Saturday, January 13, 2007


There has been a flurry of articles and comments on the possibility of the US attacking Iran. There had been some few articles with speculation what with the deployment of war ships being put into place around Iran, but not much more until very recently. Suddenly there is speculation all over the blogosphere. Not much in the msm as one would expect, but it is beginning to filter through.

Of course from the Wankosphere there is denial and obfuscation. That too is to be expected. They've been at it now for six long, painful years. But of late, some few are beginning to say what needs to be said. Keith Olberman is the leader. He has been right on and unrelenting in his exposure of all that is rotten in the Bush Administration, GOP, FOX (Faux) News, and all of their miniondom.

Now there is a report that there are military types inside Iran doing the work they are trained to do. They are not my focus. Rather, the corrupt Administration that has placed them there, at the risk of igniting a regional conflict are my focus. These are people with no regard for human life. These are people who have no interest in the results of their actions. These are not responsible adults, but petulant, spoiled children who should be grounded. FOR LIFE.

As of today, I am squarely in the camp of those who would vote to Impeach. As late as yesterday I was one who was against this action. Not because I thought it was a bad idea. But, because there didn't seem to be the votes to take it to fruition. Count me out of that camp. This asshole needs to be sent back to Crawford, TX. No...wait...I don't want that useless fuck in my state. How about down to South America where he is buying property? Yea. That's it.

As for Iran, they have not intention of attacking the US. Getting their asses bombed out of power isn't what they have in mind. Unless, and until they make such a move, stay the fuck away from there.

Is there nuclear program a problem? Hell yes it's a problem. It's a problem that the US has nuclear weapons. But, that shouldn't make them the focus of an attack. We just gave India information for their nuclear program. And, they don't belong to the group of those nations who has signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty. So, why are we pissing with them?

Only to distract us friends. Only to distract us.

This from the Financial Times of London:
"US officials have previously told the Financial Times that they deem it their right to pursue terrorists wherever they are." Emphasis mine.

New Way Forward

The President of the US, has stated, in his Saturday address, that if anyone doesn't like his plan (New Way Forward) they need to come up with one of their own. So, let's see how that plays. John Murtha came up with a plan last year. That must have been missed in all of that voting uproar. The Iran Study Group thought it might be a good idea to discuss the whole thing with those who live nearby and are most apt to be involved in a conflagration that would widen. They suggested a New Way Forward. Must have been busy with cocktails. Joe Biden has put one forward. Maybe that one was missed what with all of the swearing in of Congress and all that that entails.

Oh, Oh, I know one teacher!!!!!! What about Russ Feingold and the don't get involved in the first place idea? Must have missed that, what with all the rest of those fine gentlemen voting to make it a go.

What a crock of shit. He didn't listen then, he's not listening now. He doesn't give a fat fuck what anybody thinks. He wants war and it doesn't matter who thinks otherwise. He is going to have his war. And, if the people need a distraction, then how about we lob a few into Iran and get their attention?

This guy is sick fucking psychopath. He needs to be removed from office to protect the rest of the world.

That would be my New Way Forward.

What do you think so far?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Death by Poverty

According to UNICEF 30,000 children die due to poverty per day. That would make for nearly 11, 000,000 deaths per year. Is there anyone on this planet who can justify this in any way? It is absolutely astonishing to me that we can allow such a thing to happen with the food reserves we have. Would it be tough to accomplish? Of course it would. Someone has to pay the farmers for their product. It has to be distributed. That is no easy task. But, could it be done? No doubt about it.

We spend trillions on wars, bridges to nowhere, and tax write offs to the top 1%. We waste billions on face lifts, beauty creams, and high priced tennis shoes. Yet 30,000 children die because of poverty. That is not only shameful, it is a crime. It is murder.

It's only 3,000. We have to sacrifice.