Monday, October 31, 2005

Chris Matthews

This afternoon, Chris Matthews took a paper from a production person and proclaimed that the Democrats had defamed the Supreme Court Nominee, Mr. Alito, in a talking points paper being passed around. Being the lazy ass that he is, he started running the party line before he did any fact checking or even a quick read of the paper. Turns out, it was bullshit. The papers are on-line and available to those who would like to verify this. The whole affair has the smell of Rove. Although, it was first seen on the Drudge site and one cannot forget that this character's name should really be Sludge. It will be interesting to see how the MSM plays the whole affair tomorrow. And, it will be interesting to hear what Matthews has to say. Shill.

Also of interest today was the exchange between Gregory of NBC and Scottie, at the WH briefing. Jeff has been on Scottie boy's ass since Katrina hit. Today he seemed to come down to calling him a liar. Of course, he is. But, rarely does anyone confront the spinners at 1600 Penn. Maybe. Just maybe. The WHPC is going to come to life and start confronting these people every time they start lieing. It was a thing of beauty.

We went to watch "Grapes of Wrath" at a theatre in Seattle yesterday. Wonderful. The acting was not Broadway, but it did hit all of the highlights. And, it was delightful to get back to a story that I have read many times over the years. It was good to get back into a theatre, as well. We get to a few productions every year, but never enough.

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