Sunday, November 27, 2005


CIFA(CounterIntelligence Field Activity) could soon be transformed according to a presidential commission. The office now coordinates Pentagon security efforts including protecting military facilities from attack. The transformation would allow it to investigate crimes within the U.S. such as treason, foreign or terrorist sabotage or even economic espionage. Does anyone see a hole big enough to drive a tank through? Obviously, the sons-of-a-bitch haven't got enough to do with their time. Not a problem that they can't fulfill their goddam mission. Like say...providing the troops with battle armor...or, armored vehicles to assist in thwarting IED's. No, let's waste a little more of the tax payer's money by trying to do the FBI's job. Now hear this you low life, scum suckin', mother fucker's. Their are a lot of us who have done our duty for this nation. And, we are not interested in your low life, pathetic, as usual lowest possible standard interest in our lives. Try, if you can, to protect our children and grandchildren from your wretched and assinine intrusion into Iraq.

From a war veteran, to the sorry excuse for a secretary of, are a useless piece of humanity. You have no right to be connected with the military in any way. You have no qualification whatsoever. You have done everything you can to denegrate it. So, just do the right thing and resign. Of course, we know that you would never do the right thing, so how about if, just because you are a chicken-shit at heart, you have a heart attack and leave the office quietly?

Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it.
Mark Twain

A Real Patriot

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Death Penalty

and one of the reasons I am against it.

In 1984, Ruben Cantu was charged with murder. He was 17 years old. He professed his innocense up to the time of his execution at age 24. His co-defendant, David Garza, recently signed a sworn affadavit stating that Cantu wasn't with him the night of the killing. Juan Moreno, the lone living eyewitness, has said that he fingered Cantu because he was afraid of the police and believed that is what they wanted him to do.

This is another example of the law getting it wrong. And, one of the reasons I believe that the death penalty should be abolished. Not to save those who are guilty, but to protect those who are not. No innocent person should have to face dying at the hands of the state.

We have long known that errors are made at court. Yet we persist in killing innocents who are convicted in those courts, knowing that we could be making the ultimate error. And, in a society such as ours, which professes it's religion so loudly, one would think that such a barbarous act as executing a person would have ended long ago. Unfortunately, for Reuben Cantu, and others, what we say and what we do are polar opposites.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Abramoff Update

I spoke of this mess in an earlier post. The grind toward a conclusion will take another step tomorrow when Michael Scanlon (a former Abramoff partner) will plead guilty to one felony count of conspiracy. Scanlon has agreed to testify against one-time partner Abramoff in any future criminal case involving the ex-lobbying superstar. Redundancy is something I will try and avoid on this site. However, in this case, I believe it is worth repeating that this case is bigger than all of the other problems facing Bushco. Essentially because Abramoff and his partners are connected to so many Republicans, and some Democrats, in high places, when the testifying begins, there are going to be a lot of political openings in the halls of Congress. And, very possibly, some jail time for some of those involved. It matters not which party they come from, if they were involved with Abramoff they are going to pay dearly.

When all is said and done, and some of the people who need to be gone are, we will have, in my mind, a chance to repopulate the place with those who will, at least short term, have the country's best interest at heart. Do I think it will last forever? Of course not. But, after the long decline during the latter part of the Democratic Party rule, and all of the Republican Party rule, the nation's agenda has been set aside for short term political gain. Hopefully, we will see the nation's business, at last, put back on the front burner.

Tomorrow we should get perhaps an idea of what is to come. Whether that actually happens or not, will depend upon the Prosecutor's in the case. But, with Scanlon ready to testify, there will, or probably already is, a hell'uva lot of maneuvering over the next few weeks. It will be interesting to see who all starts to lawyer up. Of course, DeLay and Frist already have their separate crew's on-board. But, the implosion of the Republican Party will a spectacle to behold. Since a goodly number of people in leadership positions are expected to be touched by the time the play is over.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Rep. John Murtha (D-PA)

Those of us who were against the disaster in Iraq from the beginning are starting to see larger and larger gains in the number of people coming over to our side. Today, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) called for the immediate removal of our troops from Iraq. The Republicans who still back the operation immediately began to pump the same tired shit down the same line. "Surrendering to terrorists" and "not supporting our troops." So, for those who may be interested, this is how John answered Cheney's (one of the prime architect's of this war) complaint. "I like guy's who've never been there that criticize us who've been there. I like that. I like guy's who got five deferements and never been there and send people to war, and then don't like to hear suggestions about what needs to be done." That slapping sound you hear is John putting one upside Dick's head.

We are beginning now to see the press come back to life, our Federal Representatives reappear, and the people of the country taking stock of what has happened in their name while they weren't paying attention. We are seeing the subject beinning to roll over and the awful truth that the thing is covered with maggots, eating at the decaying flesh of our society and destroying our world. It is now that people must take hold of this mess and clean it up. Fumigate the premesis and put things aright in our nation. The Theocracy must be put back in it's place on the fringe of politics. Those who would take a few millions in a year from the poor and needy, while pumping billions per month into the black hole that is Iraq must be sent back to their low places. And, business must be put in it's place. If they cannot operate in this world without doing damage to the environment, and that means the people who populate the environment, then they need to fold and let someone else take their places.

So, I welcome those for whom the light is beginning to dawn, back to the world of reason. Hopefully, we can now begin to rebuild our nation. Where Human Rights and Civil Rights aren't just something we pay lip service to, but something we as a nation have as a priority. Rather than dismantling our world in the name profits for the few, a world where we become, in the truest sense of the word, our brothers keeper.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Yellow Ribbons

As I travel around I see a lot of those Yellow Ribbons with the Support Our Troops lettering. That's a kind gesture. We should all support our troops. The poor bastards are underpaid on any scale and used for the worst possible invention by man...war. So, I'm just wondering...has every one of those people who have one of those Yellow Ribbons on the back of their car called, written, e-mailed his/her Federal Representatives and demanded that they return the money that has been cut from the VA budget? I'm guessing they probably haven't. Those folks are not leaders, but followers. They respond to the squeaky wheel. So, for all of those who have had contact with their rep's, thanks. For those who haven't, why the hell not? Could it be that the words on those Yellow Ribbons are no more than Bushit to impress other people? Hmmmm!! I would hope not. However, it's hard to figure why Congress would cut the budget for VA more, after they were told that there would be a significant shortfall in the current budget, if all of those Yellow Ribbons had spoken.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Dear Sheeple of the Right

You may not have noticed, but there are some changes afoot that you might like to know about. First, John Edwards, on the Washington site wrote in part: "I was was a mistake to vote for this war in 2002"... That may not seem significant, but he is the first Democrat to make that statement. There will be others. You may want to get onboard this train now. There are many of us who have been saying this since 2002, but we welcome one and all.

Second, when VP Cheney says Enhanced Interrogation Techniques, he means TORTURE. Changing the words does not change the facts.

Third, tonight a new compromise bill concerning Guantanamo has been agreed to. The bill will grant Gitmo detainees automatic access to the courts where they are sentenced to 10 years or more. And the courts could have discretion to hear lesser sentences.

Thought I'd just put this in, Senator Harry Reid (NV), with several of his colleagues, have issued a short preamble to an upcoming Plan to get out of Iraq. Since Bushco got us into that mess, it would be appropriate for him to come up with an actual plan to get the hell out. I'm sure they were just waiting around for the right time. But, just in case, the Democrats will give him some assistance. 'Cuz you know, it's like...hard work. No more BUSHIT!! Let's start arranging for those young folks to come home.


Thursday, November 10, 2005


There was a vote in the UN the other day concerning Cuba. The resolution was a demand for the US to stop it's embargo of Cuba and allow it to begin to take care of it's people. The issue isn't new to the UN. In fact, this is the 14th year in a row that this has come up, with similar results. This year, the vote was 182-4. Three nations voted with the US, with one abstention. Four nations didn't vote.

What in the hell is it with the US that we cannot get over Cuba? Just how are they going to do any damage at all to this country? They have no military to speak of. A significant portion of the island nation's people live in abject poverty. There hasn't been an economy of any note for decades. Why is it that we persist in punishing those people? The argument that the government is corrupt is simply a red herring. We have a corrupt government. Just in case anyone was wondering, I. Lewis Libby was indicted. Congressman Tom DeLay, was indicted. Senate Majority Leader Frist is under scrutiny by the SEC. A whole raft of people are under investigation by the Abramoff Grand Jury. Seems pretty hypocritical, doesn't it?

We have gotten past Germany, Japan, Italy, even Viet Nam. Perhaps it is time for the folks in this nation to apply a little pressure to Congress to remedy this affair and put Cuba back into the league of nations.

Shut-Up and Sign-Up

Now hear this. All young Republicans. Two years from now, we'll still need troops in Iraq. The National Guard will essentially be out of the fight. You see, the National Guard cannot be made to return under4 current rules that limit to 24 months guardsmen's active duty obligation. You have made it known that you support the Bush Administration's War in Iraq. You now have the opportunity to show the world what you're made of...truely. If you start your military career now, you will be fully trained and ready to take your place inside of two years. That will give us a seamless transition from National Guard, who make up a significant portion of the people assigned to that theatre, and active duty personnel.

You have been given three years now to finish up at school and get your affairs in order. The time for action is now. Oh, and don't worry about the lack of vehicle and body armor, I'm quite sure your family will be able to furnish it for you. And, if you're wounded, there are the medals. Don't be concerned about the lack of hospital care when upon your return you find them closed or unsuitable. Private care is much better anyway. And, arms and legs can be purchased on the open market. After all, this is a Capitalist country isn't it? One should expect to take care of these things themselves.

Forgot one other small item. Congress is trying desperately to manage the national debt...what with the war and all. So, the Food Stamp Program will be cut. Your family will be grateful enough just to see you serving your country and will provide food and shelter for your wive's/husband's and children. Quite sure you're aware that beginning wages in the military will leave you a little short.

So, here is your opportunity you fucking little twits. Shut-Up and Sign-Up.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Cheney and Torture

We know how VP Cheney feels about torture. After Senator McCain's amendment specifically demanding that there to be no torture of detainees was passed in the Senate, VP Cheney went to the Senate and tried mightly to have it rescinded.

So, where do others who appeared on Sunday talk shows stand? Lets have a little looksee. Why don't we start with who might back VP Cheney? Senator Orrin Hatch (R) Utah, on CBS's "Face the Nation" said he supports the VP's efforts to gain a CIA exemption. He stated that the administration opposes torture, yet stated further, "They're going to do everything in their power to make sure that our citizens in the United States of America are protected."

Someone against? Senator Chuck Hagel (R) Nebraska on "This Week) on ABC gave us this. "I think the administration is making a terrible mistake in opposing John McCain's amendment on detainees and torture. Why in the world they're doing that, I don't know."

Now that we have the for and against, let us have a word from the person who submitted the amendment in the first place. Senator John McCain, (R) Arizona, on "Fox News Sunday" gives us this quote. "Our image in the world is suffering very badly, and one of the reasons for it is the perception that we abuse people that we take captive."

We would rather expect Hatch to spew the administration line. His ethics have, for many years been suspect partly because of his direct participation in the supplement world, hosted in large part in his home state of Utah. So, ethics isn't really his big issue anyway. It is interesting how he contends that the administration opposes torture, but VP Cheney is doing everything in his power to allow it. And, lest any should forget, this administration gave us the Gonzalez opinion telling us that torture was ok in some cases. Written by Mr. Addington, VP Cheney's replacement for I. Lewis Libby. That they had to rescind it after they had their asses handed to them by the nation at large, does not make me comfortable that these folks are here to protect my rights in any way.

Senator Hagel is using something called "Common Sense" when he wonders why the administration opposes the McCain amendment. Torture has been shown to be entirely ineffective in gathering information from detainees. Not just once, or just recently, but for many years by a host of nations and entities. Hopefully, he will continue to press on this subject and keep it before the public eye.

Senator McCain is the only one who could have given the weight necessary to make this amendment happen. Having been a POW for five years during the Vietnam debacle, he has the moral authority to carry the flag and state the case.

Remembering as I do the speeches, articles, television and radio pouring vile upon those who would torture, it seems to me that Bushco is trying its damndest to drag this country down the path taken by ocracy's and ism's since time immemorial. They do not seem to understand that the reasons for resisting torture of detainees is not for them as much as it is for us. When we see human rights as ok for me but not you, regardless of the reason, we have taken a step towards destroying the vary things that this country has stood for since it's inception.

That some of the above has already happened with the Patriot Act, the decision to take Food Stamps from 300,000 of the worst off among us, while funneling billions into the useless endeavor that is Iraq, makes me for one, very sad and concerned.

Bushco: Spreading Democracy Through Torture.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Add On

There are a couple of issues I would like to add too in this article.

First there is a recent medical study commissioned by the Commonwealth Fund, a private nonpartisan, nonprofit foundation in NY. They're survey of 7000 sick adults in US, Australia, Canada, NZ, Britain and Germany, found the following among these countries: (1)the US is highest in cost; (2)the US has the highest error rate; (3)the US has the highest disorganized care. If you read my previous blog about David and his unfortunate venture into the medical world, you will recognize the "highest disorganized care" finding. For those who may be wondering, the view of these folks as to the health of medicine in this country is that "healthcare in the US is quietly imploding." For those of us fortunate enough to have good healthcare and good insurance, it really doesn't appear that bad. But, if you happen to be among the working poor in this nation, you are only to aware. I have seen this close up and personal. Members in my extended family who have working class jobs (Mom & Dad both work), but who have to ration healthcare because they can't afford the co-pays that go with it. Do I advocate universal health care (UHC)? If you haven't read my previous blogs on the matter, let me help you. YES!!

As President Bush's poll numbers drop down there with Nixon's Watergate numbers, let us just remind ourselves of the promises that came with him into the WH. "...uniter not a divider", "higher standards for those working in the WH", "The way you earn credibility with the American people is to set a clear agenda that everybody can understand"... Well let's see here. He still has three years to make good on any one, let alone all, of these and the rest of the political promises that spilled from Rove's mind. At this moment, he still has a divided nation. "Scooter" Libby stands indicted. Rove is still under investigation. There is now indication that the Italian's told Bush pre-Iraq that the fake letter which linked Saddam to Niger was produced by a rogue intel guy in Italy. Cheney just led a charge to dismantle the McCain bill that strictly forbids torture by US troops. Secret bases on foriegn soil used by the CIA to hold prisoners, so that they don't have to adhere to US, UN or any other law. And, the clear agenda that Mr. Bush spoke of seems to be more and more apparent. Do everything that can be done to enhance life for corporations, start a war, make the public debt so high that it forces the dismantling of the Welfare State. (Welfare State means those less fortunate).
Read an article today that was of the generic "How to prevent cold/flu" variety. Found the usual wash your hands (cool), avoid large crowds if you can, cough into your shoulder, get plenty of rest, items. Then there was, take aged garlic to prevent. That one got my attention. So, I went looking for verification of the statement. There is no recommendation by any National Health Agency for taking garlic to prevent a cold or the flu. So, just in case you have heard this from some other source, it's bullshit.
A retired Bexar (San Antonio,TX) County judge has been selected to oversee the proceedings in the trail of Tom DeLay. It turns out that Pat Priest, the retired judge, is a Democrat. Wonder what the DeLay camp is saying about that? Priest is described as a judge with a Social Conscience, which puts him at odds with DeLay and company right off the bat. Since Tom & company already had their shot, and the original judge stepped aside, this is the end of that ploy. No more complaints will be heard in the least, inside the judicial system. Hopefully, this will drag out well into next year when DeLay has to stand for re-election.
With the problems the Republicans are having and will continue to have into the forseeable future, it is entirely possible that we will have a complete regime change by the end of '08. I pity the poor sob who has to follow behind and clean up the mess that this administration (elephant) is making. It will take someone who can truly lead. At this juncture I am not committed to anyone in the field. But, like most folks I know, I'm looking for a radical departure from where we are today.

Thank You!! Rosa.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

My Right Arm

We have a friend, David, who is an upstanding citizen. He has a job, pays taxes, doesn't beat his wife, or kick his dog. In other words, he is a decent, hard working citizen.

In early July, he began to notice a loss of feeling in his right arm and pain radiating down his neck and into his arm and back. Like most, he paid little attention and went to work every day hoping that it would resolve itself. It didn't. David was sent into the medical maze with the hope and belief that those in the maze would take care of him and his problem. He was sent from specialist to specialist and test after test. During that time he became unable to do his job. And, the problem became worse and worse, until he entirely lost the ability to raise his arm. In mid October, he ran into his primary physician who asked him how things were going. David told him the story of how he had been sent from test to test with no attempt at resolution. The primary doctor made some phone calls and within a week, David was on his way to the surgical suite. His neck was opened up, discs removed and cadaver bones put in their place, a plate screwed into the spine for stability and he was sent home.

Ninety days unable to work. Ninety days of pain and agony. Ninety days of testing and reports to nowhere, concluding nothing. Brought to a place where he was attempting to get appointments on his own with the Mayo clinic.

Medical malpractice is a real thing. It does real damage to real David. Regardless of the bullshit spewed by physicians about how the cost of malpractice insurance is ruining their businesses, they will never admit to the fact that it just might be that many of them are just plain incompetent and have no business being there in the first place. I am not a lawyer. I have never played one on television. However, I worked inside the medical maze for many years. And, my advise to David was to make an appointment and go see an attorney specializing in medical malpractice.

The bottom line, for me, is that people who do damage to other people should be held accountable. I don't give a goddamn whether they have a gun or a scalpel. The pain, agony and suffering are just as damaging in any case.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Jesus Christ!!! Was that some spine showing in the Dem Group? YYYYAAAAAAHHHHHOOOOOO!!!! Harry Reid has given us a few glimpses over the last year, but this is exemplary action on his part. He has been prodding the Rebub's to act on the investigation of intel info pre-Iraq. They have been dragging it out and accomplishing absolutely nothing since before the election in '04. With Bush trying like hell to keep the Talking Points moving in his direction, as per the last five years, he brought out the Avian Flu show. Harry, wanting to keep the Talking Points on "Scooter" dragged the Senate into a closed session. The Repub's were out in full, and between snivel and pule, pissed as hell because they hadn't been notified pre-action. Of course, anyone who knows anything about the system knows that if he had, they would have quashed it instantly. Excellent move Harry. That, by the way, is why they call it politics. This action today took the Alito, Avian Flu pieces and put them where they belong...on page 2.

Have been putting 1 1/2 miles per trip, Mon/Wed/Fri in the pool. Terri has decided we need to also be working out at the gym. Either I am going to be one healthy SOB, or I will soon be dead. A glass, or two, of port helps the tired old muscles.