Sunday, October 09, 2005

days off

Sure enough got to visit with Carmen and Samantha for a few hours yesterday. COOOOOOL!!!!! They introduced me to Claire's. Boy am I happy about that. Samantha kept us there for about a week or so. Fortunately, the cost was minimal. Had pizza, one slice roughly the size of Deleware. And, they took me to a park. FILLED with blackberry bushes. Thank You, girls!!!!! At the end, however, they got us safely to a 31 flavors ice cream place. Let me just say there is EGG NOG ice cream available to one and all. Just in case you were wondering.

Thanks!! to there parents for letting them loose with me for a few hours. No harm done. Right?

Since it came up today...let me introduce some to this new idea. We are moving to Georgetown, TX, sometime during '07. The house will go up for sale around Apr/May of that year. Sometime after that, we will head south. We already have a place to stay, thanks to Keith, so that once in place we can decide whether to buy a new place, or pick up a previously owned place. At Sun City, TX., previously owned, would mean, somebody died. Just to keep everyone on the same page:-]

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