wiretapped. The story is in the Seattle P-I. One of those groups is called the "Raging Grannies." WTF? These mature women dress up in outlandish dress and sing funny protest songs. Can anyone give me any reason in the world why these women would be the target of the FBI? Or, any other spy outfit? Your McCarthyism is showing George.
So, maybe there is something in the Governor water down there in Texas that has this effect. And after a certain amount of it, you start to get paranoid and begin wiretapping all of the phones of everyone you can get to. That still leaves Nixon doesn't it. Shit, it migrated from California to Texas. Someone needs to start monitoring Arnold. Or, maybe it's just Republicans.
Dear Wingnuts;
Jesus was a liberal.
Rick Perry, the Governor of Texas, is asking the Texas Legislature for the ok to expand the wiretapping authority for Texas lawmen.
They already have that authority for murder and drug trafficking, but He'd like to expand that.
Now, I'm not all that excited about people involved in kidnapping being given an advantage. But, this starts out as being a good idea for one thing, so how about this or this or...maybe this? Pretty soon, all of our phones are being tapped for whatever political reason at any time. Think not? Remember Richard Nixon? He had the FBI tapping the phones of Peace Activist's. And now we know that Bush is doing the very same thing. There was the report of the folks (Quaker's) being infiltrated, and everyone knows what a militant group they are. And now there is a report that several groups in the Seattle area are being wiretapped. The story is in the Seattle P-I. One of those groups is called the "Raging Grannies." WTF? These mature women dress up in outlandish dress and sing funny protest songs. Can anyone give me any reason in the world why these women would be the target of the FBI? Or, any other spy outfit? Your McCarthyism is showing George.
So, maybe there is something in the Governor water down there in Texas that has this effect. And after a certain amount of it, you start to get paranoid and begin wiretapping all of the phones of everyone you can get to. That still leaves Nixon doesn't it. Shit, it migrated from California to Texas. Someone needs to start monitoring Arnold. Or, maybe it's just Republicans.
Dear Wingnuts;
Jesus was a liberal.
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Well Well
What have we got here in the Guardian (UK) newspaper? A headline that say's "Blogger bares Rumsfeld's post 9/11 orders." That blogger would be Thad Anderson, and he has posted the notes at
So, within hours of the 9/11 attack Rumsfeld was issuing orders to look for evidence of Iraqi involvement. "...things related and not."
A Pentagon report on the subject says that "the secretary said his instinct was to hit Saddam Hussein at the same time, not only Bin Laden." Mr. Rumsfeld later explained that he had been considering each, or perhaps someone else as the responsible person.
The actual notes suggest something else. "Best info fast. Judge whether good enough [to] hit SH at same time - not only UBL. "Tasks Jim Haynes [Pentagon lawyer] to talk with PW [presumably Paul Wolfowitz] for additional support...connection with UBL."
Wolfowitz, as you will remember, had advocated taking down Saddam pre-2001. But that plan was put behind the immediate task of toppling the Taliban.
However, from the notes, it is obvious that Iraq was targeted from the instant the hijackers attacked.
There is no need to belabor the point that Iraq was doomed to fall come what may. But, it is of great interest to see the excuse to make it happen jump immediately [9/11] to the front of the pack and be given equal weight to getting UBL.
Rumsfeld and Cheney are a murderous pair. And, handed a sock puppet to give them a national face, and a Congress to march lock step at their command, they have wrought a horrible time on this country. We can only hope that the time will come, and soon, that those two are dealt with in as harsh a manner as they have perpetrated on the rest of mankind.
Bush: the Lyin King
So, within hours of the 9/11 attack Rumsfeld was issuing orders to look for evidence of Iraqi involvement. "...things related and not."
A Pentagon report on the subject says that "the secretary said his instinct was to hit Saddam Hussein at the same time, not only Bin Laden." Mr. Rumsfeld later explained that he had been considering each, or perhaps someone else as the responsible person.
The actual notes suggest something else. "Best info fast. Judge whether good enough [to] hit SH at same time - not only UBL. "Tasks Jim Haynes [Pentagon lawyer] to talk with PW [presumably Paul Wolfowitz] for additional support...connection with UBL."
Wolfowitz, as you will remember, had advocated taking down Saddam pre-2001. But that plan was put behind the immediate task of toppling the Taliban.
However, from the notes, it is obvious that Iraq was targeted from the instant the hijackers attacked.
There is no need to belabor the point that Iraq was doomed to fall come what may. But, it is of great interest to see the excuse to make it happen jump immediately [9/11] to the front of the pack and be given equal weight to getting UBL.
Rumsfeld and Cheney are a murderous pair. And, handed a sock puppet to give them a national face, and a Congress to march lock step at their command, they have wrought a horrible time on this country. We can only hope that the time will come, and soon, that those two are dealt with in as harsh a manner as they have perpetrated on the rest of mankind.
Bush: the Lyin King
Saturday, February 18, 2006
A Few Odds
Drug addled Limbaugh still can't get this figured out, so for his benefit, the following: Without Abramoff (1991-9/2000) Legal Tribal Money (R) $786,560 (D) $868,890 With Abramoff (9/2000-2003) Legal Tribal Money (R) $1,845,975 (+135%) (D) $794,483 (-9%) The mony given to Democrats by the Tribes Abramoff represented declined after he was hired, and money to Republicans increased. But, that's all beside the point. All of the contribution mony is completely legal and irrelevant, because the crimes are the bribery and money laundering that Abramoff did exclusively for Republicans. Got that, gas bag?
Bush says the US shouldn't be discouraged at how the war on terror is going, even with continued insurgency. Of course not, we've got plenty of fresh young GI's and lots of that we've gotten those damned poor people off the dole. Bush has assked Congress (us) for $72.4 Billion for the war on Terra. That would take us to .4 Trillion, and counting.
Bushco, Supporting Our Troops, with the smallest pay raise since 1994. Good Job Bushie!!
This was good news for those of us on the left. Russ Feingold has NOT given up his fight over FISA, as was announced by AP.
"The time is always right to do what is right." MLK Except if you happen to be a Republican.
One of my favorite anniversarys just passed. 02/17/33 the Senate signed the Blaine Act, effectively ending Prohibition.
Note to Fundies: the Bill of Rights, not the 10 Commandments, is what should be on the front of our federal buildings.
And finally,
If you can't be a good example;
Then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.
Bush says the US shouldn't be discouraged at how the war on terror is going, even with continued insurgency. Of course not, we've got plenty of fresh young GI's and lots of that we've gotten those damned poor people off the dole. Bush has assked Congress (us) for $72.4 Billion for the war on Terra. That would take us to .4 Trillion, and counting.
Bushco, Supporting Our Troops, with the smallest pay raise since 1994. Good Job Bushie!!
This was good news for those of us on the left. Russ Feingold has NOT given up his fight over FISA, as was announced by AP.
"The time is always right to do what is right." MLK Except if you happen to be a Republican.
One of my favorite anniversarys just passed. 02/17/33 the Senate signed the Blaine Act, effectively ending Prohibition.
Note to Fundies: the Bill of Rights, not the 10 Commandments, is what should be on the front of our federal buildings.
And finally,
If you can't be a good example;
Then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
More Cheney
Vice-President Cheney went on Faux News today and claimed sole responsibility for the shooting of Harry Whittington on a quail hunt down in Texas this past week-end. No Shit, Dick.
That he did it on Faux News wasn't much of a surprise. Those people eat whatever shit dribbles from the Administration's lips and asks for more. Not surprising then, that there were no questions about the delay in reporting. In fact, Cheney said that there was no issue and he handled the situation just right. No follow-ups here.
No one seemed to be able to connect the delay with the fact that an 18-24 hour delay would make any blood test for a blood alcohol level useless. That the behavior exhibited by Cheney, delay, denial, then remorse is typical of people who are in fact hiding their criminal behavior. No problem, I told you it was so and thats the end of that. May be a little late in the game for that Mr. Cheney. Some in the press are beginning to look at the curtain and question the goings-on behind it.
One esteemed member of the afore mentioned network actually decried the fact that people were so busy feeling sorry for Mr. Whittington and not paying enough attention to poor Mr. Cheney. Pull your head out of your ass buddy. Poor Mr. Cheney should right now be in lock-up for not reporting a crime. Towit SHOOTING another human being.
Have avoided the behavior of Scottie boy and his daily bullshit throw. That boy needs to be slapped to sleep...if the little punk is awake. Not only did he try to avoid the whole subject, until he was cornered by the White House press corps, but he then neglected to tell those in the room that Mr. Whittington had just had a heart attack due to the migration of one of the pellets. You are slimey little worm Scott McClellan. You fit in nicely with those running this Administration.
If Con is the opposite of Pro,
Is Congress the opposite of Progress?
As long as it's held by the Conservatives.
That he did it on Faux News wasn't much of a surprise. Those people eat whatever shit dribbles from the Administration's lips and asks for more. Not surprising then, that there were no questions about the delay in reporting. In fact, Cheney said that there was no issue and he handled the situation just right. No follow-ups here.
No one seemed to be able to connect the delay with the fact that an 18-24 hour delay would make any blood test for a blood alcohol level useless. That the behavior exhibited by Cheney, delay, denial, then remorse is typical of people who are in fact hiding their criminal behavior. No problem, I told you it was so and thats the end of that. May be a little late in the game for that Mr. Cheney. Some in the press are beginning to look at the curtain and question the goings-on behind it.
One esteemed member of the afore mentioned network actually decried the fact that people were so busy feeling sorry for Mr. Whittington and not paying enough attention to poor Mr. Cheney. Pull your head out of your ass buddy. Poor Mr. Cheney should right now be in lock-up for not reporting a crime. Towit SHOOTING another human being.
Have avoided the behavior of Scottie boy and his daily bullshit throw. That boy needs to be slapped to sleep...if the little punk is awake. Not only did he try to avoid the whole subject, until he was cornered by the White House press corps, but he then neglected to tell those in the room that Mr. Whittington had just had a heart attack due to the migration of one of the pellets. You are slimey little worm Scott McClellan. You fit in nicely with those running this Administration.
If Con is the opposite of Pro,
Is Congress the opposite of Progress?
As long as it's held by the Conservatives.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Ok. So everybody understands that Cheney is a lowlife. That this Administration is his baby. That the war in Iraq is his. That trying to balance the budget on the back of the poorest among us is his idea. But what in the hell is this? You shoot somebody. You don't bother to tell anyone for 18 hours. Then you say, well, we were waiting for the land owner to decide how she wanted to present it.
Am I the only one who believes that if we were standing in a garden, there would be enough fertilizer here to keep things growing for maybe a millenium? Mr. Cheney is a liar, and a sociopath. But now he has shot a man, and didn't even bother to call the police. This is a man who is a heartbeat away from the most powerful position on the planet, except for the one he already has. And the right is whining about people calling him out on it. He SHOT someone. And, he didn't immediately call the police and tell them. Do I see a problem here? YES!!
Today, the medical types came out and said because of migration of one the pellets, the man had a "heart attack" whatever the hell that means, and he was moved back into the Intensive Care Unit. And Cheney can't be found. His spokesman said he had called the man and passed on his best wishes. Well how very Christian of him.
If this man dies, and at 78, and with a shotgun pellet lodged in his heart, he may, Cheney is going to have to come up with a whole lot more than, we were waiting for the land owner to decide how she wanted to handle it. It may come to pass that this will act will overtake him and he will be brought to earth before the Abramoff scandal gets him. But compiled with all the rest that we know of this guy, he is a sorry excuse for a human being. No matter what else happens.
There have been a couple of reports that there may have been alcohol involved in all of this. Nothing substaniated. However, all reports are based upon what was said the {day after} the incident. The report of alcohol, by the way, is attributed to the land owner. There was a line about it on msnbc, but it has since been scrubbed. Since the police did not interview Mr. Cheney and they were not there the night of the mishap, they must have trusted Mr. Cheney. I do not.
Am I the only one who believes that if we were standing in a garden, there would be enough fertilizer here to keep things growing for maybe a millenium? Mr. Cheney is a liar, and a sociopath. But now he has shot a man, and didn't even bother to call the police. This is a man who is a heartbeat away from the most powerful position on the planet, except for the one he already has. And the right is whining about people calling him out on it. He SHOT someone. And, he didn't immediately call the police and tell them. Do I see a problem here? YES!!
Today, the medical types came out and said because of migration of one the pellets, the man had a "heart attack" whatever the hell that means, and he was moved back into the Intensive Care Unit. And Cheney can't be found. His spokesman said he had called the man and passed on his best wishes. Well how very Christian of him.
If this man dies, and at 78, and with a shotgun pellet lodged in his heart, he may, Cheney is going to have to come up with a whole lot more than, we were waiting for the land owner to decide how she wanted to handle it. It may come to pass that this will act will overtake him and he will be brought to earth before the Abramoff scandal gets him. But compiled with all the rest that we know of this guy, he is a sorry excuse for a human being. No matter what else happens.
There have been a couple of reports that there may have been alcohol involved in all of this. Nothing substaniated. However, all reports are based upon what was said the {day after} the incident. The report of alcohol, by the way, is attributed to the land owner. There was a line about it on msnbc, but it has since been scrubbed. Since the police did not interview Mr. Cheney and they were not there the night of the mishap, they must have trusted Mr. Cheney. I do not.
20,000 BC
There is a picture of early man as a short, stumbling affair stabbing at a Wooley Mammoth with his pointed stick, that I am sure is very widespread. And, I must admit that it is generally the one that pops into my head when I think of them.
However, there are some other pictures that we should allow to be a part of the general scene. One is of a guy 6 feet tall, running at 12.5 mph. Seems quite a bit different than your average, run of the mill cave type.
But, footprints found in Australia, show that there was a very robust community living there. The footprints found in 2003 in Mungo National Park in western NSW, are between 19,000 and 23,000 years old, and show a community that lived near a body of water that provided fish and mussels. What else to do during the time of the last ice age. In all, 457 footprints, made by adults and children were found.
However, there are some other pictures that we should allow to be a part of the general scene. One is of a guy 6 feet tall, running at 12.5 mph. Seems quite a bit different than your average, run of the mill cave type.
But, footprints found in Australia, show that there was a very robust community living there. The footprints found in 2003 in Mungo National Park in western NSW, are between 19,000 and 23,000 years old, and show a community that lived near a body of water that provided fish and mussels. What else to do during the time of the last ice age. In all, 457 footprints, made by adults and children were found.
Just another damned trivial point for the Fundies to square with their 6,000 year old earth. Some days are just tougher than others.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Tell The Truth
We have become accustomed over the past several years to an annoying problem with our political leaders. They just cannot seem to tell the truth. You may remember back when it was decided that the public should not be privy to who was to write the energy policy for this country, that Vice-President Cheney decided it should be done secretly. He told us that it wasn't really the big oil guys who would be involved in it and that it was none of our business anyway. Turns out, he just couldn't tell the truth.
Then there was the little matter of the "Yellow Cake." You remember, Niger, Joe Wilson, his wife Valerie Plame? Just a fabrication by a two bit guy in Italy. And, they were told by the Italian and German government's that it had been invented. They just couldn't help themselves. They couldn't tell the truth.
After that, of course there was the Weapons of Mass Destruction. Hans Blix (top UN Weapons Inspector, prior to invasion of Iraq) told them that there was no WMD. That all they had to do was keep the inspections moving, which Hussein had agreed to, and things would cool down. No the Bush team said, there are WMD there and we can prove it. So they brought out a paper written by a college student, and some pictures of trucks. That, they said, was proof positive that we were about to eat nuclear dust. Again, they just couldn't tell the truth.
Now we have the NSA issue. We're just listening in on those bad guys calling "into" the country. We're not listening to outgoing calls. Well, we're listening to outgoing calls, but we're just listening to calls made to Al-Qaeda. And, of course we know which ones those are. So, nothing to see here, move on.
President George W. Bush, 04/20/04
"Now, by the way, any time you hear about the US Government talking about wiretap, it requires...a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constituional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution."
We now know that no court orders were obtained. Even when, under FISA, they had 72 hours AFTER they began the surveillance, to obtain one. Now they say, it would hold things up, slow us down and get in the way of our getting the bad guys. So what exactly hasn't changed? What about the Constitution? Once again, they couldn't tell the truth.
So, during the next two election cycles we'll probably hear alot of stuff about the boogey man coming to get us. And we'd better back the cheerleader with the cowboy hat, if we want to be safe. But, for me, I just don't believe anything they say. They just can't tell the truth.
Then there was the little matter of the "Yellow Cake." You remember, Niger, Joe Wilson, his wife Valerie Plame? Just a fabrication by a two bit guy in Italy. And, they were told by the Italian and German government's that it had been invented. They just couldn't help themselves. They couldn't tell the truth.
After that, of course there was the Weapons of Mass Destruction. Hans Blix (top UN Weapons Inspector, prior to invasion of Iraq) told them that there was no WMD. That all they had to do was keep the inspections moving, which Hussein had agreed to, and things would cool down. No the Bush team said, there are WMD there and we can prove it. So they brought out a paper written by a college student, and some pictures of trucks. That, they said, was proof positive that we were about to eat nuclear dust. Again, they just couldn't tell the truth.
Now we have the NSA issue. We're just listening in on those bad guys calling "into" the country. We're not listening to outgoing calls. Well, we're listening to outgoing calls, but we're just listening to calls made to Al-Qaeda. And, of course we know which ones those are. So, nothing to see here, move on.
President George W. Bush, 04/20/04
"Now, by the way, any time you hear about the US Government talking about wiretap, it requires...a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we're talking about chasing down terrorists, we're talking about getting a court order before we do so. It's important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constituional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution."
We now know that no court orders were obtained. Even when, under FISA, they had 72 hours AFTER they began the surveillance, to obtain one. Now they say, it would hold things up, slow us down and get in the way of our getting the bad guys. So what exactly hasn't changed? What about the Constitution? Once again, they couldn't tell the truth.
So, during the next two election cycles we'll probably hear alot of stuff about the boogey man coming to get us. And we'd better back the cheerleader with the cowboy hat, if we want to be safe. But, for me, I just don't believe anything they say. They just can't tell the truth.
Soon we will be having an election in this country to determine our direction. We do this regularly and the rules are pretty straightforward. The guy with the most votes wins. Uh...except when one guy gets the most votes and the Supreme Court picks another guy. And, uh...when someone rigs the votes in one state so that their guy will win. Except for stuff like that, the guy with the most votes wins.
So, how do we determine who to vote for? Good question. We look at the direction we've been going, determine if that seems, to us, to be the reasonable direction, and vote for the guy headed that direction, or the guy that says maybe we should go another direction.
My feeling on the matter pretty closely parallels bhfrik over on dkos, so I'll just quote him. ahem "This disaster of an administration unwittingly helps terrorist, weakens our military, drains the treasury, and then tries to convince us that they are the folks to trust with our security. Riiight..." That, in a short and sweet manner, is how I feel about that. The Republicans have been in control of the Supreme Court for a very long time, the Congress since 1994 and all three branches of government since 2000. Please, someone tell me how we are better off since they have taken over the controls of the federal government? How in the hell am I safer since 2001 by the use of torture, spying on our own citizens without a warrant, starting a war in a place that has bred more terrorists than any other single event and gutting the policys necessary to protect those in danger?
So, have I decided whom I will vote for in the next elections (2006)? You can bet your ass it won't be for anyone in a party whose name begins with Republican. It will take years to repair the damage done by these people. And, likely more than that to put back in place what was so painfully gained over so many years.
Just a question for those who may have heard those on the right complain about those activist judges. How many Supreme Court Judges have been appointed by a Democratic President over the last thirty-five (35) years?
So, how do we determine who to vote for? Good question. We look at the direction we've been going, determine if that seems, to us, to be the reasonable direction, and vote for the guy headed that direction, or the guy that says maybe we should go another direction.
My feeling on the matter pretty closely parallels bhfrik over on dkos, so I'll just quote him. ahem "This disaster of an administration unwittingly helps terrorist, weakens our military, drains the treasury, and then tries to convince us that they are the folks to trust with our security. Riiight..." That, in a short and sweet manner, is how I feel about that. The Republicans have been in control of the Supreme Court for a very long time, the Congress since 1994 and all three branches of government since 2000. Please, someone tell me how we are better off since they have taken over the controls of the federal government? How in the hell am I safer since 2001 by the use of torture, spying on our own citizens without a warrant, starting a war in a place that has bred more terrorists than any other single event and gutting the policys necessary to protect those in danger?
So, have I decided whom I will vote for in the next elections (2006)? You can bet your ass it won't be for anyone in a party whose name begins with Republican. It will take years to repair the damage done by these people. And, likely more than that to put back in place what was so painfully gained over so many years.
Just a question for those who may have heard those on the right complain about those activist judges. How many Supreme Court Judges have been appointed by a Democratic President over the last thirty-five (35) years?
Thursday, February 09, 2006
S & K Technologies Update I
In a post dated 12/15/05, I discussed a former employee of S & K Technologies, a Robert Stein, and his arrest. Mr. Stein has now pled guilty to conspiring to steal more than $2 million and rigging bids on $8.6 million in reconstruction contracts. What I find interesting is that Mr. Stein has now agreed to cooperate with federal authorities who are investing others. Of particular interest is who may be involved in this scam and if it somehow leads us back to S & K Technologies.
In my original post, we found Mr. Stein being "out processed" by S & K in "04, and then being immediately hired by the Defense Department as a contract official for the Coalition Provisional Authority.
Facing up to 21 years in prison on bribery and money-laundering charges, plus up to 11 years for firearms violations, it seems quite conceivable to me, that Robert may well have a great deal to pass on to the Prosecutor.
In my original post, we found Mr. Stein being "out processed" by S & K in "04, and then being immediately hired by the Defense Department as a contract official for the Coalition Provisional Authority.
Facing up to 21 years in prison on bribery and money-laundering charges, plus up to 11 years for firearms violations, it seems quite conceivable to me, that Robert may well have a great deal to pass on to the Prosecutor.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
For those who may not be paying attention to such matters, the following: the Republican Party is NOT the party of REFORM. They are the party of Corruption and Abuse of Power. Missed the Bushit spewed yesterday? Bush claims he has the right to spy on Americans without a warrant. Speaking of official mendacity, the present AG, Mr. Gonzalez has said that Bush has a inherent right to spy on us under the constitution. Oh, by the way, spying on Americans will now be called, by Bushco, "Terrorist Surveillance Program."
General Payden has made it known that he knows the Fourth Amendment and by god Bush is good to go with his spying on U.S. citizens via that Amendment. Is that right? I mean, General Payden said so. And, why would he say that if it weren't true. After all, he's a General in the U.S. Air Force. Uhhh...well...let's just go back and read it, just in case we can't quite remember the whole thing from college, or high school, or wherever.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Let's see here. Bush has the right to spy on U.S. citizens because the 4th Amendment says he does. Thus spake the good and true general. However, there is just this one little item, "...upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation,...would that mean get a goddawm warrant? Sure looks like it to me. Perhaps the general should go back and read that part again. It doesn't say whenever the fuck you want to, and for whatever trumped up reason you claim. Bush claims that these are new circumstances requiring new tactics. Let's just take a little trip down memory lane, shall we. Founding Father's...British marching on the capital with intent to burn it down and hang the traitors therein. Might be a pretty good reason, according to Bushco, to spy on citizens to protect the country. Nope. Not here. They left the Fourth Amendment intact. Hmmmm.
Nixon tried this tactic in the 70's. Claimed he was trying to protect the country from those commie, pinko, fags. It was Bushit then, it's Bushit now. There is no reason to spy on citizens of the U.S. without a warrant.
In its battle against Islamic terrorists, the federal government may need reminding that the enemy is not us.
General Payden has made it known that he knows the Fourth Amendment and by god Bush is good to go with his spying on U.S. citizens via that Amendment. Is that right? I mean, General Payden said so. And, why would he say that if it weren't true. After all, he's a General in the U.S. Air Force. Uhhh...well...let's just go back and read it, just in case we can't quite remember the whole thing from college, or high school, or wherever.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Let's see here. Bush has the right to spy on U.S. citizens because the 4th Amendment says he does. Thus spake the good and true general. However, there is just this one little item, "...upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation,...would that mean get a goddawm warrant? Sure looks like it to me. Perhaps the general should go back and read that part again. It doesn't say whenever the fuck you want to, and for whatever trumped up reason you claim. Bush claims that these are new circumstances requiring new tactics. Let's just take a little trip down memory lane, shall we. Founding Father's...British marching on the capital with intent to burn it down and hang the traitors therein. Might be a pretty good reason, according to Bushco, to spy on citizens to protect the country. Nope. Not here. They left the Fourth Amendment intact. Hmmmm.
Nixon tried this tactic in the 70's. Claimed he was trying to protect the country from those commie, pinko, fags. It was Bushit then, it's Bushit now. There is no reason to spy on citizens of the U.S. without a warrant.
In its battle against Islamic terrorists, the federal government may need reminding that the enemy is not us.
Friday, January 20, 2006
There is a lot of discussion in DC about lobbying and the reforms necessary to bring it under control. Before our stat's let's just make this clear. The problem we have at present is a Republican problem. It is not a Democrat problem. Jack and company passed out money to the Republican Party. From 2001 - 2004 they gave all of their money to the Republican Party. They gave none to the Democratic Party. Got that? They gave none, during that period to the Democratic Party. The people who are trying to make this a DC problem are trying to smear all with the same pile of shit. This is a Republican Party issue.
Now that we have taken care of that bit of housekeeping, let's move on. With Republicans in control of every facet of government, the number of registered lobbyists in Washington D.C. has more than doubled since the year 2000 to more than 34,750. Any particular reason why? you might wonder. Let's see, the Republican Party favors business over people? And, since that is true, the way to get your share of the business type handouts is to make your case known. Lobbyists.
Since the year 2002, what lobbyists charge has increased by 100%. Just look at your own earnings....I'll take your 2000 earnings and give them a 100% boost. Does that resemble what has happened to your earnings since 2000? I thought not. Just a question. Why would all of those congress critters and the staff that worked for them be moving into the lobbyist field? Earinings up by 100% over a five year period. Jesus Christ!!!! You don't mean...Doh!!
So now we have the Republican Party attempting to make it appear as if they are going to try and clean the whole mess up. And who do they put in charge of the clean-up? Rick Santorum. Senator Santorum was a major player in making "K" Street the Republican owned & operated mess it is today. He was an architect of this corrupt, criminal group that has stolen the government.
For those who may still be under the illusion that the Republican Party has anything to do with fiscal responsibility, let me just remind you that Federal oulays from 200 - 2004 increased by 30%. That would make it $2.29 Trillion. Their statements that they intended to reduce the government by any means is coming to fruition. They are spending us into non-existence. We may not have to worry about taking care of those less fortunate, because we won't have the capability.
Maybe we can get some of that Lobbyist money to help them out?
Now that we have taken care of that bit of housekeeping, let's move on. With Republicans in control of every facet of government, the number of registered lobbyists in Washington D.C. has more than doubled since the year 2000 to more than 34,750. Any particular reason why? you might wonder. Let's see, the Republican Party favors business over people? And, since that is true, the way to get your share of the business type handouts is to make your case known. Lobbyists.
Since the year 2002, what lobbyists charge has increased by 100%. Just look at your own earnings....I'll take your 2000 earnings and give them a 100% boost. Does that resemble what has happened to your earnings since 2000? I thought not. Just a question. Why would all of those congress critters and the staff that worked for them be moving into the lobbyist field? Earinings up by 100% over a five year period. Jesus Christ!!!! You don't mean...Doh!!
So now we have the Republican Party attempting to make it appear as if they are going to try and clean the whole mess up. And who do they put in charge of the clean-up? Rick Santorum. Senator Santorum was a major player in making "K" Street the Republican owned & operated mess it is today. He was an architect of this corrupt, criminal group that has stolen the government.
For those who may still be under the illusion that the Republican Party has anything to do with fiscal responsibility, let me just remind you that Federal oulays from 200 - 2004 increased by 30%. That would make it $2.29 Trillion. Their statements that they intended to reduce the government by any means is coming to fruition. They are spending us into non-existence. We may not have to worry about taking care of those less fortunate, because we won't have the capability.
Maybe we can get some of that Lobbyist money to help them out?
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Taken from a Al Gore speech 01/16/06 in which he was quoting James Madison. "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary,in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."
Notice anything familiar in there, George? I know, a lot of big words. But, the man was saying that one party (in this case the Republican's) control of the Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court all at the same time can cause problems for those who would prefer to remain FREE. You might consider the indictment of Scooter and Tom, along with the singing of Jack and Scanlon, and maybe the investigation of Frist as a clue.
Then there is this matter of lying. You see, lot's of people believe you when you speak...unfortunately. That means that we don't have a very informed citizenry. And, as Thomas Jefferson said, "An informed citizenry is the only true repository of the public will." That means that we need people to hear opposing viewpoints. Seems harsh I know. That means there is a need for a skeptical press. Not FOX, CNN, NYT, and WAPO. But real journalists who ask tough questions. And then ask tougher follow-up questions forcing those questions to be answered.
Quoting John Locke, "All just power is derived from the consent of the governed." He certainly meant the informed governed.
From Gavin Menzies.
Bush: Look, Dick, there's a message in my Alpha Bits. It says "Oooooo."
Cheney: George, those are Cheerios.
Notice anything familiar in there, George? I know, a lot of big words. But, the man was saying that one party (in this case the Republican's) control of the Presidency, Congress, and Supreme Court all at the same time can cause problems for those who would prefer to remain FREE. You might consider the indictment of Scooter and Tom, along with the singing of Jack and Scanlon, and maybe the investigation of Frist as a clue.
Then there is this matter of lying. You see, lot's of people believe you when you speak...unfortunately. That means that we don't have a very informed citizenry. And, as Thomas Jefferson said, "An informed citizenry is the only true repository of the public will." That means that we need people to hear opposing viewpoints. Seems harsh I know. That means there is a need for a skeptical press. Not FOX, CNN, NYT, and WAPO. But real journalists who ask tough questions. And then ask tougher follow-up questions forcing those questions to be answered.
Quoting John Locke, "All just power is derived from the consent of the governed." He certainly meant the informed governed.
From Gavin Menzies.
Bush: Look, Dick, there's a message in my Alpha Bits. It says "Oooooo."
Cheney: George, those are Cheerios.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Some Quotes
Not quite sure why, but I keep running into people who just cannot help but tell me all about how religious they are. When I ask them how they voted in the last election, they tell me Republican. So, I thought I might just jot down here a couple of quotes from people who believe, at least in part, what they believe and show them what these reputed people might have to say about how they act and re-act, politically.
Doug Smith, citizen. "Too many people are willing to die to wage war, too few are willing to die for peace."
George Washington, 1st President, US. This is taken from a speech. "For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection, should demean themsevles as good citizens."
Rabbi Hillel, 30-90 B.C. "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?"
Isaiah, Author. " Woe be to you legislators of infamous laws...who refuse justice to the unfortunate, who cheat the poor among my people of their rights, who make widows their prey and rob the orphan."
And lest you should believe that all of those folks carrying the Bush banner are on your side. This e-mail between two very highly (at the time) respected lobbyists working with/for the Republican Party. {Scanlon to Abramoff} "The wackos get their information through the Christian Right, Christian Radio, mail, the internet and telephone trees...Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them."
Makes you all warm and fuzzy...don't it?
Might want to go back and re-read your philosophy book(s).
Doug Smith, citizen. "Too many people are willing to die to wage war, too few are willing to die for peace."
George Washington, 1st President, US. This is taken from a speech. "For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection, should demean themsevles as good citizens."
Rabbi Hillel, 30-90 B.C. "If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, what am I? And if not now, when?"
Isaiah, Author. " Woe be to you legislators of infamous laws...who refuse justice to the unfortunate, who cheat the poor among my people of their rights, who make widows their prey and rob the orphan."
And lest you should believe that all of those folks carrying the Bush banner are on your side. This e-mail between two very highly (at the time) respected lobbyists working with/for the Republican Party. {Scanlon to Abramoff} "The wackos get their information through the Christian Right, Christian Radio, mail, the internet and telephone trees...Simply put, we want to bring out the wackos to vote against something and make sure the rest of the public lets the whole thing slip past them."
Makes you all warm and fuzzy...don't it?
Might want to go back and re-read your philosophy book(s).
Dear Veteran
Just so that you know what will await you, if you make it back to the US alive. A nation so grateful that they display yellow ribbons on their vehicles, saying that they support the troops. The fact that we have cut money to the VA to assist those who will come back maimed and wounded in body or spirit, should in no way be payed attention to. After all, we support the troops. But, times are tough you know. I mean, you should be grateful that we allowed you to serve this nation in containing terrorism...I mean, freeing the people of Iraq. You know, we have to fight them over there so that we don't have to fight them here. But, by god we support our troops.
Oh, and there is this one thing. If you happen to have served 37 years, and have a Bronze Star and Purple Hearts. And decide to serve in Congress and really do something to help your brothers in arms. But you disagree with those in the White House. They (those in the White House) just might "Swift Boat" the hell out of you. You see, you cannot disagree with the White House, so just a precaution here. You may want to look into the cases of Senator John Kerry and Congressman John Murtha for background.
For those familiar, a short story about the treatment of Congressman Murtha. This of course begins with Congressman Murtha standing up in Congress and telling President Bush that the war in Iraq was bullshit and should be ended immediately. The first step by the WH was to call for a strategy to smear the Congressman. Then a news magazine (right wing) aired a story, broadcast and sponsored by the Repbulican National Committee, with a quaote from 1996 by a Harry Fox, who was quoting a John Saylor, former Rep (R-PA), stating that Murtha was "pretending to be a big war hero." It turns out that Mr. Fox had lost the 1974 election for that Congressional seat held by Mr. Murtha. Oh, and it just so happens that Mr. Saylor died in 1973 (thus the election duel in 1974), and Mr. ;Fox is now to infirm to interview. Thus the 1996 quote.
So, just in case you decide to run for public office as a Democrat, you might want to bring you body armor along with you...and a steel jock strap.
Oh, and there is this one thing. If you happen to have served 37 years, and have a Bronze Star and Purple Hearts. And decide to serve in Congress and really do something to help your brothers in arms. But you disagree with those in the White House. They (those in the White House) just might "Swift Boat" the hell out of you. You see, you cannot disagree with the White House, so just a precaution here. You may want to look into the cases of Senator John Kerry and Congressman John Murtha for background.
For those familiar, a short story about the treatment of Congressman Murtha. This of course begins with Congressman Murtha standing up in Congress and telling President Bush that the war in Iraq was bullshit and should be ended immediately. The first step by the WH was to call for a strategy to smear the Congressman. Then a news magazine (right wing) aired a story, broadcast and sponsored by the Repbulican National Committee, with a quaote from 1996 by a Harry Fox, who was quoting a John Saylor, former Rep (R-PA), stating that Murtha was "pretending to be a big war hero." It turns out that Mr. Fox had lost the 1974 election for that Congressional seat held by Mr. Murtha. Oh, and it just so happens that Mr. Saylor died in 1973 (thus the election duel in 1974), and Mr. ;Fox is now to infirm to interview. Thus the 1996 quote.
So, just in case you decide to run for public office as a Democrat, you might want to bring you body armor along with you...and a steel jock strap.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Pat Robertson, that mental giant in the Intelligent Design world, has stepped on his dick again. This time, it concerns Israel. Pat told his audience on the 700 Club that Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's stroke was a divine punishment for "dividing God's land."
Now, I'm not really the one to ask for an opinion on religion of any sort. But, it seems to me, that if you're trying to sell something, you don't make outrageous statements that indicate that you're an idiot to your potential customers. But this guy is one of those who cannot seem to supress his need to spread his stupidity before the entire world.
As you may recall, this guy ran for president on the Republican ticket not to long ago. It should have given all an indication of what was to come further down the road. His occasional gaffes weren't really. They were indeed the way the guy was thinking. When he indicated that those who did not believe (in Christianity) needed to be re-educated, he wasn't kidding. Now we see Intelligent Design, which of course is neither, and efforts by some of his followers to put it into the Science curriculum. Man, did we ever dodge one there. Of course, we got something so much better, the Busheviks.
It would be nice if we could gather up the Robertson's and Cruise's,, and put them in pen to entertain each other with their sheer stupidity. Call it cleaning up airwave pollution.
Now, I'm not really the one to ask for an opinion on religion of any sort. But, it seems to me, that if you're trying to sell something, you don't make outrageous statements that indicate that you're an idiot to your potential customers. But this guy is one of those who cannot seem to supress his need to spread his stupidity before the entire world.
As you may recall, this guy ran for president on the Republican ticket not to long ago. It should have given all an indication of what was to come further down the road. His occasional gaffes weren't really. They were indeed the way the guy was thinking. When he indicated that those who did not believe (in Christianity) needed to be re-educated, he wasn't kidding. Now we see Intelligent Design, which of course is neither, and efforts by some of his followers to put it into the Science curriculum. Man, did we ever dodge one there. Of course, we got something so much better, the Busheviks.
It would be nice if we could gather up the Robertson's and Cruise's,, and put them in pen to entertain each other with their sheer stupidity. Call it cleaning up airwave pollution.
DeLay aside
CNN is reporting that Tom DeLay will not seek to retain his Majority leadership position in the House of Representatives. Seems those not caught in the trap are looking for new leadership, saying that the "Culture of Corruption" meme was starting to have effect. Geez, that didn't take too long.
The closer we get to a trial of Abramoff and co, the faster things happen. Beginning with Scanlon turning on Abramoff, now Abramoff turning on the memebers of Congress, and perhaps higher, we are seeing money being shipped out (Bush the other day) to charities, etc to try and distance themselves.
Maybe it's just me, but there is a beauty to symmetry. For the last few years, the Republicans have held power in all three branches of government. As has often been said about total power and corruption, it makes a hell'uva mess. And, here we have the first branch beginning to break. Perhaps this will once again bring some sanity to the governance of this country.
The closer we get to a trial of Abramoff and co, the faster things happen. Beginning with Scanlon turning on Abramoff, now Abramoff turning on the memebers of Congress, and perhaps higher, we are seeing money being shipped out (Bush the other day) to charities, etc to try and distance themselves.
Maybe it's just me, but there is a beauty to symmetry. For the last few years, the Republicans have held power in all three branches of government. As has often been said about total power and corruption, it makes a hell'uva mess. And, here we have the first branch beginning to break. Perhaps this will once again bring some sanity to the governance of this country.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
'06 To Go
And, their off. We are expecting some news of interest concerning Jack Abramoff and all of his connections this week. While we know that their will be many familiar names involved, it will be interesting to see just how far his nasty little net was cast. It would be great to believe that once it all comes down and is settled, that all will have learned their lessons and we would'nt face this kind of thing again. Alas!! Such is not likely to be the case.
Scalito will, beginning next week, face those who would decide his fate...judicially speaking. One can but wonder how this little parade will fare. It could be that he will have more rain on his parade than the Rose Bowl Parade just passed. Lots of speculation from across the spectrum. However, what I have been able to glean finds him more in favor of corporate rights than human rights. We shall see.
Am just now seeing a "News Flash" stating that Jack Abramoff will plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors. Since we know that the wailing and gnashing of teeth has already begun, it will be of interest to see how many start to scurry now. Burns of Montana sent his money back to the organization last month. But, it may be way to late. The stench may already have tainted his sorry ass. Others too have returned contributions, but we may see a flurry in the next few weeks. Or, may not. They may be paralyzed by now. Knowing that their base may be watching much closer than they previously were.
And of course, we will be watching to see how Congress handles the FISA situation. We can certainly hope that they take this seriously and pull the reins in on the Busheviks. We have been drawn down a terrible path, and at this time, they (Congress) are the ones we must depend on. Certainly not the warmest feeling I've had in the last five years.
Let us all decide to make it a better year than last. And to so with a happy heart, and grand resolve.
Scalito will, beginning next week, face those who would decide his fate...judicially speaking. One can but wonder how this little parade will fare. It could be that he will have more rain on his parade than the Rose Bowl Parade just passed. Lots of speculation from across the spectrum. However, what I have been able to glean finds him more in favor of corporate rights than human rights. We shall see.
Am just now seeing a "News Flash" stating that Jack Abramoff will plead guilty and cooperate with prosecutors. Since we know that the wailing and gnashing of teeth has already begun, it will be of interest to see how many start to scurry now. Burns of Montana sent his money back to the organization last month. But, it may be way to late. The stench may already have tainted his sorry ass. Others too have returned contributions, but we may see a flurry in the next few weeks. Or, may not. They may be paralyzed by now. Knowing that their base may be watching much closer than they previously were.
And of course, we will be watching to see how Congress handles the FISA situation. We can certainly hope that they take this seriously and pull the reins in on the Busheviks. We have been drawn down a terrible path, and at this time, they (Congress) are the ones we must depend on. Certainly not the warmest feeling I've had in the last five years.
Let us all decide to make it a better year than last. And to so with a happy heart, and grand resolve.
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