Monday, October 31, 2005

Chris Matthews

This afternoon, Chris Matthews took a paper from a production person and proclaimed that the Democrats had defamed the Supreme Court Nominee, Mr. Alito, in a talking points paper being passed around. Being the lazy ass that he is, he started running the party line before he did any fact checking or even a quick read of the paper. Turns out, it was bullshit. The papers are on-line and available to those who would like to verify this. The whole affair has the smell of Rove. Although, it was first seen on the Drudge site and one cannot forget that this character's name should really be Sludge. It will be interesting to see how the MSM plays the whole affair tomorrow. And, it will be interesting to hear what Matthews has to say. Shill.

Also of interest today was the exchange between Gregory of NBC and Scottie, at the WH briefing. Jeff has been on Scottie boy's ass since Katrina hit. Today he seemed to come down to calling him a liar. Of course, he is. But, rarely does anyone confront the spinners at 1600 Penn. Maybe. Just maybe. The WHPC is going to come to life and start confronting these people every time they start lieing. It was a thing of beauty.

We went to watch "Grapes of Wrath" at a theatre in Seattle yesterday. Wonderful. The acting was not Broadway, but it did hit all of the highlights. And, it was delightful to get back to a story that I have read many times over the years. It was good to get back into a theatre, as well. We get to a few productions every year, but never enough.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Merry Fitzmas!!

Well, we didn't get all we wanted for Fitzmas this year. But wait, the season isn't over yet. We may be getting more at later dates. We got Libby. We just didn't get Rove. But Rove remains a possiblity, as does Bolton. Bolton was an Undersecretary in 2003.

If Libby goes to trial, will it matter? By the time the whole affair is over and done, it will be near the end of this Administration. And, with that would likely come a Presidential pardon. It may be that what this really represents is the start of the drip drip drip that we saw with Watergate. A three year Fitzmas season. Oh wouldn't it be luv-ely?

Picked this thought up in several places today, Rove may do more damage to the WH by remaining in place. While he remains under investigation, the Sword of Damocles hangs over the Administration's head. It will be hard for them to stay focused while Rove is busy trying to keep his sorry ass out of jail. Andrew Card is a very smart guy. But, he's not Karl Rove. And, Rove is the brain of Bush. Without him, Bush flounders. And that just may be the best thing that can happen for this country for the next three years. Besides the Democrats getting their collective shit together. If there is such a thing.

Signed the on-line petition tonight that Senator Kennedy has going. It calls for the WH to turn over all relevant documents relating to PlameGate. Not that I think for one minute that they will be turned over. If these folks could do the right thing, they wouldn't be in this mess to begin with.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Fritzmas Eve!!

Well, what we've all been waiting for is nearly here. Tomorrow is the last day that the PlameGate Grand Jury is scheduled to be empaneled. Since nothing else has been heard, we can only surmise that tomorrow is Fitzmas. Therefore, this has got to be Fitzmas Eve. It's enough to keep you wide awake all night waiting for jolly old Fitz to come down the chimney and deposit the goddamned gifts already.

Have been busy for a couple of days touristing. Did a tour of a part of the Boeing plant. They take you through the 747 assembly area. It was great to get back in there and see how manufacturing has improved since last I was there. Definitely something all should get a chance to see.

Today we went through the Museum of History and Industry. It recalls the history of Seattle and all the major players. It only takes a couple of hours to go through it, and they have done a superb job of keeping you looking around the corners. One of those places for people with a history gene.

It will be interesting to see who President Bush will nominate for the SCOTUS now that Harri has pulled the plug on her nomination. Interesting that it was the right who did her in. I find it quite satisfying to see them eating their own. What bothers me is that the replacement may turn out to be what the Fundies want. That is a scary proposition. Perhaps a stark raving lunatic in the Senator Brownback (KS), Pat Robertson mold.YIKES!!!

Now we hear that Cheney and Libby withheld documents from a House panel...against the advise of WH staff. This just gets better everyday. Is there some kind of play at work here though? It's hard to beleive that an old player like Cheney would step into that particular pile. Stranger things have happened, but it sure seems odd. There are way too many conspiracy theories for me to want to participate. So, I'll stick for now with a stupid mistake.

What the hell is with all of the stories about Shrub treating his lower level staff like shit. Had heard rumors about it for a couple of years, but they now seem to be coming from inside. With him not being able to take responsibility for his own actions, I guess it was inevitable that he would turn on those inside when things started downhill.

Monday, October 24, 2005

This Week

Had hoped to see an indictment come down last week in the V.P. case. Didn't happen, but hopefully it was just putting off the inevitable. The Grand Jury is due to expire midnight 10/28/05. The Republican spin is something like they will need something besides perjury, since that is such a non issue. However, a very well done article by kos, over at , brings back to life words quite the opposite by a host of Republicans back in '99. Specifically, Senator Kay Hutchison from Texas. She was on Russert's show yesterday (10/23/05) and made the remark expecting no push back. Russert, quite out of character, reminded her of the 180 from '99. There was no response from Hutchison. She should have been forced to back up her words. Although, even one follow-up question by Russert of a Republican must be seen as a very large step.

Three Republicans were faced with a replay of the Hutchison remark yesterday on Hardball this afternoon. One spun himself into the ground. One said that Democrats in Seattle (where he is today) are dismissing the perjury charges as being of little import, that the real issue is Iraq and the fact that we were lied to about the reasons for going in. The third basically said that Bush has two ways to go. One bad, the other worse. The first would be to get rid of all of his staff and start again, with an apology to the citizens of the U.S. The second would be to go down with the ship. Hmmmmm.

Just a question here. Why would Fitzgerald set up a web site concerning this whole affair, and then end the Grand Jury proceedings with no indictments, or with a report?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

More UHC

This is information I gathered on from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development site. The costs and comparisons I found, and use here, were for inustrialized nations only. And, are for the year 2002.

In the U.S. we pay more for pharmaceuticals, hospital stays and physican visits than in any other industrialized country. For instance, it was found that for a hospital day, in the U.S. the cost was $2,434. While in Canada a hospital day cost $870.

Per capita, the U.S. ranks near the bottom of all industrialized nation for hospital beds available, physicians and nurses, and available technology (MRI/CT). It seems possible that two of the reasons for higher health costs could be greater intensity of care (I do not know the exact meaning of this phrase) in hospitals and the higher frequency of use of MRI/CT technology.

Anytime Universal Health Care is discussed, the cost to tax payers is raised. That is certainly something to be considered. Total health spending in the U.S. in the year 2002, was $1.55 Trillion, or $5,267 per capita. Of that money spent, 46% came from government. The next highest cost per capita is roughly $2,000 dollars less. The major difference of course, is that all other industrialized nations cover the basic health coverage of all it's citizens. In the U.S. over 45 million of our citizens are without coverage of any kind. I found no statistics for costs per patient covered by the government. Nor did I find anything indicating what that money covered. It seems to me that to extend the Medicare program to all would not be that much of a stretch. Especially in light of the billions now being squandered in Iraq.

One other item of note, was this statistic found concerning malpractice. With the big push in many states to cap payments on medical malpractice suits, one would think that the cost had to be in the billions. However, malpractice payments take up .o5% of that money.

With the information available, I have to wonder if the free market is conducive to the better good in as far as medicine is concerned. And, again my question. Why do we not have Universal Health Care in this country?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Universal Health Care II

Why is it that we do not have Universal Health Care? Most agree that we need it. The question has, up until now been, how is it to be payed for. Some information avaiable to all may be of assistance.

In a Harris Poll (09/6-12/05) appearing in the WSJ it was revealed that 75% of Americans strongly/somewhat favored Universal Health Care. What this poll does not tell us is how strongly they would favor that care if they were asked to pay for it. And, how much each segment of the question is influenced by the Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

On the Public Agenda web site I found the results of a Gallup poll (11/04) with 64% of Americans agreeing that we should have guaranteed health care. In a Kaiser/Harvard poll (11/04) when the above was asked along with the condition that they pay for the care, only 45% agreed.

Can one surmise that if the 64% went to 75%, that the 45% also rose to 55%? No way of knowing without further data. However, it is worth some thought. Because, that would mean that over 50% of the country feels that Universal Health Care is important enough to pay for. That would indicate a sea change is occuring in this country.

In a 2004 report, found on the National Coalition on Health Care website, we find that although 45 million Americans are uninsured, the U.S. spends more on health care than other industrialized nations, and these countries provide health insurance to all of their citizens.

Further, 50% of people who had low and mid-range- compensation jobs either had problems with medical bills in previous 12 months or were paying off accrued debt due to medical related bills. Lest we consider otherwise, fully 25% of those considered to be in the higher-compensated category were in the same situations as those previously mentioned.

How this is helpful to a healthy and vibrant economy escapes me. Since most of these medical bills and accrued debts seem to be attributable to hospitalizations due to a lack of basic disease prevention, it seems to me that a good percentage of the bills and debts could be eliminated with very basic health care. It further occurs to me that if one were to prevent childhood diseases, one would also be reducing adult diseases.

So, why don't we have Universal Health Care?

Congratulations!! to Tom DeLay. For being booked in the state of Texas;>)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

With Four Part Harmony

28.8 SUCKS!!!!!! Tried to get this done twice last bumped both times and lost the damn thing. Hence the header.

In an earlier post I had spoken of my hope for Louis Farrakhan and his new endeavor. Have since learned that one of the co-founders is a Rev Wilson. This man is a biggot. Equal as long as you're Black...and straight. There was a scheduled speaker for Sat who was blocked from speaking because he was Gay. That there wasn't a hue and cry from all involved speaks volumes for me. With that in mind, I am pulling my support for the association.

Since the Grand Jury in the Plame case meets on Wed & Fri, there is conjecture that there may be indictments handed down today. As for me, I haven't a clue. Whenever it happens, I am of two minds. The first of course is that it will be good to start this regime down to the path to oblivion. However, it bothers me that such an outfit could be put in place with the duplicity of the press and public. And, the fact that there are no democrats, with few exceptions, screaming at the top of their lungs is very disappointing.

As much as import as the Plame case has, the Abrahmoff Grand Jury is the one with the potential to do the most harm to the Republican Party as a whole. People throughout the Party are tied by money to Abrahmoff and his co-horts. One expects the DeLay, Blount, Santorum group to be involved, but there are many, many more who will find the heavy gaze upon them when this Grand Jury finishes it's work.

T with back spasms of unknown etiology. Going to see about that this am. Hopefully, it can be figured out and something done to alleviate the spasms and the associated pain. Tough little beggar;>)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Judy!! Judy!! Judy!! have to take'em where you find'em.
Have been watching the Judith Plame story unfold all day. The article that she wrote, coupled with the NYT article answered some, but certainly not all questions. Of course the obvious question was, Where, when, how did you find the notes? that you couldn't find before? An article which will appear in the WSJ in the am gives some of the answer. In it Ms. Plame says that she was asked a question, by Mr. Fitzgerald, and she said that she needed to return to her office and see if the answer was in her notes. And Lo and Behold, what should she find but her long lost notes. A question from the WSJ was, paraphrasing, was there any info about any conversations with Rove? WSJ indicates that Judy became "irritated" and said she wasn't going to answer any question like that. Scuzzy bitch didn't get sent back to jail for not having any answer to the questions when she appeared before the Grand Jury. I'll bet anything that Judy would have spilled her guts if she had been faced with a return to jail with no EASY button to push. Wonder what her upcoming book will have to say on that subject?

Spin on the Iraq election all over the MSM today. What baffles me is the Republican inability, or refusal, to see that now that the Constitution has passed, although 96% of Sunni's voted against it, there is going to be at least as much violence as before. Why? Because they now know that they are indeed outside the decision making process. They all voted against it and it had no effect whatsoever. They can now see that they will be dominated by the Kurd's and Shia. And, they are supposed to come into the fold for what? If votes don't get it...then maybe guns will.

And then there' Ms. Rice. Telling us quite frankly that al Qaeda wasn't really the issue. They were just the catalyst. That after 9/11 we could either go after al Qaeda or look at the big picture and move on that. Now they're not even bothering to try and cover up the fact that they had this in mind long before 9/11. Bushco is a den of criminals, who led the country to war on trumped up intelligence and were assisted every step of the way by the MSM (Judith Miller=NYT/WaPo/WSJ/CNN, et. al.). Every one of the journalists (in name only) who helped propagate the WMD tale (aluminum tubes) should hang with their bosses.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Louis Farrakhan

Read a Time (online edition), David E. Thigpen article in the form of a Q&A, in which Louis Farrakhan spoke of a new movement called the "Millions More Movement". This would be a coalition of Black, Latino, Gay, Native American and Poor. It will be interesting just see if he can forge such a coalition. The agenda for the group will be to use their collective leverage to force government to attend to the disenfranchized. You may remember that govenment was indeed working on that agenda before the Republicans took control. That it was making headway mattered not to these folks. Beginning (kind of) with Ronnie's stupid remark that "We have fought the war on poverty...poverty won", it has been a downward spiral for those fighting to de-Haiti-ize themseves. Only time will tell if Mr. Farrakhan can make this happen. But, I wish him the very best of luck with his new endeavor.

Rove testified today. It sure would have been fun to be a fly on the wall during that little meeting with the Grand Jury and Mr. Fitzgerald. Now if we can get an indictment of that scuz bucket. The only thing better would be to see Rove, Scooter, DeLay, Frist, Cheney and the rest of that fun group all standing before a judge. Of course there is a lot of business to be handled before any of that can be done. But, it sure is nice to speculate.

Just a thought. GWB, ultimate dis-proof of Intelligent Design.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Earle Attack Ads

So now the Free Enterprise Fund, (Google them for info) is putting up the money for attack ads against the Prosecutor who brought charges against Tom Delay. This is the same type of bullshit ad as the Swift Boat ads against Kerry during the Presidential race. In the ads, Mr. Earle, is charged with being a partisan zealot who has no agenda but to get conservatives. The fact that he has brought charges against 12 Democrats vs 3 Republicans is conveniently left out. And, the clear possibility that he may indeed be guilty as charged, is assigned to nothing more than wild speculation. One of the claims by Mr. Delay is that he was never offered the opportunity to appear before the Grand Jury that indicted him. That, it turns out, is more bullshit. Mr. Delay was asked to appear several months ago, and the Grand Jury let the offer stand until the last day that it was seated.

There are of course these other minor issues with Mr. Delay. That he has over the last few years been admonished three (3) times by the House Ethics Committee isn't discussed publically by anyone associated with the Republican Party. That he is tightly connected to Jack Abramhov, the lobbiest who is facing charges of fraud, money laundering, a possible connection to murder, etc., should in know way be mentioned either.

So, hopefully there will be a quick reaction (somebody involved over at dkos?) to this attack by Free Enterprise Fund. Fortunately, the ads appear only on Faux News channel, so most of those who see them are Kool-Aid drinkers who beleive anything that's spewed. The ads are only being run in the Austin area, which bothers me a little about their polluting the jury pool. It might be instructive for the Austin Chronicle, or someone like them, to follow up with a poll to see what impact the ads have.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Huffington is my new hero. That woman is everywhere. There is a report over at that Fitzgerald is somehow trying to tie Cheney into Plamegate. To many possibilities to try and trace them all right now. However, if Cheney were named as an unindited co-conspirator, that would send him home. Bushco would have to come up with a name that could be passed by voice vote in both houses. Who? McCain? Condi? Need to ponder on that a while. And, what if McCain gets the nod? Very hard to beat McCain if he's already in the seat. Maybe Clark/Edwards?

New In-Sink-Erator in place. And, it works...with no leaks. Tomorrow I can go put a mile or so in the pool. That's one of the best parts of my retired routine. Terri taught me how to swim, not just keep may head above water, about 15 years ago. It is now my favorite sport. Just a hair above skiing. Can't wait for ski season. Last year it was so bad all of the resorts closed up in early Jan and never re-opened. Think I'll take a chance and get a season lift ticket for Steven's Pass.

TALLY HO!!! The Fox.

Not, there goes the mother fucker. Got That? heh

Cool day yesterday. Got hooked with which in turn hooked me up with Kerri, Ryan and Dani. All grown up adults doing whatever grown up adults do.

Today is the day for installing the new garbarateur. YeeHaw!!

Bush on another photo-op tour. Saving lots of fuel there, prez. Trying to do his impression of President Carter with Habitat for Humanity. Standing there watching a woman pound a nail before he started. Probably a learning thing.

A report that Scooter is leaving the country. Any possibility the rest of those ass-hats will follow his lead? Maybe someplace like...Nigeria. There oil connections would help them out down there.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

days off

Sure enough got to visit with Carmen and Samantha for a few hours yesterday. COOOOOOL!!!!! They introduced me to Claire's. Boy am I happy about that. Samantha kept us there for about a week or so. Fortunately, the cost was minimal. Had pizza, one slice roughly the size of Deleware. And, they took me to a park. FILLED with blackberry bushes. Thank You, girls!!!!! At the end, however, they got us safely to a 31 flavors ice cream place. Let me just say there is EGG NOG ice cream available to one and all. Just in case you were wondering.

Thanks!! to there parents for letting them loose with me for a few hours. No harm done. Right?

Since it came up today...let me introduce some to this new idea. We are moving to Georgetown, TX, sometime during '07. The house will go up for sale around Apr/May of that year. Sometime after that, we will head south. We already have a place to stay, thanks to Keith, so that once in place we can decide whether to buy a new place, or pick up a previously owned place. At Sun City, TX., previously owned, would mean, somebody died. Just to keep everyone on the same page:-]


On, and On, and On and On it seems to go. How Plame was such a hero of press rights for going to jail. HELLO!!!!! This woman was a shill for the let's go into Iraq and fix the world's problems, group. For those who may not know, that would be Bushco. She is not really worth the effort. What is worth the effort, is management that let her do what she was doing without reining her in. Or, at least, putting her stuff aside as just so much bullshit, to be plowed under later. This is a big deal folks. Plame is one of a bunch who led us down the path of, the US is doing the right thing, path. For those of us who were opposed to this fuck-up from the beginning, let me just say; What the fuck were you thinking? Of course, we know what the problem was, they weren't.

Enter, Mr. Fizgerald. Now there is all sorts of shuffling going on about who might, or not, be to blame for being part of the Plame Blame problem. Well folks, let's have a look. Begin with, Plame works for NYT. Then, Valerie writes a book. Her husband had worked for Publisher. Publisher puts money behind Plame book. Now it's a best seller. Becomes a NYT best seller. Amazing, eh? Now, NYT gives Ms. Plame more time and space than she really deserves, and she pumps up the Iraq war machine. By the way, read "Iraq war machine" as Bushco. Now there is an "outing" of a CIA agent, possible due to a leak. Enter Ms. Plame. She claims she is protecting a "source". Turns out it is Libby, VP Cheney's man. Why such a big deal? Becuse, ladies and gentlemen, this is about the outing of a US CIA agent. This is not some bullshit story your parent's told you so that you wouldn't smoke pot. This is about the live's of people who are really participating in the war against terrorism. The real issue here is whether someone in the establishment, outed a CIA agent for political expediency. Libby, or Rove, or one of that group, did, without a doubt, turn over that name. The only thing to be pondered now is, who? That will come. However, no matter the person, the reason will persist. Bush and his puppeteer will remain on the watch list. These are people to fear. They can and will lie cheat and steal at any level to make themselves right. Valerie Plame? Just a very small cog in a very large wheel that has one goal in mind. The Company is right. All else is without mention. Don't believe me? Ask those on the right who have suddenly begun to ask questions re?Meir. Then look back over the last five years at what has been accomplished of the conservative agenda. How many god issues have been advanced?...I'll wait...none? Has there been any movement on the Roe vs Wade issue?...none? Hmmmmmm! Could it be that the old style Republican party has been hijacked by idiots like Bush, Rove, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Coulter,etc? Question:Are we better off now financially, than we were when the (R)'s took control of the House, Senate, Judiciary, Presidency, and press? Are we less involved in the worlds problems? Are we in any way a more moral state? Are we any safer? Perhaps then another look at what is happening in the world in our name would be good. The biggest threat I see to my freedoms in this country, under the present constiturion, is the government of the US.

Friday, October 07, 2005

H.R. 3893

So, there is this House bill, which eliminates safeguards for building new refineries and creating a scheme to weaken clean air and water protections that only benefit polluting industries. And, in a five minute vote (called for by the management) it is defeated 210-212. However, there is a postponement for an hour while the indicted Delay does some...counceling on the floor. There are some changes to votes made and what do you know, the bill passes 212-210. With all that is going on in the Republican Party, one might thing that a postponement of an hour to twist arms to pass a bill wouldn't been advised. Not these folks. They are corrupt and cannot act in any other way. Democratic Leader Pelosi went before the cameras and made her feelings known, but nothing showed up in MSM tonight during prime time news. Where in the hell is the press? I guess the same might be asked about the ten thwarted terrorist attacks. The MSM is now doing no more than shilling for the right. Pathetic Bastards. It pays for those on the left to be vigilant.

Put in 1 1/4 miles in the pool this morning, inside 43 minutes. Felt pretty good. May up the distance to 1 1/2 just to see how it goes.

Picking up Carmen and Samantha in the morning for a partial day. It will be good to see them. Interested in hearing all about everything. Both interested in playing basketball, maybe I can get them moving in that direction. Grades and sports, too. Cool.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

CBS News Poll

CBS News Poll

Bush approval rating overall:


Approve 37%
Disapprove 58%

This is a new floor for this president. It is interesting to note however, that the supporters are still at 79%. Is there a division in this country? Pretty simple when you see the numbers. What I can't for the life of me figure out, is how people can watch what has happened in this country since President Bush was elected, and still support him. They simply will not place blame at his feet for the great damage he has done. Somehow it must be someone else's fault. Even when it is pointed out that they have been in control of every branch of government for the last five years, they still cannot bring themselves to look this...problem in the face and call it what it is, inept. The thought of three more years of this outfit is enough to drive a person to drink...more.

Funny to watch the Repubs scrambling around with the HM situation. When Dems suggested that they might oppose Roberts, they were obstructionists, blunting the will of the President. Now that they oppose Meirs, they are making sure that advise and consent is in play. Hmmmm

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

We'll See

There is a lot of talk around the web tonight about upcoming indictements in the Republican Party. Can't say as I'd mind all that fact, it would be great. However, think I'll just wait and see. We've had our hopes up before, only to see them plummet to earth with a resounding thud. Anyone remember election eve?

A couple of positive items the last few days. Hackett will run for the Senate seat in Ohio, and Jack Carter (Jimmy's son) will run in Nevada. Maybe the tide is really shifting for the Democratic Party. We have waited many years for new faces to pick up the torch. Looks like three females have prompted many. I mean Cindy, Katrina and Rita, of course.

David had his surgery the other day and is now at home. Says he doesn't have any real pain. Voice screwed up from having the larynx pressed out of shape during the procedure, and there is a very large bruise on his neck. But, he sounds (?) good none the less. We are all greatly relieved that it is all over and that things are to return to normal for him. It has been tough the last few months not having use of his right arm. Being a truck driver, it has kept him at home with nothing to do but brood over the loss of the use of the limb. He was depressed until just recently when we all started working with him to come up with a plan of action. The fact that it was all taken out of our hands and brought to resolution so quickly, was a situation that none of us could have forseen. Shit. Did I just say that? What a bush thing to say. Anyway, there is no bandage, he won't have to wear a collar, pt will be minimal, he can begin driving as soon as he is comfortable doing so, and within a month may be back to work. Way to go David!!!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Doc Hastings

Doc Hastings(Rep), Chairman of the House Ethics Committee was in southern Washington yesterday telling one and all that he fully supported Tom Delay and he expected him to return soon to take over his duties. Hopefully, someone down there (Dem) is looking seriously at running against this clown. This would be one of several anchors to be tied securely around Doc's neck. As a part of a system which over the last few years has sanctioned Mr. Delay, it seems just a little disingenuous for Doc to be saying anything other than we'd better wait and see how this all turns out. Even that is probably a stretch, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Hanford being so close and all.


Went over to and did the test. Didn't really need to, I already knew, but it was fun. Anyone wondering where they stand in the spectrum might want to go see about it.

What the hell is with the leaders on the left. Either they have all been bought off by the same people as have control of the right, or they are just blobs soaking up money and benefits. For most of them, I think the answer is self evident.

Great Day!!

My favorite time of year, autumn. Today, partly cloudy and maybe 60. Time to prune the rose bushes, hedge, and small alder trees. Not much of a rise mind you, but enjoyable.

Harriet Miers selected by...Harriet Meirs for SCOTUS. Kind of like Cheney picking Cheney. Heck'uva job Brownie. Only time will tell whether she will be part of a social liberties, regressive, snatch back.

Am paying more attention to Wes Clark. The only Progressive candidate with balls enough to do a smash down on the likes of Limbaugh and O' Reilly. Play to the middle my ass. Play to your strong suit. Attack the Bush cabal and make it known that there will be no kowtowing to these assholes.

And, yes I feel better now.

Monday, October 03, 2005

My favorite singer is my granddaughter Breanna Lynn. She might be yours too. Give her a listen at This kid has got it. It's a long way to where she wants to go, but she doesn't have to worry about having the talent.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

There has been a lot of discussion concerning Senator Obama and the views he expressed last week. Just for the helluv it shall we CEASE FIRE! Maybe just sit and think awhile before we go off at the keyboard. The Senator is one of us. And, a bright star in our future. Just because we may not agree with him 100% does no make him the enemy. The enemy is Bushco and the Dirty Congress that supports them. Let's just relax, watch them turn against each other and think about our Master Plan. We have plenty of time.
I will preface this post by saying that I cannot vouch for the veracity of the story.
Just read a story, via Dkos, by Tony Parsons in the Mirror. This story concerns a Tory councillor and deputy mayor Owen Lister. It seems Mr. Lister has claimed that children who are severely handicapped should be done away with, so as to save the government money and move others who may be better candidates for health improvement up the ladder for treatment. We know these wretched souls have aways been around, William Bennet comes to mind, but, we must make sure that they are challenged each and every time they let this kind of filth cross their lips. These two high profile people were challenged. We must make sure to challenge the variations at every level wherever and whenever we come across it. By our silence we give tacit approval.
After watching at other sites, mostly Dkos, I have decided to participate in the sphere by publishing my own blog. The purpose is fairly simple. As much as I agree with the many, and sharper in the arena, none speak for me in my own language. Therefore, let the games begin...with: As many friends as I have who are still on the Bush bandwagon, it baffles how they come to the conclusion that he is anything but a dupe. It is beyond my comprehension to believe that the man has ever had an original thought. Yes, I've heard the bit about him being someone you could have a beer with. That is pure bullshit. I am someone you could have a beer with. That in know way qualifies me to be the President of the United States. This is not someone who makes well reasoned decisions. But, who makes snap decisions based on anything fed to him by those surrounding him. The frightening part is that these people are not principled, but people with a desire to do the best they can to better their own class (business) with no thought as how it might affect the country at large. They care not one whit how much damage their actions might have on the rest of the world or that there may be consequences detrimental to our own existence. With this mangled mess going in, it becomes clearer how his decisons can be so tragic. In the case of Iraq, Cheney wanted to go to war, W thought is was a great idea (oil/daddy) and the country was lied to and led down the path. In the case of NO, no one fed him anything and that is what he did.