Monday, October 24, 2005

This Week

Had hoped to see an indictment come down last week in the V.P. case. Didn't happen, but hopefully it was just putting off the inevitable. The Grand Jury is due to expire midnight 10/28/05. The Republican spin is something like they will need something besides perjury, since that is such a non issue. However, a very well done article by kos, over at , brings back to life words quite the opposite by a host of Republicans back in '99. Specifically, Senator Kay Hutchison from Texas. She was on Russert's show yesterday (10/23/05) and made the remark expecting no push back. Russert, quite out of character, reminded her of the 180 from '99. There was no response from Hutchison. She should have been forced to back up her words. Although, even one follow-up question by Russert of a Republican must be seen as a very large step.

Three Republicans were faced with a replay of the Hutchison remark yesterday on Hardball this afternoon. One spun himself into the ground. One said that Democrats in Seattle (where he is today) are dismissing the perjury charges as being of little import, that the real issue is Iraq and the fact that we were lied to about the reasons for going in. The third basically said that Bush has two ways to go. One bad, the other worse. The first would be to get rid of all of his staff and start again, with an apology to the citizens of the U.S. The second would be to go down with the ship. Hmmmmm.

Just a question here. Why would Fitzgerald set up a web site concerning this whole affair, and then end the Grand Jury proceedings with no indictments, or with a report?

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