Monday, January 14, 2008


My intention is to restart my postings. There are many reasons for the grand hiatus, however, they are of no real import to anyone but myself.

This first post is about personal stuff. The first item is this, if you are male, and near or inside the middle age area, pay attention. Last Monday I had reason to travel. My back ached, all of the major muscle groups ached, and all of my joints ached. Monday night I was up to pee every two hours from 8 til 2. This nonsense continued throughout the week. Last night I noticed that it was getting uncomfortable to sit. The issue was a vague pain just behind the scrotum (ball sack). This morning it was decided that it is an enlarged Prostate. Antibiotics for 14 days. No big deal. But, it gave me reason to think about he number of times I have heard others say that you should pay attention and have those vague pains checked out immediately. I will be paying more attention, sooner.

Oldest brother, Bill, died at the end of September. The original ten are now down to six. The old boy was in his mid 80's and had lost any real quality of life that was remaining over the previous year. Very tough on his family, as he was always the big tough Marine who could and did take care of everything. But, they also understood that he was better off by far.

Brother-in-law, Joe, died just after Christmas. Went up to Arkansas and spent time with nephew Bud and his son Joseph. They lost mother, grandmother Eunice two years ago. Been a tough couple of years.

While that was going on, got word from youngest sister, Laura, that her gall bladder had been removed, adhesions pulled loose (previous ovarian ca surgery) and a small hole torn in the small intestine (adhesion's) repaired. So, went from burial to wound packing, cooking and whatevering.

We have arrived at the point where enough white papers have been released that we know where Presidential candidates stand on issues. If we have been diligent, we have read these paper's and have aligned ourselves with the respective candidate.

In my case, that is John Edwards. He, like any other, does not hold all of the issues that I find important, sacrosanct. However, he aligns most closely with my views. It must be stated that of all of the candidates involved, Kucinich would be my favorite. However, he doesn't have the backing, in any respect that will propel him to the WH. Thus my choice of JRE.

Further, it should be obvious from the above, that no matter who the candidate for the Democratic Party is, I will vote for that person. Since they are light years above anything that the Republican Party could/would offer.