Tuesday, October 11, 2005

TALLY HO!!! The Fox.

Not, there goes the mother fucker. Got That? heh

Cool day yesterday. Got hooked with MySpace.com which in turn hooked me up with Kerri, Ryan and Dani. All grown up adults doing whatever grown up adults do.

Today is the day for installing the new garbarateur. YeeHaw!!

Bush on another photo-op tour. Saving lots of fuel there, prez. Trying to do his impression of President Carter with Habitat for Humanity. Standing there watching a woman pound a nail before he started. Probably a learning thing.

A report that Scooter is leaving the country. Any possibility the rest of those ass-hats will follow his lead? Maybe someplace like...Nigeria. There oil connections would help them out down there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ass-hats?! Ahahahahaha! Sorry, I got nothin'.