Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Huffington is my new hero. That woman is everywhere. There is a report over at Huffingtonpost.com that Fitzgerald is somehow trying to tie Cheney into Plamegate. To many possibilities to try and trace them all right now. However, if Cheney were named as an unindited co-conspirator, that would send him home. Bushco would have to come up with a name that could be passed by voice vote in both houses. Who? McCain? Condi? Need to ponder on that a while. And, what if McCain gets the nod? Very hard to beat McCain if he's already in the seat. Maybe Clark/Edwards?

New In-Sink-Erator in place. And, it works...with no leaks. Tomorrow I can go put a mile or so in the pool. That's one of the best parts of my retired routine. Terri taught me how to swim, not just keep may head above water, about 15 years ago. It is now my favorite sport. Just a hair above skiing. Can't wait for ski season. Last year it was so bad all of the resorts closed up in early Jan and never re-opened. Think I'll take a chance and get a season lift ticket for Steven's Pass.

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