Friday, December 15, 2006


President Bush says he is sleeping better than people might think. Actually, no one is surprised at all. Everyone knows the man has no conscience, otherwise he would have resigned in disgrace several years ago.

But just to recap: Katrina, Abu Graihb, Guantanamo, habeus corpus, rendition, and lest we should forget, Iraq and the cut-and-run policy in Afganistan.

Yes indeed the man must be sleeping like a baby. Or, perhaps like a complete inhuman ass-hole. Hard to say which...not really. His lack of humanity, stuck in the frat boy stage, run up the Jesus flag, to cover up his complete lack of understanding of anything approaching adult thinking just seems so...uh...right wing.

This fool and his cabal are thrilled to point out that the trade deficit fell to 58.9 BILLION dollars in October. Could someone please explain to me how in the fuck you can be happy by falling in the hole by only 58.9 BILLION dollars?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

ISG Report

Sure glad all of those well known folks who were for the war to start with did a study and found that the whole thing is an abject failure. However, there was no bottom line as far as I am concerned. Pick up your rifles and go home. How in the hell could they spend six months looking at this thing and come to any other conclusion?

Now, to be sure, they all have credentials that carry a whole lot more weight than mine. But at the end of the day, they have 79 suggestions. Some good, before the war started. All of them now, in my estimation, are no more than just a way for the entrenched power types to set up there next power move. So much bullshit. It was if those dying had no real meaning at all. And, for them, that may be true. Since none of them have loved ones in harm's way.

So what does it all get us? Bush say's he's going to take the suggestions seriously. Seriously? The guy hasn't got a fuckin' clue what seriously is all about. He absolutely believes that his policy decisions will be vindicated. He, even at this late date, has no idea that he is the worst President this country has ever had, and that he has made in every case, the worst possible choices for this country. So, seriously? No way on this warming planet.

As for his pronouncement on this study? He's waiting on several more studies now underway to see what they have to offer. And his chief advisor, Andrew Card? Bush know's more about this subject than anyone on the panel selected. Now they can just go home and shut the fuck up. Of course that is what we would expect from these arrogant, thieving, lying, stealing, bloviating assholes.

So. What have we here? A study by ultimate insider's with relevance near the nil line, to be ignored by the Idiot-in-Chief. Even those few things which might make any real difference, like talking with Syria and Iran, are out of the question. Boy, I'm sure glad we took the time, effort, and money to do that.

Another Talking Point

For several years now there has been this Republican talking point which concerns medical-malpractice lawsuits. The crux of the complaint has been that with all of the frivolous lawsuits filed against innocent medical types, has driven up there cost of doing business (read insurance) as well as killing their profits. Sending them either to practice their craft in some far flung place, or given it up all together.

So, I was quite surprised to find that an article in the New England Journal of Medicine said that although doctors do indeed pay high malpractice-insurance premiums and that it was true that litigation is expensive for all parties, those who win such lawsuits are exceedingly rare. And, are far outnumbered by those cases in which a patient is injured by medical error and goes uncompensated.

Insurance money went to those who had been injured rather than those who had made baseless claims. This, they said, suggested that "moves to combat frivolous litigations will have a limited effect on total costs."

Plaintiffs, said the study, lost four-fifths of the lawsuits that actually went to trial. About 85% of all cases were settled out of court.

Perhaps looking at the Scandanavian model would be of more use than blaming the victim. In that model, special courts abitrate medical disputes.

Yet another Republican talking point takes a shit. Wonder why the MSM didn't spread the word on that one?

A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to relegion. - Aristotle