Friday, October 07, 2005

H.R. 3893

So, there is this House bill, which eliminates safeguards for building new refineries and creating a scheme to weaken clean air and water protections that only benefit polluting industries. And, in a five minute vote (called for by the management) it is defeated 210-212. However, there is a postponement for an hour while the indicted Delay does some...counceling on the floor. There are some changes to votes made and what do you know, the bill passes 212-210. With all that is going on in the Republican Party, one might thing that a postponement of an hour to twist arms to pass a bill wouldn't been advised. Not these folks. They are corrupt and cannot act in any other way. Democratic Leader Pelosi went before the cameras and made her feelings known, but nothing showed up in MSM tonight during prime time news. Where in the hell is the press? I guess the same might be asked about the ten thwarted terrorist attacks. The MSM is now doing no more than shilling for the right. Pathetic Bastards. It pays for those on the left to be vigilant.

Put in 1 1/4 miles in the pool this morning, inside 43 minutes. Felt pretty good. May up the distance to 1 1/2 just to see how it goes.

Picking up Carmen and Samantha in the morning for a partial day. It will be good to see them. Interested in hearing all about everything. Both interested in playing basketball, maybe I can get them moving in that direction. Grades and sports, too. Cool.

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