Sunday, October 02, 2005

After watching at other sites, mostly Dkos, I have decided to participate in the sphere by publishing my own blog. The purpose is fairly simple. As much as I agree with the many, and sharper in the arena, none speak for me in my own language. Therefore, let the games begin...with: As many friends as I have who are still on the Bush bandwagon, it baffles how they come to the conclusion that he is anything but a dupe. It is beyond my comprehension to believe that the man has ever had an original thought. Yes, I've heard the bit about him being someone you could have a beer with. That is pure bullshit. I am someone you could have a beer with. That in know way qualifies me to be the President of the United States. This is not someone who makes well reasoned decisions. But, who makes snap decisions based on anything fed to him by those surrounding him. The frightening part is that these people are not principled, but people with a desire to do the best they can to better their own class (business) with no thought as how it might affect the country at large. They care not one whit how much damage their actions might have on the rest of the world or that there may be consequences detrimental to our own existence. With this mangled mess going in, it becomes clearer how his decisons can be so tragic. In the case of Iraq, Cheney wanted to go to war, W thought is was a great idea (oil/daddy) and the country was lied to and led down the path. In the case of NO, no one fed him anything and that is what he did.

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