Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Great Day!!

My favorite time of year, autumn. Today, partly cloudy and maybe 60. Time to prune the rose bushes, hedge, and small alder trees. Not much of a rise mind you, but enjoyable.

Harriet Miers selected by...Harriet Meirs for SCOTUS. Kind of like Cheney picking Cheney. Heck'uva job Brownie. Only time will tell whether she will be part of a social liberties, regressive, snatch back.

Am paying more attention to Wes Clark. The only Progressive candidate with balls enough to do a smash down on the likes of Limbaugh and O' Reilly. Play to the middle my ass. Play to your strong suit. Attack the Bush cabal and make it known that there will be no kowtowing to these assholes.

And, yes I feel better now.

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